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Everything posted by Thrik

  1. Might be some edible flesh left on that bone.
  2. Yes for sure, 1440p is a nice sweet spot where you get much of the ‘ah nice this is higher than 1080p’ benefit without destroying your gaming device. In practice, game consoles now tend to output at 4K but dynamically adjust the resolution from as low as 1080p right up to 4K, often hovering around 1400–1800p. Strangely this option is uncommon in PC games. It wouldn’t surprise me to discover some streaming platforms like Netflix might have something in between 1080p and 4K that gets used where bandwidth is good but not great.
  3. Check out the dream sequence again.
  4. It’s @Laserschwert’s time to shine.
  5. Laughed a good few times at that. 😄
  6. I definitely get what you mean about the humour, which I have always thought of as quite understated and deadpan in the first two games. I’ve always found it odd when reviews were like ‘This game is HILARIOUS!’ because I find it’s more the sort of game that elicits knowing smirks. I’d never think to show it someone and expect them to be rolling all over the place laughing. Curse takes on a more family-friendly tone using increased goofiness, lovable villains, fewer grim moments, slapstick, etc. However it still retains some of that original ‘heh heh’ humour and is a balance I enjoy. Escape and Tales I seem to recall going a bit more full-on with the goofy humour but it’s been so long since I played them I’ll need my imminent replay to refresh my memory.
  7. Yeah, I mean don’t expect miracles but you should enjoy it @ThunderPeel2001, as long as you’ve got the appropriate setup. In my ‘man cave’ where I’m pretty close to a 55-inch TV I can appreciate the differences quite easily, but with the 65-inch downstairs I can’t — because we sit quite a bit further away. The thing about 4K is that it creates a ‘sharper than sharp’ sort of effect. A starfield is a classic example, where the dimmest stars would occupy less than one pixel in HD, yet in 4K you can still perceive them even though you can’t see the individual pixels themselves as such. I guess it’s a similar concept to ‘retina’ screens on phones. It’s not so much that you can see the extra detail, but that the detail is so fine it creates this perception of a much more detailed image a la real life. Of course, all this falls apart if the source material isn’t ideal, you’re too far away, or your vision isn’t so hot. It’s also worth noting that it’s an entirely different situation with games. The difference is very visible there; even going from 1080p to 2K makes a notable difference. I think it’s because of the perfectly sharp nature of games, plus the fact that many have jagged edges or other such artifacts. Cinema smooths this out somewhat.
  8. Have you not used a 4K TV? The difference is quite obvious, although yes it tapers off over distance. You absolutely can tell the difference at, say, 55 or 65 inches, which are now fairly typical living room TV sizes. I eyeballed the difference in sharpness between the trilogies straight away the other week while doing a marathon, which as we saw above I now know the reason for.
  9. Haha. Overall despite the tampering it was a joy to see the original trilogy in 4K and HDR. Weirdly I think they look even sharper than the prequel trilogy, probably the film used or something.
  10. Is this citable or is it your suspicion? I only ask because this sort of stand-off is a very long-standing cinematic trope. When I watched it, it brought to mind this classic Bond scene which predates TGTBATU:
  11. Man, that scene is terrible in 4K. You can see that they seemingly replaced Harrison Ford with a CGI model and the surrounding area isn’t quite right either, for example the wall next to him has different details.
  12. Well, in the end I think we can all agree on one thing, and that’s that The Curse of Monkey Island is the best LucasArts game with the best verb interface.
  13. I’m glad you did some analysis on this. I was almost going to get some sheet music out or record each using the same instrument to show the damn things are the same. 😅 I think with things like this it’s easy to get thrown off by the stylistic differences, but for sure that is the same melody.
  14. Going back to O du lieber Augustin, it looks like there are loads of variations of this tune, according to the song’s Wikipedia page (see under ‘Use in other musical works’): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_du_lieber_Augustin
  15. Haha. Also, the ‘ABC’ song. It freaked me out when I first discovered this. Another one of these generics I know is Johnny Is Coming Home: This made its way into the ‘Ants Go Marching’ and ‘Noah’s Ark’ nursery rhymes. 😅
  16. Ah, I see. The blasted thing is a generic folk/rhyme tune, like the one used for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, etc. 🥲
  17. Funny how these things go. Remi had a similar response, but it jumps out at me like crazy. The first section where the guy sings in the folk song is totally the same melody to my ears. 😆 Especially if you adjust the speeds on YouTube as the folk song is much faster.
  18. As we know quite a few tunes in Monkey Island are derived from old folk music and the like. Here’s one I hasn’t come across, courtesy of Reddit:
  19. I believe most of it survives here: https://web.archive.org/web/20180926094338/http://www.worldofmi.com/features/trivia/ Plus of course The SCUMM Bar and The Legend of MI continue to thrive survive. It’s all too easy to get lost in a nostalgic dive through those sites.
  20. I’m sorry, please explain this paradigm to me?
  21. Hmm! Does the iPad version have actual point-and-click controls or does it simulate how it’s played with a mouse?
  22. I really like that you have texture on there. Although Double Fine did a good, meticulous job with the DoTT update I did find that sometimes it all just seemed a bit too smooth and perfect — especially where texture that was in the original graphics wasn’t maintained in favour of a fully flat shade style. This is more up my street.
  23. Haha. I discovered this for the first time during my recent playthrough, complete with Dom acting.
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