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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Or, you could take the part of Andorra. I really don't like playing both sides of a romantic subplot.

  2. Ould you be inclined to join Tysyacha's new RP DDO/Dragon Age: Deathstage?

  3. Out of curiosity, do you have any plans for Wrath in Part VII?

  4. Out of curiosity, do you read The Dragon Doctors? I'm only asking because Alriana in Death to the Sith is starting to remind me of Rina Lee.

  5. Out of curiosity, what do you have in mind for Rolan in Second Legacy?

  6. Out of curiosity, what's your opinion on two female characters (Kalla, as I mentioned before, and Alriana) in The Sith Resurrection Part IX being pregnant?

  7. Out of curiosity, why did you specifically ask me to play as a bisexual female? You know I'm not female IRL, though I am comfortable roleplaying anything as far as gender and sexual orientation go.

  8. Part of my plan for Part VII involves Iyav working for Republic Intelligence, and he and Komad are investigating reports of a missing Star Destroyer, and I'm wondering if it'd work for Belina to have sent them out looking for it?

  9. Perfect, and I delete my post showing that picture, since it's kind of redundant now, as is your apology for the hair instead of lekku. And now I seem to be nitpicking.

  10. Pester everyone, spam, start a really innovative RP? What's the internet equivalent to whacking someone with a crowbar?

  11. Planning on reading every old RP in the DTC, are you?

  12. Possibly. I may need more details.

  13. Print Screen just copies an image of everything on the screen onto the clipboard. Afterwards, hit Paste in an image editing program.

  14. Probably around 129, maybe older. And about the Mass Effect RP, it's about a team exploring beyond the Milky Way, so you could always play an alien from the galaxy they initially get sent into.

  15. Probably not until Part VII is done. On top of that, I won't have access to the software for the text crawl until at least December 10th. Being in University complicates things.

  16. Probably nothing until tomorrow. I can probably fit a post into DotS, but I don't know about anything involving your character.

  17. Probably. They don't exactly have many ships of their own at the moment. You'll have to talk to Black Knight yourself.

  18. Question: How much sense would a sonic crowbar make, if it's the same sort of sonic as the sonic screwdriver?

  19. Quick question, how do elven lifespans compare to those of humans in your new RP?

  20. Quick question: Isn't Yeesha's programming inherently paradoxical, and if it is, could she be made to understand that?

  21. Read my entry for Javyar's yet?

  22. Read my fic 2112 yet?

  23. Read my latest fic?

  24. Really? Like what?

  25. Remember how I mentioned a Rush musical a few times in the Games Forum a while back? Well, I'm actually writing it, and I've posted some of it in the Coruscant Entertainment Centre. It's called 2112, if you want to take a look.

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