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The Return of Kick (among other things)


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so ur saying Raven should take off Saber only in ctf?

but saber only ctf isnt the only game type sucking

look at saber only full force duel it (well for me) almost worst than s/o ctf


but hey here my opinion(im not flaming any1 on this quote)


when i bought JK2 i was thinking "saber combat" and jk2 gave me mad pleasure,this is why im still playing jk2,ive tried jka and i seriously got pissed off playing this game,so dont give me crap like "stfu just dont play jka then" i got the right to post my opinion


but Saber in JKA is...u guys gotta admit PATHETIC


and anyway did u guys even tried to play s/o CTF on jka with team that know what their actualy doing?

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Not flamming you either dude...


But if they knwo what they are doing it's cuz they invested time learning... and remember my last post.. the door swings both ways... it's not as if the players that land on red team have an advantage... both teams start as equals gamewise... playerwise... it's the story of the best man wins all over again... you can't blame the game for that.

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ok see it that way:

in a match both team are good

both team know what their doing

just imagine a s/o CTF scrim in jka


U cant speed+rage and dfa

U cant kick the capper

u cant drain the capper till 0 force cuz he will get energized

u cant mind trick+katas cuz capper will be whoring protect or any capper with a brain will hear mind trick sound and turn on seing


the only way a s/o ctf scrim gonna end will be capper gonna get bored to death and one of em going to suicide

or the capper will fall somewhere accidently but even so there should be another capper waiting at enemy base for the flag to being returned

or someone will push a guy that performing a kata into the FC


bleh that all

P-s:Sorry for my grammar skill im very tired+english isnt my native language but u guys get the point

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GRIP KICK? R U JOKING ME? that is for LAMERS and NOOBS!! it is oblivously a exploited moves that raven never ment 2 include it's cheating in my book and any other skillful player books. DUH ITS IMPOSIBLE TO GET OUT OF DUMMY SO = CHEAT!


Code blue code blue, we need a brain here stat!


lol. That sentence or whatever it is made me laugh so hard I nearly shat myself. :rofl:

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You know, I've been thinking. That illegal beta was floating around, and then Raven said that that was something like 6 builds ago... I wonder if they beta tested the latest build before they released it, and, if they did, did they beta test S/O CTF. I mean, when the teams are balanced and GOOD, the game will be 0-0 everytime. And 0-0 makes for no fun, which, what games are supposed to have... right?

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i run 2 servers for our Clan... +POO+ Clan....we have been playing since day 1 of JK2...we feel kick should be an option that we can toggle on/off and it should be controlable....


There should be a "Kick Tracker" server side...that would use the following 5 variables to restrict Kick spam:


KickMax: Maximum number of consecutive kicks allowed variable


KickTime: Time frame in seconds that KickMax would be allowed


KickMinDamage: Minimum health damage a kick would perform


KickMaxDamage: Maximum health damage a kick would perform


KickPenalty: Penatly for Kick spammers





seta KickMax 3

seta KickTime 20

seta KickMinDamage 10

seta KickMaxDamage 25

seta KickPenalty 75


this would allow a player to perform 3 kick attacks within 20 seconds...and the damage of the kicks would be a range from 10-25 on the targets health.


any more request for kicks within that time would sap the kicker's force level by -75 and also just make the player run up to the target and just stop...kinda like runing into a wall...(since the force level of the kicker would be reduced the kicker couldnt perform a major attack also)



See...simple way to allow kicks and control kick spam.



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Originally posted by [fk]myth.

I just played on an s/o ff game. Provided, noobs were in the game, lots of them, and returning was relitively easy (I pushed them off, they had no push force) But when a good fc got the flag, I ended up looknig like a dork speeding and whoring attack because, lets face it, that was the ONLY thing I can do. If things stay the way they are I forsee s/o CTF becoming the equivilant of CTY from JO.


except for the fact that you could easily kill the fc...

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Here's what I don't get -


We (experienced) players get told that we whore kick - what happens? Raven takes kick out of the game :mad:


Now, opposite side of the spectrum: New players SPAM the saber moves like no other, looking like fools - and say they own us. What's raven do? Give them more moves. :mad:


Seriously - kick is needed. If saber damage was upped...and the blocking system tweaked...and this and that, etc. <--- too much work. Not worth it. I'm not even saying you have to add KICK, per say, just SOME way to SLOW a FC down AND a way to KILL the sucker once you're near him. In JKO, the major problem is catching up with a FC so that you could swing/kick/throw some damage their way. The way to do it was to kick them, or to rage/speed dfa them. In JKA, first, you can't keep up with them (no kick). You can't get ahead of them (no rage/speed). Even if by SOME miracle you manage to get close with them...nobody is gonna walk into kata's. The chances of that happening are slimmer than a JKO capper running into a DFA.


For all of those ignorant, arrogant, little punks that said we should grow up and learn the game - Guess what...we spent our 50 bucks too, and as such we get to voice our opinions as you do. We're not going to go away because you say we're whining. You certaintly didn't, and look what happened to JKO (1.2 to 1.3 to 1.4). Changes happen. This time, the competitive people aren't keeping their mouths shut. Your turn to take the hit because Raven overcorrected. It happens sometimes. Also, there actually isn't anything to learn in this game. I've learned every kata in every stance, I've learned the staff kicks, the roll stab, etc. None of them are usefull in ff s/o duels or ctf. Simple. Don't believe me? Gimme a server IP and I'll prove it to you.


Oh, and to the shmuck who said we were cocky or whatever and asked if we won money for the game - [div3rse] clan did. And to those who said "being in a clan doesn't make you good". You're right. Practicing this game with a team that knows what I'm capable of and I know what to expect from DOES make me better than you. Why? I put the time in. If you did you would become better too, but you didn't. So stop talking like you know what the deal is. You don't.

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Originally posted by JaledDur

Don't worry, as soon as the SDK is released there's going to be people on the job, garanteed.


The problem is that we need this crap fixed yesterday.


the kaoticz mod team (not the gaming team) are definitely going to, and so is xmod. we would just like the ability to not HAVE to mod it, because 99% of people will just go for the mods that add in abusive admin powers and more emotes...

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Originally posted by Rumor

the kaoticz mod team (not the gaming team) are definitely going to, and so is xmod. we would just like the ability to not HAVE to mod it, because 99% of people will just go for the mods that add in abusive admin powers and more emotes...


And that sure as hell is the truth. And I don't know how to get around it other than bundling in that functionality with our mods. Whcih...sucks... but if its the only way to get it adopted...


Oh and I want to help anyone in any way I can to fix this game. I dont do skins or models or maps, but I can code in Java and C, so between the two C++ shouldn't be much of a leap. More of...a short hop. :)

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I realize my opinion will probably be ignored, but I'd like to humbly suggest the following which I think would be a good compromise and make me PARTICULARLY happy:


Bring back kick, but with *0* damage. Jump kicks could be used for strategic purposes (knocking people down, luring people close to a ledge and kicking them off) but wouldn't serve any purpose if spammed.


I'd like to see kick remain a STRATEGIC option but not an abusable part of the game. I frequently used kick in FFA server duels where it does no damage, and was never bothered by the fact that didn't do damage -- as that was not really my purpose.



Lightstaff-style kicks would still do normal damage.

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right well let's dispell a myth here and now.


Being able to kick all the time and kill people laying on the floor did NOT make you a "skilled" player in JK2, What it did do is it made you a lazy player that was exploiting a weakness in the games coding.


The Jedi Knight series of games should be about saber skills not kung fu!


Wanna kick buy a PS2 and Tekken...:rolleyes:

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I'm not even saying you have to add KICK, per say, just SOME way to SLOW a FC down AND a way to KILL the sucker once you're near him.
Is that all? Mod it. Anyone who picks up the flag = 65% running speed. Adjust to suit. Tired of whining for a patch.


We (experienced) players get told that we whore kick - what happens? Raven takes kick out of the game


Now, opposite side of the spectrum: New players SPAM the saber moves like no other, looking like fools - and say they own us. What's raven do? Give them more moves.

Sorry, what are you saying? Are you saying that whoring kick is in some way better than spamming sabre moves?


I used to whore kick in JA. I'm not ashamed of that. It won me many a point, and that after all is the aim of the game. I'm only interested in winning. So if spamming the sabre moves wins, that's what the order of the day is. But I'm never going to be a snob and declare that the way I used to spam is better than the way I'm spamming now, or vice-versa. It's all code.


Oh, and to the shmuck who said we were cocky or whatever and asked if we won money for the game - [div3rse] clan did.
That was me, and I was asking Comm539 specifically, which you'd know if you bothered to read the thread properly... schmuck.


I'm curious. (And this question IS directed towards the masses...)Do you go out buying games like Grand Theft Auto and complain that sabre-only CTF is rubbish and should be patched in? Just because you enjoyed the game mode in JO, doesn't mean you would in JA, as you've subsequently discovered. Different game, don't you know. Go back to JO.


The Jedi Knight series of games should be about saber skills not kung fu!
Don't start that, you're as bad as they are. The game is about whatever it's about! I wish everyone would stop trying to warp every single game with "Jedi" in its title into their own personal idea of teh leet mod.
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Originally posted by Spider AL

Is that all? Mod it. Anyone who picks up the flag = 65% running speed. Adjust to suit. Tired of whining for a patch.


Sorry, what are you saying? Are you saying that whoring kick is in some way better than spamming sabre moves?


I used to whore kick in JA. I'm not ashamed of that. It won me many a point, and that after all is the aim of the game. I'm only interested in winning. So if spamming the sabre moves wins, that's what the order of the day is. But I'm never going to be a snob and declare that the way I used to spam is better than the way I'm spamming now, or vice-versa. It's all code.


That was me, and I was asking Comm539 specifically, which you'd know if you bothered to read the thread properly... schmuck.


I'm curious. (And this question IS directed towards the masses...)Do you go out buying games like Grand Theft Auto and complain that sabre-only CTF is rubbish and should be patched in? Just because you enjoyed the game mode in JO, doesn't mean you would in JA, as you've subsequently discovered. Different game, don't you know. Go back to JO.


Don't start that, you're as bad as they are. The game is about whatever it's about! I wish everyone would stop trying to warp every single game with "Jedi" in its title into their own personal idea of teh leet mod.




The clan i'm in is sponsered by a North American company and is organising a ladder with a cash prize. So in essence, yes.


The issue isn't 'we want kicks becuase its an easy kill (becuase people are too stupid to know how to counter them). The issue is that there is no longer a way to stop a guy who wants to stay alive at all costs.

We just want a patch with toggleable kick, no force for dfa, ptk etc. If you can't handle these, you just go to a server that doesn't have them on. But these features are actually needed otherwise s/o ctf becomes a stalemate.

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This is what a lot of us have been saying all along. I still don't understand people's complaints about it. If it' an option I would think that would make everybody happy. Because as an option it gives people the choice. Kick or no kick. Dfa costs force, or it doesn't. As options in console I think this would be completely fair. Lets just hope the folks at lucasarts think so too:)

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Kick was never whored when I played JO, although that was about a year or so ago, a few months after 1.04 , so maybe people were different during the time I stopped playing...As long as we have these new moves so when you get knocked over you can jump back up and kick people or roll away I'm fine with kick being put in the game.

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