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Darth InSidious

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Status Updates posted by Darth InSidious

  1. ohai. I hear u're liek, humon or sth. what's up with that?

  2. You know how much I love selective scholarship. :p

  3. Veuillez agréer, Madame, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées... :p

  4. I was accidentally going along the Via Sacra, meditating on some trifle or other, as is my custom, and totally intent upon it. A certain person, known to me by name only, runs up; and, having seized my hand, “How do you do, my dearest fellow?” “Tolerably well,” say I, “as times go; and I wish you every thing you can desire.” When he still followed me; “Would you any thing?” said I to him. But, “You know me,” says he: “I am a man of learning.” “Upon that account,” says I: “you will have more of my esteem.” Wanting sadly to get away from him, sometimes I walked on apace, now and then I stopped, and I whispered something to my boy. When the sweat ran down to the bottom of my ankles. O, said I to myself, Bolanus, how happy were you in a head-piece!



  5. ...As she wheeled her wheel-barrow,

    Through streets broad and narrow...

  6. Oh.


    Is it then the ghost of Vermeer of Delft which can also be used as a table?

  7. You have changed your avatar.


    I approve. Although I would have thought The Son of Man might have been more to your tastes.

  8. Err... Swydd'far Post? :p

  9. Ner'vod!!


    Pa hem em pa heqa imy pa itrw.

  10. Qu'est-ce que tu fais dans ton temps libre?

  11. iu sedjemi pa heqa n pa tawy.

  12. Imn-m-H3t-m-itji-tawy

  13. She might be. IMO her direct predecessor is Ravel Puzzlewell, but certainly I think there are elements of Sycorax, Eliot's Mme. Sosostris, and other figures in there.

  14. Sam, you mad fool! You've been moderator'd. :mad:

  15. That sounds pretty bad, Sam. You should read Summa Contra Gentiles instead. :p

  16. Yes, well, just as well you did. We wouldn't want all that power and money and success and stuff anyway, would we? Not us!

  17. Those rules don't exactly sound very nice, Sam. They sound pretty mean, in fact.

  18. The rules of Google? I'm not feeling lucky. (Is this a grammatical remark, or are they undignified?)

  19. No need for the "ointellectual" bit, Cheez.

  20. iknorite? :p


    You sure you don't want me to do a special version for Traya for your mod? :p

  21. Haven't had a chance to look through properly, but I did glance - looking good! Although I do feel it's missing a certain something... :p

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