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Demo Screen shots


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It was a ****ing great demo, very cool, but, I still missing a little bit of playability, the yellow stance secret move is too weak, and the force pull slash, kind of dont work with the two saber cultists...


the good part is that the red stance kata ****ing rlzzzz, too strong to be real uhauauah and the dual saber moves are very well balanced... the new engine did a great job but not that amazing stuff, so you dont have to buy a powerfull card, very well done!!!!


see ya, cus now ill go back to the demo


may the force be with you all forum members

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These piccies so far have been sweet (man, I wish I could download the demo...)


I was just wonderin if there was any chance of having some pics up of the character customization screen showing some of the different looks we can create (that is, of course, assuming that there is any customization in the demo...?)


Chiz peeps,



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PC users are very fortunate to be playing JA in only ten short days, while we humble X-box platformers have to wait until november for updated Reborn killing bliss. True we get voice chat, but you still get the game first. It must be karma for the X-box getting K.O.T.O.R. first. Does anyone else feel my pain?

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bind f12 screenshot silent



that will take the screenshot, but also edited out that thing at the top that says writing screenshot005.jpg least thats how I did it in Jedi outcast where most others still got that writing screenshot/screenshot005.jpg or whatever.

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Sorry Leo, didn't mean to step on someone else's thread, so I guess I'll comment on the pictures. The graphical quality that I've observed in these posts so far is stunning. I always thought that Jedi outcast was pretty little gem, but what Raven has managed to crank out of the quake three engine thus far is a real surprise. The coloring and lighting is such a huge improvement, especially in the lightsaber effects. In JO (In my opinion) the only saber blades that stood out were blue, violet, red, and orange. Green and yellow were hideously unfocused and garish looking. Green in particular was a disapointment because dark green is my favorite color, and JO's green loked like split pea soup on a saber hilt. The update to the engine has fixed that oversight, and I'll be proud to build my version of Jaden with a cool ROTJ type blade. At least 'till I go rotten and make a red one.

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Whoa, I apologize if I stepped on any toes Moderators, I thought [That character] was in the demo giving orders to [ that group ] of people. I'm absolutely a 100% legal player and wouldn't go ten within the direction of any pirated garbage. I've got to wait for the X-box version anyway.

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well, here are the available models to spawn for the demo from what I can gather (Reborn_new has saber)



npc spawn kyle

npc spawn cultist

npc spawn gran

npc spawn jawa

npc spawn reborn_new

npc spawn rodian

npc spawn trandoshan

npc spawn weequay

npc spawn chewbacca

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