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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Hello again. Long time no see.

  2. Hello! We've never met or spoken in any way, but Happy Birthday!

  3. Her character's unconscious, Niera is carrying her out of the garbage, and Niera sent Juhani a message about retrieving the device.

  4. Hey Chev, I'm planning on using photoshop to make some "live action" pictures of various characters in the Sith Resurrection series. Who would you suggest for Alriana?

  5. Hey Doctor, I know you've spoken highly of my RP series in the past, so I'm wondering, would you like to join it for the final instalment?

  6. Hey want to join my new RP Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VIII: Wrath of the Empire?

  7. Hey, any chance you'd be interested in my RP Heroes of Nentir Vale?

  8. Hey, I just had an awesome idea for a new RP setting. Interested?

  9. Hey, I've got the Casting Call for The Sith Resurrection Part VIII up, if you want to come back.

  10. Hey, in A Glimmer of Hope, do you think having Kurt stationed on the Cygnus might be a good idea?

  11. Hey, would you mind taking a look at my new YouTube channel?

  12. Hey! Happy Birthday!

  13. Hit print screen. Paste it into an image editing program, crop it, and save it.

  14. Hold on, for the last bit you edited out, redundant is the wrong word. Seemingly meaningless is the one I was going for.

  15. Honestly, about the two CQs, I've probably done worse on there.

  16. Honestly, I had written her off as never coming back months ago. Nowadays I satisfy my need to write with MLP fics.

  17. Hopefully, I'll be able to get to that as soon as JediMaster12 posts, but I've been hoping for her to end the fight with the Blood King for a while.

  18. How about the Doctor through the eyes of a Dalek? That's dramatic.

  19. How are there two of you if you were absent for a year?

  20. How essential are those Krogan bouncers in Genesis?

  21. How familiar are you with Doctor Who?

  22. How interested are you in roleplaying? There's a lesbian character in one of my RP's that I've been trying to pawn off to someone else for a while.

  23. How much do you know about what happened in Wrath of the Empire?

  24. How much do you like the band Rush? I've got the first part of a musical I'm writing with their music posted in the CEC.

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