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Official Demo Thread (No others, please - Jed) *SPOILERS*


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Originally posted by Darth]-[azard

I heard it, Once. Now I wanna Join them....then destroy them from the Inside and bring back the Sith Order in MY Image.


A master, an Apprentice, and an Army.




EDIT: BTW, Want the Ultimate Challange? Try the Chandrilla Level with a Single Saber. Bettcha ya can't do it, I had to finish it with a Staffsaber. I'm gonna try again later witht he single saber.


EDIT: There is an ingame instruction manual on doing the moves. Tab, Moves.


I played it with a single green saber the first time through. Beat it, sure did. Was hard, but not impossible. After awhile you get the hang of all the techniques you start to really kick a**.


P.S. I was playing on Jedi Knight difficulty.

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The single saber sure has been improved nicely methinks, Raven saved it from becoming obsolete. Congrats to Raven for being able to do that.


Also nice that they didn't include all character customisation options. Won't spoil EVERYTHING for us XD Although I might end up recreating my demo character in the completed version. >.>


And to beat groups of cult gits, try breaking up the group and deal with them seperately.

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Some of the AI is stupid. The new reborn wouldnt attack me untill i came clase to them or shot at them, in the cave level. Even if i was in plain sight shoting and killing, they would just stand there till i got close enough. In one room there were 3 of them, i ran in a few times and got killed, so i went in slowly and, i guess you could say "actavated" the reborn one at a time by shoting at them or gettign close, made it easier, but shouldnt they attack you at their own will when they see you or hear you attacking thier friends? Or mabe if they see the glow or hear your saber? Other than that, sweet game.

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I have found a way of jumping REALLY high, by that i do not mean (forcejump+forcespeed) or just (forcejump) however, i have done it by mistake 3 times and when looking for a way of doing it, i cant do it.. something around jump back and forth and perhaps secondary fire when using lightsaber. I jump extremely high without suffering any damage when coming down, seems to be on the edge of the falldamage

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

Some of the AI is stupid. The new reborn wouldnt attack me untill i came clase to them or shot at them, in the cave level. Even if i was in plain sight shoting and killing, they would just stand there till i got close enough. In one room there were 3 of them, i ran in a few times and got killed, so i went in slowly and, i guess you could say "actavated" the reborn one at a time by shoting at them or gettign close, made it easier, but shouldnt they attack you at their own will when they see you or hear you attacking thier friends? Or mabe if they see the glow or hear your saber? Other than that, sweet game.


It doesn't seem different from JK2 to me. I don't think it has to do with the AI. If you edit the NPC file and give them a better viewing distance and increase their aggresion i'm pretty sure they'll go after you as soon as they see you.


I also think they point of those Reborns is that they guard the area that they are placed in, not just run after every dude that walks by. You're gonna have to go past them anyway, so why should they come to you :D.

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Originally posted by WhiteShdw

It doesn't seem different from JK2 to me. I don't think it has to do with the AI. If you edit the NPC file and give them a better viewing distance and increase their aggresion i'm pretty sure they'll go after you as soon as they see you.


I also think they point of those Reborns is that they guard the area that they are placed in, not just run after every dude that walks by. You're gonna have to go past them anyway, so why should they come to you :D.


It's called Western style face-off. If you ignite your saber first you have to run in and give the first attack. If they ignite their saber first you have to defend yourself because likely they're gonna give the first swing. It's testing your patience to see who's gonna draw first. Usually I walk in slowly and at the instant they ignite their saber I ignite my own and run in (sometimes with force speed) and start hacking. It's just like real kenjutsu/battoujutsu.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

The single saber sure has been improved nicely methinks, Raven saved it from becoming obsolete. Congrats to Raven for being able to do that.


What do you mean? :confused:


As far as I can tell, the single saber is exactly the same as in JK2, apart from the katas and new butterfly and roll moves.


BTW, it's very nice to see that the kicks do not give much damage, and you are *very* vulnerable when kicking.

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1.) is there a console command to show the fps ? if so how do i open the console ? and is there a list somewhere with usefull commands ? thx



2.) is it just me or is the saber staff vastly more efficient ?

i played through the demo with the dual sabers first and had to think a bit to beat those culties, then i pld with the staff and the same difficult level and i almost walked through them ....but then i could just be that i was more expirienced the 2nd time

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ok, so ive tried the npc spawn code with some of the previous names, and all i get is the game crashing. But after a while i figured out that to spawn one of the new reborns in the game type:

npc spawn reborn_new


also there are some others:


npc spawn weequay


npc spawn trandoshan



npc spawn jawa


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hey i found a secret aria, its in the tomb level, after you open the big doors by using force sight, go and kill the guy, then procede to the platform, a dark jedi pops up at you, kill him, then jump down, to the brige, right before your charictor says, "woa, how am i gonna get across there?" turn left off the bridge, to the little patch, keep going, then you can see a little aria to jump to, do it, kill the guy thats there, and bam, secret aria

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please post here if you guys find any hidden moves and such....here are some console commands I found that are awesome:

"Taunt" & "Boast" (the Boast is awesome with the Staff)


and more NPCs:


Cultist_Destroyer, Cultist_Drain, Cultist_Grip, Cultist_Lightning (no skin but a model), Cultist_Saber, Human_Merc, Cultist_Saber_Throw, Cultist_Saber_Med, Cultist_Saber_Strong, Cultist_Saber_All, Jedi_Random (haven't tested this yet), Reborn_Staff, Reborn_Dual, Reborn_Twin



And one AWESOME one:


CultistCommando (He has two fast guns and does flips and crap. Amazing. Try taking on a squad of them


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ive tried to start editing the files, but it seems now i cant make a pk3 thats not corrupted






You can't edit the pk3 file in demo, from obvious reasons. It checks for the file's CRC against a hardcoded constant."


no Ask, i wasnt trying to edit the demo pk3. i was trying to edit the files and put them in pk3s so they would change the game, but every time i ran the demo, it would say "Pak 234252323 (some number) corrupted."

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Now that I've got a playable framerate, I have beaten Mos Eisley and am now somewhere lost in the temple.


It was cool at one point how I got killed by three Reborns (I was really low on health) and so just for the heck of it I spawned in Kyle... he really kicked butt!


While the battle went far off (they all ran around a lot) I could see him using Force Protection and other powers. And the voices couldn't have been more perfect...


Reborn guy: You are weak.


Kyle: You've gotta be kidding! Nice try.


As I had hopped our hero emerged victorious and avenged his fallen Padawan. ; )

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Spawned in some more Kyle action. Man, he's powerful! (although one time he beat everyone to a pulp and then jumped off a cliff... I guess he was too caught up in the moment).


I tried to fight him to see if I could beat the man himself, but he kept healing and using other powers (he's marvelously tolerant of you punching him in the face and saber throwing) and eventually it just stopped me and said "Mission Failed, you turned against your allies."


Awwww... ; P


Here is an updated list of NPC spawns, thanks for posting those guys!





Weequay (bowcastor IIRC)

Rodian (sniper version)

Rodian2 (st rifle)

Gran (thermal detonators)


Granshooter (st rifle)

Granboxer (fists)

Jawa (lol)

Luke (bug, crashes)

Trandoshan (Repeater, different colored outfits)





Cultist (gun)




Cultist_Lightning (untextured model)






Jedi_Random (various good guy helpers from the Academy!)

CultistCommando (very cool indeed)


R5D2 (the red one)

Protocol (C3PO)

Luke (untextured, and his saber is invisible, except when he throw it, it becomes a weird tricolored line segment thingy)


Only this one didn't work:


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in console:


npc spawn kyle


Kurgan, you said that Luke crashed for you? when i did it earlier i got a luke that was all gray (like in SoF2 if you spawn a character not in the level by default). im assuming thats also what you meant by an untextured Cultist_Lightning. and i agree, the Jedi_Random and CultistCommando are fun. however, the Jedis dont seem to have sounds...on Chandrila they would fall off the cliffs and i wouldnt know because they didnt scream :(.

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Yeah, I updated my post. The first time I tried Luke, it immediately crashed.


I tried it again and you're right, it works. ; )



Also something interesting appears in the console if you type:


npc spawn swoop


(no, it doesn't work, but its interesting...)

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Here's something nice I found out. When using the dual saber press the saber style change key (default: L) and your Jedi will switch to a single saber, fast style. When using the saber staff press teh saber style change key and your Jedi will switch to a single saber, medium style.


In the full game, when playing with a single saber pressing saber style change key would change between the 3 styles (fast, medium, strong).

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