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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Not to be rude or anything, but could you try to post a bit more frequently in The Threefold War?

  2. Nothing's really for sure though. Currently, my plan is for that to happen near the end of Part V, with Komad explaining what had happened to the Governor, similar to the end of the Doctor Who episode Journey's End. I'm thinking then Part VI might explore how Kalla took the loss of Andorra, with Tonatius comforting her, eventually more, which could lead to problems if Andorra escapes Virul's control.

  3. Now might be a good time for your input in The Threefold War. And on that topic CommanderQ has some new art up on the group page.

  4. Now superstitious members can no longer call you the devil! Not that I honestly care, I'm an Atheist.

  5. Now that you mention it, I think the first full episode of Doctor Who I watched was one written by Steven Moffat. Just think of all the Gas Mask Zombies, Clockwork Droids, Weeping Angels, holes in the space time continuum the exact size of Belgium, and Vashta Nerada he'll be facing off against.

  6. Now that you mention it, there are actually four members of the group who have never been in any of my RP's.

  7. Now, I think I'm waiting for you to post in response to Kalla.

  8. Oblivion is the fourth Elder Scrolls game, not the third.

  9. Oddly enough, I had said that thing in Drunken Time Travellers before reading Girls' Night Out.

  10. Of course, there's still a good bit in Part V before Part VI starts.

  11. Oh, and they're just about to reach the labs in A Glimmer of Hope, if you want to take back the role of Lenatha.

  12. Ok, and in case you're wondering, the Aurebesh at the top right is your name, and the bit at the bottom left is a credit to me.

  13. Ok, and there's one more thing I'm thinking of doing with her that I'm keeping secret until the end. She shows up pretty soon, as her adoptive mother is about to be kidnapped, and she's about to meet Kalla properly.

  14. Ok, but I'm planning on using Summer Glau's likeness for Kalla.

  15. Ok, Death to the Sith is up and running!

  16. Ok, edited it so they just need to get aboard. We should be done on Setna as soon as JediMaster12 posts.

  17. Ok, getting the frames processed into an .mp4 on the Check and Mate Text Crawl now. Then I have to add the audio, and make it into an mp4 again, and put it on YouTube.

  18. Ok, good. I know my character was definitely out of line there, but I wasn't, was I?

  19. Ok, I agree that Christopher Walken is not as hot as Summer Glau. David Tennant on the other hand, is. And I'll try my hand at Andorra, Reyvan, and Alriana on Thursday.

  20. Ok, I changed the links so that they'd go from my album, and not the group gallery, so they should show up now. Want to take another look?

  21. Ok, I made some improvements to the picture of Durrel. Mind taking another look?

  22. Ok, I think I've got something for you to work with in A Glimmer of Hope now.

  23. Ok, I'll let you know when we get to that part.

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