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New Pictures of Anakin and Another Big Character!

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Clemme w/Stick

Its been posted before Rhett.

Hmm, anyways its a wierd hair the dude got.




Hmmm, I like it! It has that real 70's rock-and-roll-rebel-without-a-cause look! It fits!


Anyways, let this now open the beginning of the great Episode III hype, as us true fans struggle with our anticipation of the last installment of the world's greatest saga! After that, all we will have is (hopefully) more games and many, many fond memories...

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Very 70s ;) Oh and I think EPI had better action, but also some veeery boring parts and it wasn't very starwarzy... EPII was starwarzy but had crap conversation and the first part was exreeeeemely boring :( So yeah EPIII better be better or else :mad:


Well eh... I dunno what else, but I know I'm going to be really dissapointed :(

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I don't know, I was doubting whether they'd got the right look for Anakin in both EP1 & 2. He definatley looks the part of the oncoming baddie though in this new pic, maybe Hayden will come in to his own in EP3... it's gotta be better than the first two prequels! Does anyone know if 'comedy relief' Jar Jar Friggin Binks is in EP3 - I hope not!



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