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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. They were Tysy's idea, but just post it for now, and we'll sort out problems later.

  2. They're your characters, it's up to you. Though, I was hoping for Andorra to break free of Virul's influence, and hook up with Alriana, since Kalla and Tonatius are getting kind of intimate.

  3. Think I could persuade you to rejoin the Sith Resurrection Series for Part VII? The Casting Call is up now.

  4. Think it would work for Ser Jaymes to be right about Faren poisoning Varhad? Plus, I indicated that Varhad fell ill after promoting Faren, suggesting at the time that he was perfectly healthy.

  5. Think it would work for Virul to take Kalla up on that offer, only for Komad to get in the way, and then Komad, with his much higher mental resistance, manages to destroy Virul once and for all? Or perhaps Virul unwittingly destroys himself when he tries to leave Andorra's body. However, the trouble either way is that it leaves Andorra alone and helpless with Tyrannus and the Blood King.

  6. Think you could edit stuff from Faren's perspective into your last post, or put it in your next post?

  7. Think you could post in DttS? With JM12 MIA, it's at a bit of a standstill.

  8. Think you could post in the RP? I'm getting tired of it being at a standstill, and I can't do anything myself.

  9. Think you could review 2112 again after it's finished?

  10. Think you could start posting again in A Glimmer of Hope?

  11. Think you could start posting again in Nirriven? Especially now that Tysy's quit, I don't want to see it go under.

  12. Think you could start posting in The Threefold War again? We need to make up for Corinthian getting himself banned and Xbx_Inthusiast disappearing.

  13. Think you could take a look at my "fic" 2112? Assuming you're a fan of Rush.

  14. Think you might be interested in my new Costumed Heroes (working title) RP?

  15. Think you'd be interested in reading my fic The Dantooine Mission?

  16. This is the Sixth, but I'm not sure about doing more after it.

  17. Those don't sound familiar. If I remember correctly, you played Scooter Tory and Mycaen Nai Peelal in Part I, and Matthew Mithias in Part II. Both your chraracters from Part I died at the end, and nothing really happened to your character in Part II. Plus we're on Part IV now, which is twenty years after Part I, so if you want to join, I'd recommend just making a new character.

  18. Those pictures should work. Just try the thread again, and they'll probably be there.

  19. Those pictures should work. Just try the thread again, and they'll probably be there.

  20. Though that would mean they are not loyal to the New Galactic Empire, and are willing to serve the Undying Sith Empire.

  21. Though, the game still crashes when I overload power conduits and use thermal detonators.

  22. Though, to be fair, it's only alternate after Legacy of the Force, which hadn't been published when I started.

  23. To be honest, I got the idea from andurilblade, after he (or is it she?) used it to make some characters from a fic of Tysy's. Then I suggested that he do Komad and Kalla, which he did, then I decided to make Andorra.

  24. To be honest, I've been waiting on you guys. And we don't generally do co-posts like this, but if it works for you, go ahead.

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