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Everything posted by Thrik

  1. Makes me think of this thread: Here we noted that in addition to the CD version seeming to lose the VGA version’s dynamic sprite lighting — where characters would be lighter/darker according to the scene they’re in — the Special Editions and Ultimate Talkie added lighting within scenes that lit the sprites differently according to where they were exactly. I had completely overlooked that in addition to those excellent Details of Monkey Island, MI2 has its own functionality in this respect. It’s also used when going through the swamp, the House of Mojo, and presumably plenty of other places.
  2. I might be mistaken but I think it’s potentially the better version. It came a little later and includes refinements such as in-game Monkey Kombat assistance I believe. Not sure how quality of audio, etc compares. With an emulator you can probably run it in HD regardless.
  3. Generally speaking, the nuclear solution is to use Windows. If you have an Intel Mac you can install Windows as a secondary boot drive. With the newer M1-based Macs you can only run Windows using Parallels, which is also an option for Intel Macs. This runs an entire version of Windows within macOS and is very effective, especially for older games where performance is less of an issue. There is also Crossover, which uses WINE to translate Windows code to Mac. However this is less reliable and tends to be very game-specific in terms of how well it works. So far using Parallels I’ve played Broken Sword, the Monkey Island SEs, Planet Coaster, Surviving Mars, and even ran DREAMM to play MI1 EGA. This is all quite general. For your use case specifically (EMI) you might find a more specific solution. Now the bad news. As with all things Mac, these apps are a bit pricey.
  4. Damn, I was going to find a picture of terrible 90s curtains hair but stumbled upon Guybrush Threepwood:
  5. The updated logo looks like the title font on the books I read to my one-year-old.
  6. I never really noticed before the similarities between the Monkey Island and Full Throttle logos. 😵‍💫
  7. https://mixnmojo.com/news/Tami-Borowick-interviewed-by-another-more-professional-website Sharing this on the forums because I have no time to watch this just now, but am dying to know if there are interesting Monkey Island tidbits! 😅
  8. The line read that makes me want to carve my face off is the very beginning of MI2SE:
  9. Well, thank goodness he was Herman all along! Er… I think? (If we just ignore the captain’s log on MI1’s Sea Monkey.)
  10. I forgot to say, I agree that broadly her role was pretty poor in CMI. In fact, if you skipped the opening cutscene entirely as I did because I wanted to skip the credits and had no idea it stitched the cutscene onto the end, you hear virtually nothing from her the entire game. It’s a shame the little depth that the ending would have added was cut. Even if it was a retread of MI1’s ‘Elaine is fine actually’.
  11. It’s worth noting that MI1 is where we first saw Elaine doting on Guybrush with very little reason to do so. She almost immediately flips from being quite standoffish to wanting his clothes off and inviting him back to her place. The hot/cold nature of the relationship was established in those two games, so it doesn’t seem a crazy stretch to me that she’d be feeling loved up again months/years after losing him to Big Whoop (I forget if the game said how long).
  12. Christ, the meme has hit Twitter!!!!!
  13. Yeah it’s a pretty superficial joke. 😅 The game takes you through all sorts of sci-fi and supernatural craziness, but fundamentally you are a courier, as opposed to a soldier or plumber.
  14. LeChuck likes to keep his fortress and galleon delivery staff separate. Did anyone notice that the format of that Monkey Island room is quite Big Whoop tunnels-esque? 🤔
  15. It even had a bespoke and in-depth animation for Guybrush climbing the rope, which the Special Edition paid tribute to by having him essentially glide up it instead, as if he were using The Force™. 😀
  16. These are just things that chipped away at my enjoyment quite a lot, and I’d enjoy them being rectified before finally replaying: Reuse of character models, resulting in many looking like lightly modified versions of one another, even major ones like Winslow Similar to above but animations, like that bloody finger clicking Soundtrack was given a cheapo treatment for PC, so excellent Land compositions don’t really get to shine (the Wii version did use proper Land-picked instrumentation but… is the Wii version) LeChuck voice acting recasting, which I think was only rectified for the DVD version…?! Detail can be a bit lacking My understanding is that a lot of this is down to the game being designed for Wii, which had very strict disk space limitations. So a remaster has a great opportunity to lift the ceiling on some of this stuff.
  17. I gritted my teeth through MI1SE, and am now enjoying MI2SE where there are far less technical oversights. It’s a shame these games didn’t get much in the way of updates because most of the MI1SE issues are fixable, aside from the art which I’m happy to concede to being a matter of opinion. I’ll hopefully get through CMI and EMI by the time ReMI comes out, the latter of which I haven’t played for about 20 years. I do want to replay Tales at some point, but I find the compromises and issues really sad, and am holding out hope for an eventual remaster from SkunkApe.
  18. It’s a fair point. I think it could set a nicer tone to only have positive reactions. We’ve only ever had the middle finger one previously, but I suspect the ‘nicer’ rolling eyes could actually end up being used more sincerely to unkind effect.
  19. That all-important meaningless number within everyone’s profile, of course!
  20. It’s really nice and nostalgic to see the old logo used again. With that said, I did enjoy how the gold guy was adaptable to being dressed up, turned into a skeleton, etc. 😀
  21. Coincidentally I’m just reading Rogue Leaders and:
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