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Everything posted by Thrik

  1. Good to know the mastering isn’t as gravely long a process as I thought. 😅
  2. I guess if you imagine one person is doing the mastering (not sure if that’s typical) and you imagine it’s five minutes to do each line, that’s still like 140 working days to do all 14,000. 😅 Maybe it’s multiple people, maybe it’s more or less time per line. In any case, there’s plenty to do!
  3. Ribbon bookmarks do exist like that, no idea if there’s any historical context to it. 😅 It was always like that, as demonstrated by this screenshot from 2009: If you look at the picture upside down it doesn’t look right, so it doesn’t seem to be flipped.
  4. The good news is that it seems to run nicely on Mac using Parallels, even on an ARM Mac (M1, etc). Someone still needs to try CrossOver, which is more like (well, is) WINE rather than running the entire Windows OS like Parallels does. I haven’t been able to bring myself to fork out for that too… yet.
  5. I’m reading Rogue Leaders properly after first skimming through the bits about the games I like 14 years ago, and I think it’s a good book — as long as you take it more like a ‘Masters of Doom’ origin story rather than expecting too much in the way of new art curios, etc.
  6. Marius’ video was wonderful and a joy. 😁
  7. I always thought ResidualVM did fully support Escape, but having checked its status page it appears that it has quite some issues. I have to say, even when I played Grim using ResidualVM I found the experience rather rocky. It sounds like there are already perfectly adequate means of getting Escape running on a modern machine. Maybe custom patches or functionality could enhance that somewhat? Personally, I always favour tooling that preserves the original games and just gives them the right environment to run in. ScummVM and ResidualVM are both quite nuclear options in that they essentially replace the engine, leading to all sorts of complexity which is probably why it takes years to get things done. It’s very difficult, and done by fans.
  8. I’ve split some posts in here out into a new thread. I don’t think it’s fair to bog this thread down in debate about what ScummVM should and shouldn’t do, its priorities, etc. Please keep this discussion focused on DREAMM, ideally taking into account its scope and goals which Aaron has very clearly laid out on the website.
  9. I feel like what you’re talking about belongs in a thread more specifically about ScummVM, Zaxx. I don’t think it’s fair to get too into the weeds about perceived ScummVM shortcomings when this is a different tool built for a different job — authenticity. As you say, you’re probably not the target audience.
  10. I’ve left all the map restoration discussion in here because I consider that part of the poster project, however the box discussion now has its own nice new thread. 😀
  11. There is precedence for DREAMM supporting modified versions of games, such as Ultimate Talkie, which Aaron may or may not be willing to extend to other games. I guess the point is that it isn’t DREAMM itself doing or facilitating any sort of enhancement — it’s just running the games.
  12. It depends on if that eastern time is in daylight savings I guess. It’s hard enough as it is, never mind countries now starting to no longer follow daylight savings. 😂
  13. It’s interesting that the get-ups match but the details are quite off, I’m more inclined to think it was a coincidence. Like Fink has no beard in MI2, and Bart is chubby and friendly-looking.
  14. I too can admit this about myself. When I replay Monkey Island, etc the puzzles are so baked into my memory I’m not really solving puzzles at all — I’m just enjoying the atmosphere, characters, locations, story, etc. On the rare occasion I play a truly new adventure games, or at least new to me, I find my patience for tough puzzles is very low. Even with ones I’ve played before but mostly forgotten, like Broken Sword, I find I’m quick to grab the walkthrough. I couldn’t say I enjoy the games any less as a result. They go past more quickly sure, but all I’m missing out on is getting increasingly frustrated as I have to keep making long trips between areas, often to find the answer was something really daft. 😅
  15. I’m hoping the game won’t spend too much time on Melee. It’s a very played-out location, so I’d like them to keep it short but sweet. Hit us with some key locations and themes, then move it on. 😄
  16. I still want to see the MI2 backgrounds AI upscaled, ideally trained using the Peter Chan art. 😅
  17. You might want to jump back to maybe pages 20–30-ish in this thread. There was a really meaty discussion about the series’ anachronisms and whether the secret was hell or not. Not to discourage further discussion of it! But you may enjoy reading some of those thoughts. It could even be a thread in its own right, as this stuff gets somewhat buried in here.
  18. Yeah, if you consume everything else, the treasure map is basically the only thing that the game prevents you from using prematurely. However, if you never pick it up in the first place you are stuffed. @Huz weren’t you looking into some Otis business?!
  19. And of course half the lights are probably fluorescent anyway. 🎡
  20. Those are good! I like your alternate take on the borders.
  21. Haha, yeah I guess I should give it a go once I get some time on the computer. I’m interested to see what other odd differences there might be, like the ‘dead chicken’ in that inventory!
  22. I’ve never really thought about it before but I guess those doors are the first indication it’s all a theme park, where Guybrush rapidly jumps into the underground tunnels to reach the next door. Only joking. But I do know that in the MI1 demo you can use the doors to get onto the parapet(s)… Did they also have the shortcut behaviour, or did they just add that after deciding to bin the parapet? I never played this version of the demo.
  23. 👕 I beat #Mojole and all I got was this stupid t-shirt. 3/6 🖤🖤🖤🖤💚 🖤🖤🖤🖤💚 💚💚💚💚💚 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Mojole/
  24. I don’t know about those, but this sure looks good! https://archive.org/details/monkey_202106
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