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Not Enough Customization for Full Version? Try these Cheats! (*SPOILERS*)


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Btw, I discovered that you could change your player "tint" using the saber_char_<blue/green/red> <# 0-255> commands in Siege, for the "generic Jedi" characters. Mostly affects Korriban but the "light" Jedi class on all the maps. It helps to tell players apart a little bit easier.



You can also use Playertint in SP such as Playertint 0 0 0 to have a completely black twi'lek female and stuff. Also in SP, if you do my method in the mini jaden thread you can set the Red/Blue team colors to be in SP. E.G. you want a really tall shadowtrooper with his MP red armor in SP:


start from Jedi_** or whatever your current model is then say


Playermodel desann




Playermodel shadowtrooper model_red model_red model_red


and there you have it, this overwrites Jedi_** as player , this puts the model in the cut-scenes (yay), if you want to start a new game with that model then just say start game, then choose the skill level, then you will be taken to the player creation screen, witch now has your model you chose, without textures. to acheve textures you will have to press the back button once then press forward again and it will have textures, then without pressing any one of the "choose your model" buttons just press forward again and your custom model will be in the beginning cut-scene as well as the rest of the game... for questions or comments just reply on this thread. ask your moderator before using this method, you should not use this method if you are preagnant or nursing or have a history of heart problems. contact your moderator today and you too can experience Jedi Academy better.


The Result

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one sort of new model i found out



Tavion possesed by the ghost of ragnos: playermodel tavion_new model_possessed model_possessed model_possessed, heres ascreenshot



and some pointless stuff i was messing around with:


a wampa that was haveing a very bad day


this is intresting


and, hey i figured out how to ride a mutant rancor


and finally, i figured out how to do dual saber force move with saberstaff


for the saber staff move, if you want to know just ask.... as for the rancor, ill never tell, HAHAHA!

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yes, you can:


playermodel rockettrooper Model_default Model_default Model_default


this model has many bugs, such as, scence he was meant to fly, you must spawn as boba_fett then overwrite boba with the rockettrooper. and he can't use a saber to save his life so i would recommend give weapons and flying all the time because he has no walking animaton exept backwards


[edit] oh yea, and one more thing, he doesn't have any cut-scene animations so he'll just be standing there throughout all the cut-scenes...enjoy! :thumbsup:

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Im trying to be able to use the model dismemberment cheat. I follow the instructions on the first page of this thead and it goes great until i try and change the target info. it comes up with the message... [the filename] target not valid make sure the path and file name are correct. :confused: :confused: :confused:


If this question has already been addressed i am sorry but i dont have time to read through all 10 pages of the thread :p

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I gave up with the dismemberment thing, BUT I heard you can wield the scepter, rapid concussion rifle and something else and it was set up like this:


helpusobi 1

give weapon_scepter


You have to nothing in hand, I hear the sound but I'm still not wielding it! Whats wrong? Also how do you edit the npc file? :D

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Originally posted by ig64

one sort of new model i found out



Tavion possesed by the ghost of ragnos: playermodel tavion_new model_possessed model_possessed model_possessed, heres ascreenshot



and some pointless stuff i was messing around with:


a wampa that was haveing a very bad day


this is intresting


and, hey i figured out how to ride a mutant rancor


and finally, i figured out how to do dual saber force move with saberstaff


for the saber staff move, if you want to know just ask.... as for the rancor, ill never tell, HAHAHA!



Well, then is it possible to use the sith sword with the cool red force lightning thingy that is around the blade?


Btw, how did u managed to use the dual saber barrier with staff?

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i don't know right now but i was talking about, the saberstaff throw, the npc model size change, how to be mp red/blue colors in SP, how to see your new model in all cut-scenes even the beginning one, and the ones you posted obove, without changing files (witch i wanna know how to do) or mods... are not those good finds???

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New weapons !! :D


give weapon_tusken_rifle - Rips the living crap out ofr Stormtroopers !! :D


give weapon_tusken_staff - Tusken Staff, pretty usless, well i couldn't get it to damage a Snowtrooper...:(


give weapon_bryar_pistol Ah, the good ol' Bryar Blaster Pistol from JK2, acts the same as the Blastech, well it is the Blastech really. :p


Only enter one of these codes at a time, because there not player weapons really, so they won't appear in your weapons list, and make sure to holster your current weapon before using one of these codes, otherwise you'll get the weapon but won't be able to select it. :)


Oh and if you running low on ammo for the Tusken Rifle or Bryar Blaster pistol, do the give ammo cheat or just re-enter the code to have full ammo. ;)

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No offense ig, crow, but this ISN'T a chatroom.. but a thread for posting cheats and secrets from the game that people can mess around with.


If you're "bored" why don't you visit the chatroom and discuss whatever?


Let's not fill the thread with useless chatty stuff unreleated to the topic, thanks.


Just because I'm "not there" doesn't mean people should get sloppy. ; )


There's a whole list of stuff I want to try when I get home, but I can't right now.


And just becuase somebody didn't respond to your cheat and go "WOW THAT IS THE COOLEST" doesn't mean they didn't in fact think it was cool. They may just be having too much fun using it to post!

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Ok, people, i finally figured something out. Playing JA this halloween?

Try playing as headless jaden.:chop1::hang1::freakout::c3po2::craider::elephant:



playermodel jedi_hm head_c1 torso_g1 model_default for Human Male


playermodel jedi_hf head_c1 torso_g1 model_default for Human Female


playermodel jedi_rm head_c1 torso_g1 model_default for Rodian Male


playermodel jedi_zf head_c1 torso_g1 model_default for Zabrak Female


playermodel jedi_zf head_c1 torso_d1 model_default for Zabrak Female 2


playermodel jedi_kdm head_c1 torso_c1 model_default for Kel Dor Male


playermodel jedi_tf head_b1 torso_g1 model_default for Twi'lek Female


Bugs: No pants textures, for Kel Dor Male there is no neck cap so its invisible, various crashes when loading a level


Enjoy chopping off the heads of stormtroopers so they can join you in your headlessness in the neatherealm. :thumbsup:

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I have been reading through the "Not Enough Customization for Full Version? Try these Cheats! (*SPOILERS*)" thread, and i have noticed that there is alot of good material there, but it is in over 400 Posts, and most people cant be bothered reading through them all.


this is why i have decided to compress all 400 posts into a single post, which should make it easyer to find what you want.


Btw: i have not writen much of this, i have just amalagmated it






• god: God mode

• noclip: No clipping mode

• notarget: Invisibility

• give all: Gives everything

• give health: Gives health

• give armor: Gives armor

• give ammo: Gives ammo

• undying: Dead Mode on

• kill: Kills yourself

• quit: Quit game

• shaderlist: Show shaders


You can type "iknowkungfu" to get the "melee" weapon (bare hands) and that lets you punch with primary fire, kick with alt-fire and grab and throw people if you hit both fire buttons at once (the type of throw depends on whether you're pressing forward, backward or neither).



intresting Hacks:


cg_debugHealthBars 1: shows health of player and enemies

cg_draw HUD 0: displays HUD

cg_fov: sets field of view

cl_framerate: displays framerate

cg_endcredits 1: displays end credits during gameplay

D_npcfreeze: freezes NPCs

G_saberanimspeed: sets saber combat speed

g_knockback: set scale of npc knockback

g_gravity: sets gravity level

G_speed: sets speed level

g_corpseremovaltime 0: no corpse removal

playermodel: sets player character

playerteam: sets player faction

r_we: sets weather

r_showtris: wireframe

zoom: binoculars

iknowkungfu: fists and 200 force

Spawn NPCs: \NPC spawn [npcname]


g_corpseRemovalTime 0 - the corpes are never removed, thay just stay untill the end of the lvl


g_SaberMoreRealistic - makes the saber, erm, more realistic


G_debugMelee 1 - acts as "iknowkungfu" in MP



Some MP skins

Use the \Model <name> command for these:







































Jawa (tall Jawa)

Imperial/Officer - Brown

Imperial/Commander - Black

stormtrooper/officer - The Orange Paudlon


I notice you can add /Officer or /Commander to any skin, but all it does is make their face picture disappear. You can choose a color of a model by adding /Red or /Blue to it (even in non-team games).



Btw, I discovered that you could change your player "tint" using the char_color_<blue/green/red> <# 0-255> commands in Siege, for the "generic Jedi" characters. Mostly affects Korriban but the "light" Jedi class on all the maps. It helps to tell players apart a little bit easier.


For those who want to know, the tinting in Multiplayer for black is


char_color_red 33

char_color_green 33

char_color_blue 34 (not a typo, blue must be set to 34)



New Hilt Found!


Type saber desann and you not only get Desann's big spikey hilt, but also an EXTRA LONG SABER. Try saber desann desann to give yourself two huge wicked blades! Can also be combined with the staff for the three sabers trick (but it puts even the staff to shame) or a normal saber.


Sith Sword


enable cheats then key


saber sith_sword


into the console and you should get the sword

Works with all stances, and can be used as one of two sabers.


(*Type in saber “name” for one saber and “name name” for two*)


To change sabercolor ingame:


sabercolor 1 [color1] [color2]


Single Saber:

saber 1


Dual Sabers:

saber 1 [color1]

saber 2 [color2]


Force powers

0-3 are the regular settings, but you can give yourself higher levels for increased abilities.

setforcegrip X

setforcemindtrick X

setforceabsorb X

setforceheal X

setforcesight X

setforcespeed X

setforceprotect X

setforcelightning X

setforcedrain X

setforcerage X

setforcepull X

setforcepush X

setsaberdefense X

setsaberoffense X (doesn't seem to give you new stances)

setsaberthrow X


Setforceall X


Gives you everything, but it goofs up your stances (gives you six, three are AI based stances). The only other way I've found to get new stances is to playermodel into a character that has them ("jedi" and "jedi2" have all three normal stances, "jeditrainer" has dual sabers, various reborns/cultists have the saberstaff, "alora" has fast and medium, "rosh_penin" has strong only).


Setforcelevitate X

Setforcejump X


Here’s the MP map list:


map <mapname> (use devmap instead of map to load with cheats)


Valid mapnames for JA:


























(Note: Some people have posted mp/Siege1-3, but those do NOT work, I've tried 'em, so just use the above instead)


Then just load the map with map instead of devmap to turn off cheats.

As you know, you should type g_gametype <#> first before map switching. If you play maps in the wrong gametype strange things can happen, though you can experiment.



// gametypes

// 0 = FFA

// 3 = Duel

// 4 = Power Duel

// 6 = Team FFA

// 7 = Siege

// 8 = CTF




Duel maps can be quite fun (if frantic) in FFA mode... lots of slashing and dying and no powerups. ; )


CTF could be played as FFA probably (as it was in JK2), etc. Siege as a FFA doesn't work too well, as you can ride vehicles sure, but many of the spawn points will trap you (in Hoth for example) since there is no way to open certain doors as a regular Jedi (though perhaps in team FFA it might allow you to open team doors...?). Also since certain objectives can't be completed, you're stuck in one part of the level until you die.


One of the first games of JA online I ever joined was a "Siege" game that was being played on a FFA map (obviously it wasn't working too well!). So be careful out there....!


Use giveweaponnum XX to put the weapon in your inventory, weapon XX to switch to it. Note that giving yourself the gun doesn't give you any extra ammo.

weapon (nothing, weapons "holstered")

weapon 1 (lightsaber?)

weapon 2 (BlasTech)

weapon 3 (ST Rifle)

weapon 4 (Bowcastor)

weapon 5 (DEMP2?)

weapon 6 (Heavy Repeater?)

weapon 7 (Flechette?)

weapon 8 (Merr Sonn?)

weapon 9 (Concussion)

weapon 10 (Det Pack)

weapon 11 (Trip Mine)

weapon 12 (Thermal Detonator)

weapon 13 (??)

weapon 14 (Fists: "Melee")

weapon 15 (ATST main gun, no model)

weapon 16 (ATST side gun? buggier)

weapon 17 (Stun Baton)


Try this to get the stun baton:


bind <key1> give weaponnum 17

bind <key2> weapon 17


hit <key1>, then <key2> and you'll have the JK2 stun baton!


To fill up your various inventories:

give batteries (only for the "zoom" command)

give ammo (all ammo for all weapons full, guess I should have used this!)

give force (full mana)

give armor (full shields)

give health (full health)

give ammo_force (full mana + temporary stock of "extra" mana points, 25 points per use.. basically the force crystal with no icon)


You can cheat to give yourself everything by enabling cheats (Devmap <mapname> ) and typing \giveall.


Use this command to spawn vehicles: npc spawn vehicle x

where x is the particular vehicle you're trying to spawn


And these are the commands for the vehicles I've found so far:











rancor_vehicle <--- feel like riding a rancor anyone?



Doesn't seem like anyone here knows how to spawn vehicles in mp yet?


Well I've found out how to do it, first enable cheats by typing devmap x where x is the map you want. Then make sure that g_allownpc is set to 1 and then you can spawn any of the vehicles by using the same command as in sp but you MUST type cmd before the command for it to work, otherwise the command will just be a chatmessage. Here's an example:


cmd npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter


There you go! Your own shiny Tie-Fighter with which to shoot your enemies to smithereens with. Have fun!


Figure I'd do ya'll a favor. Here are three config files that give lists of weapons, npcs and sabers that you can use ingame.




(to spawn NCP's type \cmd npc spawn X - where X is the NCP to be spawed. for MP spawning makesure g_allownpc is set to 1)


echo alora

echo assassin_droid

echo atst

echo atst_vehicle

echo bartender

echo bespincop

echo bespincop2

echo boba_fett

echo chewie

echo cultist

echo cultistcommando

echo cultist_destroyer

echo cultist_drain

echo cultist_grip

echo cultist_lightning

echo cultist_saber

echo cultist_saber_powers

echo desann

echo elder

echo galak

echo galak_mech

echo glider

echo gonk

echo gran

echo gran2

echo granboxer

echo granshooter

echo hazardtrooper

echo howler

echo human_merc

echo impcommander

echo imperial

echo impofficer

echo impworker

echo impworker2

echo impworker3

echo interrogator

echo jan

echo jawa

echo jedi

echo jedi2

echo jedif

echo jedimaster

echo jeditrainer

echo jedi_hm

echo jedi_random

echo jedi_tf

echo kyle

echo lambdashuttle

echo lando

echo luke

echo mark1

echo mark2

echo merchant

echo minemonster

echo monmothma

echo morgankatarn

echo mouse

echo noghri

echo nulldriver

echo player

echo prisoner

echo probe

echo protocol

echo protocol_imp

echo r2d2

echo r2d2_imp

echo r5d2

echo r5d2_imp

echo ragnos

echo rancor

echo rancor_vehicle

echo rax

echo rebel

echo rebel2

echo reborn

echo rebornacrobat

echo rebornboss

echo rebornchiss

echo rebornfencer

echo rebornforceuser

echo rebornrodian

echo reborntrandoshan

echo rebornweequay

echo reborn_dual

echo reborn_new

echo reborn_staff

echo reborn_twin

echo reelo

echo remote

echo rockettrooper

echo rockettrooper2

echo rockettrooper2officer

echo rockettrooper_w

echo rocks

echo rodian

echo rodian2

echo rosh_penin

echo saber_droid

echo saboteur

echo saboteurpistol

echo saboteursniper

echo sand_creature

echo seeker

echo sentry

echo shadowtrooper

echo shadowtrooper2

echo snowtrooper

echo stcommander

echo stofficer

echo stofficeralt

echo stormpilot

echo stormtrooper

echo stormtrooper2

echo swamptrooper

echo swamptrooper2

echo swoop

echo tauntaun

echo tavion

echo tavion_new

echo tavion_new_dark

echo test

echo tie-bomber

echo tie-bomber2

echo tie-fighter

echo trandoshan

echo tusken

echo tuskensniper

echo ugnaught

echo ugnaught2

echo wampa

echo wampa_vehicle

echo weequay

echo weequay2

echo weequay3

echo weequay4

echo wildtauntaun

echo x-wing

echo yt-1300









echo WP_JAWA
















echo WP_DEMP2








echo WP_NULL






Echo dual_1

Echo dual_2

Echo dual_3

Echo dual_4

Echo dual_5

Echo empty

Echo single_1

Echo single_2

Echo single_3

Echo single_4

Echo single_5

Echo single_6

Echo single_7

Echo single_8

Echo single_9

Echo sith_sword

Echo Kyle

Echo Kyle_Boss

Echo Luke

Echo Desann

Echo RebornMaster

Echo Tavion

Echo reborn_new

Echo Shadowtrooper

Echo Reborn

Echo Training

Echo Jedi

Echo Echo Yoda

Echo brokenStaff

Echo droid

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Originally posted by phury



why? why!?... i don't know, i thought it was a good idea when i tried it...


besides, you didn't include my saberstaff throw :p



but that doesn't matter, get ready for a locking... sux doesn't it?

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