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Status Updates posted by EnderWiggin

  1. A bit tired, a bit busy.


    Same old, same old.





  2. Congrats on your promotion!



  3. .....we invited arcwhatever to the skype? what is going on here?



  4. Hmm. I didn't know that. Q and I and even Astro talk nicely to each other there.



  5. Your profile pic kind of freaks me out a bit :/



  6. It's good to see you again. :)



  7. Don't AP scores come out in July? I was expecting a post from you in the good things thread in the Swamp (or the bad things thread, I suppose) :)



  8. I really hope so! :)



  9. Sorry, it seems we just miss each other when we're on. :(



  10. I miss you on skype.



  11. I'm not going to build until after Windows 7 comes out.


    If I buy an X58 motherboard when it goes on sale (say, maybe Sept) and then try to buy a Dx11 video card around Christmas, am I going to have trouble?



  12. I kind of am wondering where the heck you've been for 16 days.



  13. Where have you been, Hiding Lion?



  14. Could you please go to the thread in the Senate and tell Totenkopf he's an ass?


    Thanks in advance :)



  15. I check the Senate every time I log on - I only check Kavar's rarely. I think it would get better activity in the Senate as well. So please do.


    I'll start looking up some good info on the fossil record and etc.



  16. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I think the world was not created in 6 days for many many reasons, the fossil record being the first.


    I also think it does matter how long it took, because of the principle of the matter. If people can understand that sola scriptura isn't logical, perhaps we can get less fundamentalism and more compromise.


    Again, it would be easier to discuss in a thread.



  17. Really though - if you want to actually test your beliefs a little bit, make that thread about the world being made in 6-days over in the Senate.


    I think that if you enter the thread with an open mind, you'll objectively view the evidence and decide to support it. And you can do all of that without even becoming an atheist :xp:



  18. Either of the two previous ones. They were nice :)



  19. You should go back to your last avatar, D3.


    I liked that one so much better :)



  20. Talk to Prime! He was the one who posted it back in '06 :xp:



  21. **** trees; I climb buoys, mother****er.



  22. Thank god I wasn't around then. It would've driven me crazy :D



  23. Pick something, woman!


    Gosh, so indecisive :xp:



  24. :lol:


    All's right with the world.



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