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Found this on a computer at school today


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Now I know te kid who wrote this. He, frankly, is an asshole, even if you try to be nice to him.


Now one would question on the sensitivity of me posting this here but:


1. He posted it in My Documents where everyone could see it!

2. He automatically assumes he's the only person who's ever been bullied, prick.


All my life I have been tormented emotionally. Being disrespected… Nobody knowing me… Being the only intelligent one… All of these things are as a burden upon my soul. All of the spiritual neglect… No one caring about the way they have treated me negatively…


Teachers doing nothing about my torture… All the darkness that has ensnared my soul… Left untreated like an incurable disease… It destroys my soul as a virus destroys cells…Rapidly growing is my vengeance as I play “Harmless”. What I would like is for every tormentor of my soul to suffer the way I suffered all those years.


No one can translate how long I’ve been holding back on rage…Only two words can describe such plight: Time bomb. Right now, Darkness… Cloudiness… Storms… Those are my only comfort that I have from all the years of torture…


None of the humans who have preformed devilish acts upon my soul have ever considered my soul’s time of vengeance… Amusement… That is all they did it for. Not once considering the error of toying with my bitterness… I have not forged a path to evil… Yet… Those people cared not for my feelings.


Right now, fiery vengeance is all that motivates my torn-up soul. No human can know of the bitterness that is inside of me. Torture is all I have experienced in my life. Very few people care. I feel as if I’m in the middle of a room screaming my lungs out and no one bothers to even look up.


Vengeance is not sweet… but very bitter. No human can have a vicarious experience from the magnitude of my anger. I feel as if I could explode at any time like a time bomb. I feel cathartic of all except anger. That is the only emotion left inside of my tortured soul. I have been betrayed by my own race.


No human will ever know of my bitterness in me. It shall emerge to engulf the world into hatred and darkness. Even more so than the Earth is right now. We will be plundered into pure un-altered darkness. No sun… That will eventually please my soul. People have failed in the one duty placed upon them… Those people have betrayed me.

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Originally posted by Clefo

He, frankly, is an asshole, even if you try to be nice to him.


It's not uncommon around where you're from...*


As to my comment on the self-pitous (?) "essay," I agree with Rhett - the guy obviously has some problems, and I think it'd be best (for everyone) if someone made its existance known to the administration. :o I would presume it's this kind of person who carries around hit-lists of the people he wants to get back at, and/or thinks about doing something suicidal. Not good. :indif:


*You know I'm kidding ;)

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I do have to admit, sometimes teachers do nothing about situations like this. I have been picked on for years and up to the seventh grade, I knew nothing but pain, until I punched a kid in the back, swore in front of the teachers to another student in blind rage, pushed a kid in a desk, threw pencils, pens, rulers, books across the room...you get the point. But this kid really needs to go see a councelor or a psyciatrist(sp).

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i think you should go up to him, and smack his ass around. tell him life ain't easy and deal with it. we all have problems and his are miniscule compared to most others. so tell him to stop being such a little c*ck sucker and get over himself....


and he did want someone to see it... to feel bad for him. talk about a backfire.

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All OF my life I have been tormented emotionally. Being disrespected, nobody knowing me, being the only intelligent one, all of these things are as a burden upon my soul. All of the spiritual neglect… No one caring about the way they have treated me negatively… Fragments, revise


Teachers doing nothing about my torture. All of the darkness that has ensnared my soul has been left untreated like an incurable disease. It destroys my soul as like a virus destroying cells. Rapidly growing is my vengeance as I play “Harmless”. My vengeance is rapidly growing, while I play "Harmless".(?) What I would like is for every tormentor of my soul to suffer the way I suffered for all those years.


No one can translate know how long I’ve been holding back on my rage. Only two words can describe such plight, time bomb. Right now, darkness, cloudiness, and storms are my only comfort that I have from all the years of torture.


None of the humans,who have preformed devilish acts upon my soul me have ever considered my soul’s time of vengeance. Amusement That is all they did it for. Not once considering the error of toying with my bitterness. I have not forged a path to evil, yet. Those people cared not for my feelings. Consider moving this sentence to earlier in the paragraph


Right now, fiery vengeance is all that motivates my torn-up soul me. No human can know of the bitterness that is inside of me. Torture is all I have experienced in my life. Very few people care. I feel as if I’m in the middle of a room screaming my lungs out and no one bothers to even look up.


Vengeance is not sweet, but very bitter. No human can have a vicarious experience from the magnitude of my anger.* I feel as if I could explode at any time like a time bomb. I feel cathartic of all except anger. That is the only emotion left inside of my tortured soul me. I have been betrayed by my own race.


No human will ever know of my the bitterness in me. It shall emerge to engulf the world into hatred and darkness. Even more so than the Earth is right now. We will be plundered# into pure un-altered darkness. No sun… That will eventually please my soul. People have failed in the one duty placed upon them… Those people have betrayed me.%


*Meaning unclear, consider revising

#Incorrect useage, plunged would fit better

%Again, meaning unclear, what is their duty? To please you? Not betray you?


You need to work on sentence structure and clear conveyance of your message. Also, try not to use one word too much, ex: soul.


D-, see me after class :(

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This kid seems to live in his own box.. He rides my bus and we have hearty debates.. His sense of morality is kinda warped though.



Him: Intelligent people don't curse, you're a moron!

Me: I have a 4.0!

Him:*Pause* You're stupid.


Him: Quit being a monkey and go back to the Zoo!

Friend Of Mine: If I wasn't a monkey, why would I go back to the zoo?

Him: You're stupid.


Then I gave him this talking to today:


"You know, you think nothing is your fault. You think that you're the only person who's ever had problems. Well guess what? Grow up and get out of that box you live in, because people in the real world aren't gonna take your *expletive deleated*. You need to realize that there's more than you in this world!"


Him: Shut up. You know nothing


"Don't you *expletive deleted* inturrupt me! And you're just proving my point. The reason you're 'tormented' and such is because YOU ARE NOT NICE TO PEOPLE! Its not that hard to figure out!"


My little speech moved everyone else to tears, but he just insulted me.


Basically, this kid think's he's the only person with Intelligence, when he's REALLY naive (Hence the box comment)

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Wow...this kid is even more messed up than me....at least I didn't put some essay on a school computer, i gave it to a company as a poem and they published it! Much more people to reach!!:D


If it weren't for my horse I wouldn't of spent that year in college.


Lewis Black!!! YES!! I want pancakes, bring me some pancakes!!

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I know quite the number of people who had rough lives. If he wants to go on like this, fine, let him. He shouldn't write it out on a school computer and let people see. IMO, i say this guy should keep his mouth shut because i bet he doesn't realize what he is saying. He seems to go on and on about his "soul" and he will change the world into darkness.....SHUT UP! When i have a really bad problem, i just talk to a good friend of mine, i don't make it public.


Second of all, he is obviously asking for attention, yet he plays around with it. I bet he wants someone to pity him. He wont respond to anyone unless they respond in a certain way.


This is what i would do. Tell the kid you found this, then delete it (show it to authority if you want before doing so). Tell him to shut up and do something about it. If he is just going to whine about it, then he has no right to talk because he lets it go.


I feel like im getting off track here, but i think you guys get the idea.

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Originally posted by Clefo

Now I know te kid who wrote this. He, frankly, is an asshole, even if you try to be nice to him.


Now one would question on the sensitivity of me posting this here but:


1. He posted it in My Documents where everyone could see it!

2. He automatically assumes he's the only person who's ever been bullied, prick.

dude....I mean I can relate to some of that but...

I would change schools. This kid is gonna shoot everyone up. Believe me.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


LMAO Homer. That's the single funniest thing I've seen in the last 3 days... easily. Maybe that's just because I'm taking AP English Comp. right now and I've seen all those remarks. :D


Does the kid have ahuge chip on his shoulder? I know kids like that at school, I just silently put up with them and just try not to get in a confrontation with them, only reenforces their views in their own minds. I just sit back and watch and listen to them and give them little everyday help when the opportunity arises. Friendship is the only cure for such the disease that is self-debilitating angst. And unfortunately those with the disease are the hardest to become friends with. The rational thing to do in the situation is to inform the school officials, but advise them not to do anything baout it because it's obvious the guy is a little unstable and unless they act very quickly and get him under total control (preferably with a straitjacket) he could be prone to rash action that will make everyone else's day that much unhappier. People who think like that are very prone to doing rash things that no one expects because they lose their common sense and grip on reality. :(


They have Red and Green Nyquil, and it's the only thing I know of that tastes both Red and Green. :D

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Originally posted by Artoo

They have Red and Green Nyquil, and it's the only thing I know of that tastes both Red and Green. :D




"There's a daytime Nyquil and a nighttime Nyquil...take whichever one you want, BECAUSE YOUR COLD DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TIME OF DAY IT IS!!!!"


:D :D

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they do STTCT. They mean too much at times.


I know I person who was suspended for 9 weeks of school just because he said he was going to kill someone when he got angry. That was all just talk and everyone knew it, but it didn't matter to the school when they found out. They just tossed him out.


This kid obviously has some angst, but hell, don't we all? I've written stuff like that only to look back and thing. "Wow...I thought I was deep, but that stuff is horrible." It's a phase we all go through. He'll get over it and he'll likely stick to his guns. He calls himself smart and somewhat moral for not cursing. He's no time bomb...he's just a pissed off kid. One of many millions all over the place. I think people may take something like that too far. Even to the point of suspension or rehab of some sort. People tough it out. If you really want to change a person's views then get to someplace that is somewhat empty and just talk to them...sort things out. Just a conversation can change a life.

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As horrible as I may be if I'm wrong, I agree with Fergie.


I mean, this is what, High school? I'm in High school now as well. Everyone's got angst that they want to let out somehow; it's not like nobody has ever had the urge to say they want to kill someone.


Unfortunately, some idiots like to write those things in a Word doc like this kid did, and people get upset about it.


I'd say leave the kid alone...he'll get over it.


And Homer, I nearly pissed my pants laughing at your post XD

(I would have failed him though...XP XD)

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Originally posted by Artoo

LMAO Homer. That's the single funniest thing I've seen in the last 3 days... easily. Maybe that's just because I'm taking AP English Comp. right now and I've seen all those remarks. :D


Originally posted by Jed

And Homer, I nearly pissed my pants laughing at your post XD

(I would have failed him though...XP XD)


I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, the idea to do that just hit me...and after I stopped the bleeding, I posted it.


Oh, and I almost failed him as well, but something told me that if I did he'd go over the edge...

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Homer, that was hilarious! I loved it.


Clefo, have you told the school admins. yet? If not, do it tomorrow. Or earlier if possible. I just hope that they will be a little different from every other teacher on the planet and actually F***ING DO SOMETHING!!! I've been there too, and I am thankful for my friends who encouraged me. The teachers didn't do S***. I'm sorry if the language offends anyone, but this is a sore spot for me.






P.S. "This is a car that goes 45 miles an hour with the wind. If you turn off the air-conditioning, you can supercharge the little f***er to 48. I had a NOSEBLEED because I was having so much fun in the car!" -Lewis Black, on the Plymouth Horizon.

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