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The 1980s: Horrible ______, Great ______?

Boba Rhett

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I'd rather forget about most of the things that happened in the 80's and I think most people feel the same way. :D


But what are some of the things you actually liked about that decade?


For me, the one thing that immediately pops to mind are the cartoons! Anyone else remember all the rocking cartoons? Cartoons of this generation suck. :( They've all but killed saturday mornings.


... I can't remember much else I liked so I'll ramble about the sucky stuff. :D



The hair. WHAT was that all about? Everyone who didn't have a huge fluffed up mess had a "business up front and party in the back" do that you only find in the scariest of the scary trailer parks today.


The music. With the exception of a handful of tunes, I'd like to put all of it in a big wooden box and throw it in the river.


The clothing. What was with all the headbands and sockless loafer wearing? How did that ever catch on? :confused:



I'm done ranting now so you guys pick up where I left off. :D



EDIT: Oh wait! The games totally rocked! You can play a ton of them here.

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haties of the 80's:

leather tie's

the color combos in the clothing styles

the hairdo's


in fact most of the music

most of the fashion




goodies of the 80's:

Atari games

telegames (those little pre-gameboy thingys)

tv series like MacGyver, Airwolf, A-Team, Knight Rider .. etc..

the end of the gdr/ socialism

changes in the man - woman relation/ role modeling

casio watches


double tape decks

my 4 - 13th birthday :)

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whats the best thing about the 80s?



er... STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so ANH was '77 but ESB and ROTJ were both 80s movies, as well as the indiana jones movies.


so really the 80s were good for movies.


yes and all the old TV shows like knight rider, a-team, street hawk, battlestar galacticia, the littliest hobo, airwolf were good.

the computer games like frogger, arkanoid etc. they might not have been great but were very addictive.


worst thing about the 80s?

the music and fashion i.e boy george, wham, spandex, leg warmers etc.

there is one fashion exception... the Super Tight Mini skirt.

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I don't remember anything from the 80s except one time when I was beating up my little sister :eek:




Generally though, I love some of the music. I find 80s music more appealing than the music of today.


There were also some great movies made - Indiana Jones, Star Wars sequels...


I don't know about anything "bad" per se, but yes, the fashion was sort of weird...I look at my parents' old photos and they had these huge square-shaped glasses... weeeirdd :p Now they wear "normal" glasses :D

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All the clothes in the 80's were the worst...


loud, bright colors, bermudas, pastels *cringes*


Lots of my favorite movies came out in the 80's:


The Lost Boys

Indianna Jones

Ferris Buehler's Day Off

Wierd Science





Empire Strikes Back


Some good songs:


Love And Rockets - "So Alive"

INXS - "Need You Tonite"

ZZ Top - "Sharp Dressed Man"

Van Halen - "Jump"

Michael Jackson - "Billy Jean"

Billy Joel - "It's Still Rock & Roll to Me"

Bruce Springsteen - "Born In The USA"

Dire Strieghts - "Money For Nothing"

New Order - "Blue Monday"


Oh hell too many to name.....

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As someone who "came of age" in said decade, I should be able to conjure up a detailed list of impressive magnitude... but for some reason it escapes me... Anyway, here's a few quick impressions:


The music wasn't all bad,.. especially if your were a heavy-metal fan. And then there was always Wierd Al and Dr. Demento...


The hair was bad... I had a bad hair style. Eveyone did. So were the clothes... but hey! How many decades can stand up to that kind of scrutiny from 20 years out?


The women were sexier. Of course, at the time I was a teenager, so... well, draw your own conclusions...


Videogames were cooler. They were new and exciting, and you had to hang out in dingy, windowless arcades filled with shady characters in order to play them, so it was an edgy activity as well. All the home consoles had a definite "cheese-factor" but the games were fun.


Even a lot of the "Cool" kids played Dungeons & Dragons. Again,.. the parents didn't understand it and thought it had occult overtones, so you felt edgy playing it. Now we look back and see that we were just nerds... oh well.

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I would also have to point out that statement probably wasn't true for anyone outside of the wealthy upper classes.

I'm pretty sure the average middle-ages peasant woman would not qualify as "sexy" in any sense of the word,.. except to, perhaps, very desperate middle-ages peasant men.

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I graduated HS in the early 80s so that was neat. I started work at Boeing in the 80s, that was another cool thing. I got my liscense in the early 80s.


I dated Laura Derting, she had the biggest ...um.. so any ways.. I still see her from time to time.

I dated Katherine house, she too had some huge..... ahem...

I dated Rita Oswald, now she had some gigantic...ummm, ahh

I dated Angie Sannas, great gal, very pretty, knock out body..

I dated Leslie whats her last name. Ok so we didn't really date we just, um, well, you know..

I dated Kim ,forgot her last name too.. See was married ,as was Leslie, and we really didn't date but.... see above...

I dated Kristy Wilson, one of my first real girl friends. She was red hot smokin. Damn. Still she her folks from time to time.

I met this gal at a gym, her name was Donna. I was maybe 17 and she was at least 30s. Damn.....

Then there was the gal from the Sports page tavern. Man was she a sweet thing.

Then Danette from bother Brothers Chevrolet where I worked. She was a little skanky though.


There is a few more but no need to get exact numbers..


So I would say the 80s were good. ;)

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Originally posted by GUNNER

I graduated HS in the early 80s so that was neat. I started work at Boeing in the 80s, that was another cool thing. I got my liscense in the early 80s.


I dated Laura Derting, she had the biggest ...um.. so any ways.. I still see her from time to time.

I dated Katherine house, she too had some huge..... ahem...

I dated Rita Oswald, now she had some gigantic...ummm, ahh

I dated Angie Sannas, great gal, very pretty, knock out body..

I dated Leslie whats her last name. Ok so we didn't really date we just, um, well, you know..

I dated Kim ,forgot her last name too.. See was married ,as was Leslie, and we really didn't date but.... see above...

I dated Kristy Wilson, one of my first real girl friends. She was red hot smokin. Damn. Still she her folks from time to time.

I met this gal at a gym, her name was Donna. I was maybe 17 and she was at least 30s. Damn.....

Then there was the gal from the Sports page tavern. Man was she a sweet thing.

Then Danette from bother Brothers Chevrolet where I worked. She was a little skanky though.


There is a few more but no need to get exact numbers..


So I would say the 80s were good. ;)

Uhh. I think we really didn't need to know that, but thanks anyway I guess.
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Originally posted by Chase Windu

Either they were so good that they gave you amnesia or you were living my dream: Forget the details and get right ot buisness.:naughty:


Well it was a long time ago and some of them I only knew for a month or two. Never really worried about the particulars to much back then. I was kind of a man-whore I guess. ;)


I do have their names written down some where as I was trying to go through my torid past so one day iwas taking notes. I just can't find the list. :(

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

One word: Transformers.




Couldn't have said it better myself!


Also G.I.Joe!!! I still have about 95% of my collection.


And Rhett is right. Todays cartoons stink. My transformers and GIJoes will beat Pokemon and the totally moronic Kids Next Door any day.


Did any of you guys watch the cartoon Cops? I'm not sure if it was a late 80's or early 90's though.

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