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11th September 2001


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It's eerie, really...


I was in school at the time, and during science class at around 11 AM, my friend asked me if I had heard that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Well, that's how I first heard, but I had no idea of the extent of what had happened...


Before lunch that day I swiped a memo sent to all faculty saying what had happened and to not let the student body know at all costs...


At lunch I debated with my friends what exactly happened...for some reason my friend who first notified me of the crash thought it happened in the WTC in Boston, MA. However, I kindly debated that a plane would have to nose-dive to actually crash into it, and knew it was the Twin Towers.


When I got home, CNN was on the television and I saw those planes crash into the buildings time after time...the media was ruthless and uncaring that day...


Regardless, that very day, I gained a new channel on my broadcast (antenna) television in my room...came out of the blue.



2 years....

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I guess I'm just a terrorist... 9/11 never really occured to me. People were talking about it in school. I heard snipits. "2 years"; "What's going on tomorrow?"; etc.. and so I ask "What the hell are you peple talking about?" and everyone looks at me like I'm insane... The girl next to me offers "9/11" and my knee-jerk reaction is along the lines of "*wave* Ohhh, right... THAT..."


I remember when it happened... It never really struck me as much as it struck other people, I suppose. I heard things in school throughout the day. I thought it was an accident until I got home and saw it on the TV. I don't really remember thinking much of it, I guess... I guess the way most Americans are so shocked at the idea that someone would hate us enough to kill us is exactly why they did it in the first place... Never really "surprised" me that much. I felt bad for the families, sure, 3000 people, man. But as a part of a "nation" it never really touched me at all.

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Hmmmn lets see, I was in school first period. It was like a tuesday i think, and im alwys a late waker. So i wake up at 8:07 gotta get to school by 8:25. So i rush out the door, and skipping my usual 2 minute news watch. I got to school, and like all the girls were crying and the guys were just like leaning agains the wall. And i thought it was like retard day. I didnt ask anyone, since i didnt want to disturb them. I went into class and sat down. Instead of the mourning chit chatter it was coplete silence. I was thinking its like some messed up spirit day that i forgot about. The mourning announcements came on, they started of with the usual. Like these clubs start then, and this happens then. Then the pricipal came on, and explained everything. She suggested that our teachers NOT let us watch the live broadcast because of graphical stuff. I too was silent. I couldnt believe it. When she first said the planes hit the towers i thought they were just like messed up pilots. Then I found out that the US assumed it was Afghanis. So my school started excluding some arab kids, like my friend Harminder. Everyone lauged at him or was threatened by him. I felt kinda bad, so I stood up for him.Eventually all of the inmature jokes and stuff ended, and my school was back to normal. I still cant beklieve what happened amd my heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones. Especially the brave firefighters, police officers, rescue crews, and ordinary people who risked their lives for others.


Also following the attacks, about a year or so later. There were threats in my home town of Seattle. The threats were plans to blow up the space needle. The main attraction of seattle. Also the columbia tower. The tallest building west of mississippi. All of us seattleanians :p, were appauled. (Well atleast i was. I was not affraid, yet frightened of the circumstances. Since my dads office is not to far away.


The only thing i can say about everything is god bless america and the lives that were lost in this tragic event. Rest in peace.

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Well I love here in Southern California so I first heard about when I woke up. I usually woke up listining to 102.7 KISS FM cause it just woke me up. Then I here Rick Dees talking about something going on in NY. I think to myself maybe the are having a skit or something. Then I here him talking to one of the radio DJ's that actually was in NY and near the towers. So I am just like wow. Then my dad told me to turn on the tv and watch. I watched untill I had to go to school. Then as soon as I got there I went to my class (JROTC). So we are all just watching it in my first period just staring and thinking wow. I mean I was in my JROTC class so almost everyone in there is planning something into the military. I remember all my friends talking about it and just saying that we wanted to just go over there. We wanted to already be in the military and training to go over there and get our payback. I mean some of us were actually already enlisted so they knew they were going to go over to the middle east but not untill after June.


So then I went to my weight's class and we really didn't watch tv or even talk about it. We just lifted weights like it was just any other day. Then after that I had my World History class. We even remember telling our teacher about it because he had just mentioned to us about how they hated us in the Middle East and that they wanted to attack us about a week prior to 9/11. I just remember us watching CNN and the Fox news channels as all the information was slowly being brought up. My teacher even told us that this was our Pearl Harbor and that we were witnessing history right before our very eyes.


I don't remember every little thing about that day, but I do remember the important stuff. Just that me and my friends found it so sad that it took something this tragic to actually make people all around the US become patriotic. I remember that alot because it was just sick how people all of a sudden started wearing and displaying the red, white, and blue. Then about a few months later it just started to slowly go away. That is one of the biggest thing's that I remembering talking about and discussing. I feel sorry for all the family's that lost fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, and children. It was just something that shouldn't of happened to people who were completly innocent and who just had a dream of living in a great country with so many freedoms.



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I believe it was about 11:10 p.m. Central time, 3rd block class. I don't think I remember what happened during that time, but what I can sort of remember is that before the end of that class, the office gave me a message that my mother was coming to pick me up before 4th block. I had no idea why, but the message struck me in sort of an odd way, as if something had happened. Then, after I got the ride home, I turned on the T.V. and just began flipping through the channels. That was when I found out about it happening after hearing something about it when I passed CNN. I found it to interesting, so I went back to that channel.


I was just as appalled as everyone when I watched and saw what happened. After doing so, I became very upset and started asking questions as to why such innocent people (excluding those damn terrorist :mad: ), possibly taking a trip to see their families, were killed in order to desecrate major areas of interest in the US. Those innocent people didn't deserve to die! THEY DIDN'T DESERVE TO! :mad::(:cry7:


*wipes eyes from being too emotional.*


Relatives of those people were grieving day. None of my own relatives had died that day, but I did feel empty and sad for those innocent people. :( :(And I also felt a swelling of anger in my heart for those heartless *censored* that did this!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

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It was around 8, my mom was driving me and by bro to school, when I turned on the radio, and people were crying and talking on almost every station. I was like....right...

Then I went to practice before school, then at about 7:50 california time, we just were leaving practice to go to class, and the teacher next to us started shouting about somthing...So I thought that was weird but just kept walking. Then the kid next to me tripped and fell, and then just stayed on the ground with a shocked look on his face, I was all "dude, you all right?" He was all....they said...the pentagon... a plane hit it, and they hit the WTC....(I didnt at this time know what the WTC was) so I was like, a plane crashed into the pentagon? And the teacher was all, yea. Its all over the news. So, I walked to class and the tv was on and we started watching the two towers, smoking and burning. The buzz around the room was saying somthing about Osama Bin Laden...I had never heard of him either. So as the news rolled out, a plane had hit tower 1, and tower 2, and tower 1 had fallen..and they estimated hundreds dead on the news. I was shocked. I thought the US was safe from terrosists, I mean I had watched new about Israel and those other middle eastern countries been hit daily by suicide bombers and such...but you know....didnt really think about it. like 3 hours later, I walked out of the class, in the caos, no one bothered to stop me, and went over and sat down on the concrete thing by the street and listened to the radio. I heard Bush's speech later that day on the radio, and I recorded it, I must have listened to it 100 times...I simply couldn't believe what had happened...Everyone around me was like walking around in a daze...teachers were out of classes in groups arguing with each other about everything.

I will never forget that day.

I remember it more than any other day in my life.

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I was in my apartment in Ames (university town) at the time.


I first heard about it on the internet (I had stayed up late the night before and was still groggy) and assumed it was a hoax or something. A few minutes later I got a call from my mom "Turn on the tv, they're bombing New York City!"


Turned on the TV, sure enough, confirmed on CNN and Fox it was there, and I was shocked.


Woke up my roommate and told him about it too.


For several days afterward I just had a sort of hollow feeling about it, seeing that many people die almost literally before my eyes and realizing what had happened.


We had a non-sectarian service at our college campus (a few speeches and a moment of silence) with a lot of people there.


I remember walking around campus and town to clear my head and thinking things just didn't feel the same somehow. I took pictures of the local buildings with flags flying at half mast, because I'd never seen that before (I hear they did it for the Challenger disaster, but I was just a kid then).


My older cousin and his wife had just gotten married and had to cancel their honeymoon (plane forced to land during the scare immediately following the attacks). They still haven't had a chance to get back.


Another cousin of mine (my age) and her husband joined the National Guard shortly after this happened (he had been in the military during Desert Storm, but didn't see action). They were called to Iraq earlier this year and will probably be there until mid June.


I worry everyday for their safety, as it seems like the soldiers there are heavily resented and being picked off every day.


I was saddened in the face of the attacks by reports of mob violence against people who "looked Middle Eastern" despite all of the press statements about how "this is not a war with Islam or Arabs." I was also ashamed of my fellow Americans saying stuff like "nuke mecca" and "kill all the rag-heads/sand n*ggers" (mostly on the internet).


I was a little frightened hearing about stuff like the Patriot Acts that sounded like they were endangering freedoms.


Then of course there were other "opportunist" would-be murderers like the Anthrax attacks (thankfully those were overblown and shortlived), Shoe Bomber, Mail Box Bomber, Sniper, etc.


In all, it was a pretty scary time. I've since calmed down, but it sure took a long time before things felt a little more "normal."


Sigh... the world we live in. : P

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I was in 1st period, in comp. application class, when the girl next to me told the teacher to turn on the TV, saying that two planes had crashed into the WTC.


Then we sat trough 1st period watching the WTC be destroyed live on TV. People in the class made analogies to Pearl Harbour and how this was history.


A girl on my school lost her best friend in the attack, a girl riding the first plane that hit the tower.


Hopefully soon, however, we will just declare this a National Holliday in remembrance, and not spend so much time dwelling in the sorrow, or re-living the sob stories. All the cries of the world cannot bring back lost loved ones. Hopefully, we live, learn and treat this as a tender moment without re-opening old wounds year after year.

Declaring 9/11 a holiday will just increase the time it takes for us to get over it.


We didn't stay at home at 9/11, and it'd ruin that bravery to stay at home every consecutive 9/11 from a given year and on. I know you didn't mean it that way, but it's my view.


My sincerest symphaties.


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I remember that I was at school when I found out. At first the principal told us a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Then, some time later he told us another plane had crashed. My class already had two theories, since the teachers didn't tell us anything else, either someone did it on purpose, or there was a serious problem with the airplane's systems. My dad was supposed to be coming back from a business trip that day, It's a good thing it was at night, not in the morning.

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I had just got back from school. My Dad told me that a plane had crashed into the WTC, but at that moment in time I thought little of it. Small plane, 5 people dead tops.

But then I went into the living room and saw great clouds of smoke and people jumping out I was like: "Holy Sh*t!" and totally rethought it all.

I will remember always. :(

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I had just started the second day on my new management job. I immediately brought a tv into the work area and allowed my fellow employees to take as much time as needed to get a grasp on the situation and their emotions. Some people ended up leaving to be with family. I waited till the end of the workday and went home.


But my first reaction was to re-enlist. My wife talked me out of it though. kinda glad now btw.


A horrible day all around!!

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