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My Oh My! How I love MP playing.


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By suggestion of Astrotroy7 I'm gonna start a thread where we can all post the funny crap that ever happened to US while playing Jedi Academy MP.


Complains and flaming are not welcome, there are plenty of threads for that.


I will have to say that one of the most funny things that keep happening to me is when I to take a moment to write some crap on the chat and see someone coming straight at me, so I try to abrubtly end the chat line, but I get nervous and I miss the Enter key and get my ass twisted, so then I take my time to end writing what I was going to write in the first place :rolleyes: .


Another thing, that I asume most of us have suffered and laughed at, is feeling Jedi and jump across a ledge to frag someone, and when we are in the middle of the jump someone pulls or pushes us and we fall to our Doom (?). Man, I feel so stupid for not using force absorb while doing such a move.

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I Love to play online after a hard day's work. You meet interesting players. You can play seriously or just for the heck of it. Sometimes they way you kill or the way you die brings that laugh you need after getting stuck in traffic for over an hour.


Some of the funny stuff i've seen...


I get those half finished chat lines and the pit jump incidents.


How about when you get pushed into a pit, and you are about to fall on that tiny lil ledge that's gonna save your virtula jedi butt, but at the last minute you insist on wall grabbing and jump out of that god sent ledge into your doom... talk about going from attempted homicide to sucessful suicide. hehe


And those times when there 2 or 3 guyz in the air and we try to push them over the edge only to be foiled by one of five other guyz trying to do the same. Total push fest. It was funny that one times everybody ran up to the ledge and looked down waiting to see who scored those hits... the one who pushed last... and after the message appears on the screen... everybodyt scrambles for another fight. ;)


there are others but i'll save it for some other time.



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"I really love MP, you meet a lot of different people, you can fight, chat, and even if we dont agree on the rules it doesnt matter because it is just a game and we are all brothers and sisters on this beautiful earth..."


Hallelujah, brother!


Actually, I really do love MP online. It's one of my favorite things to do on the off hours... though my eyes can only take it in doses for a couple of days at a time... hehe. Sometimes I'll get that high, of having just played an incredible match with some really outstanding players. I don't care what my score is at that point... it just feels good. Like when I used to be able to take drugs. ;-)


I've also enjoyed the camraderie enountered on several of the team games when it's a really good team and everybody plays like a team naturally. Coming back from 5-0 to win is serious fun. My fav used to be EF:Voyager CTF, but now I'm digging the CTF with sabers so much more. Played on ChopShop 1 this morning in saber only CTF, and we got sooooo close... very exciting.


Funny stories... the other night one of those "kill em all and let god sort em out" boys jumped on the House of Talent server while they were doing *cough* FFA Duels, and just went nuts on everybody. At first everyone was like "Hey!", but then the entire place teamed up against this one guy and it became an all out free for all, 1 vs 12 or something. He was really good, and it was actually kinda fun til they bumped him off. Several others thought so too. :-P


And yeah, the first time I jumped across a ravine minding my own business and got pulled out of the sky was pretty darn hilarious. I was like "what the heck?" Or watching somebody just win a killer duel in FFA4 only to turn and roll right into the big hole... ha!



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Boy ! I'd never think anyone would have thye guts to start this thread.... I dont think there are *any* kids out there who are actually HAVING FUN playing MP out there....................... going by these threads anyway....... :p


My MP bright moments, I was involved in a few LAN games with about 10 people in total, all at my friends house. (we were all playing JO, so this was a while ago).


Although we were all in the same room/house, there were still people intent on sending messages to each other(!), mainly stuff like, "Astrotoy7 thinks he's sooo good. Lets all gang up on him..." This was said out loud, just as often....


The guy who was set up nearest the fridge was bothered the most... his penalty for losing a duel...get the victor a beer


in CTF, losing team had to fork out for pizza...


in FFA, the golden rule was, "Gang up on the dickhead who uses Mon Mothma"....there was always someone.....


For me its the experience that is more important than the game itself. I cant imagine anything more frustrating than coming across someone taking themselves and the game *far too seriously*.... whether it be bowing, kicking, lightning, anything ! there's *always* going to be someone who is unhappy, someone who hates losing, and someone who likes to chat to another player - because they do have something common ; they like the game and (perhaps) they like SW just as much... who knows....


Also, poor 13 year olds. The magic age for being scapegoated and flamed on a gaming forum ! Its really hard to do anything right at that age, if you think back...(15 years ago for me)


MP will never outshine SP for me, but in the right context, sure, it can be FUN !




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Funny stories... the other night one of those "kill em all and let god sort em out" boys jumped on the House of Talent server while they were doing *cough* FFA Duels, and just went nuts on everybody. At first everyone was like "Hey!", but then the entire place teamed up against this one guy and it became an all out free for all, 1 vs 12 or something. He was really good, and it was actually kinda fun til they bumped him off. Several others thought so too. :-P

That might have been me, I play under the name of aristeed, I was doing some killing last night...

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Yes that was prolly me, Corto.


I admit it... it's a guilty pleasure, but I find almost nothing quite so amusing as abusing the bejesus out of Force Push.


I'm not saying that it's admirable or in anyway a "skill" - just that it's darn tooting fun! :)


For example, I was a distant 2nd place (FFA) with the leader only 1 point away from victory. In a brilliant twist of fate, I successfully pushed over five people to their doom with one tap of the button - INCLUDING the guy who was formerly in the lead - and took the match! w00t!!!


It's also good fun to push some over-confident foe who just brandished a plethora of menacing taunts and saber twirls. The look on their face is simply priceless. It reminds me of that scene in one of the various Indiana Jones movies where he simply blasted a guy with swords.


Honorable? No. Fun? Oh yes!!

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Originally posted by babywax

I was just having an all around good time in chop shop ;)


(Add a ? at the end in the new window and it should work)


LOL! Look at your ping compared to the other guys! Those poor bastards never had a chance! You probably saw the automated message on my servers that says "High FPS + low ping = life".


But congratualtions anyway on joining the "100 club"! I've always had a fraglimit of 100 when the gametype is FFA, and there is often an exciting battle between 2 or 3 players to hit the fraglimit before the timelimit is hit. There is something satisfying about winning the game with a triple-digit score while everyone else is in the double or single digits.

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I've been able to own in a few Chop Shop servers (I mean OWN, and i was playing JO, don't have JA yet :( ) and htat's really fun. Especially when everyone starts fragging so fast that there is like homicide strings becasue ppl spawn then kill then spawn and kill so on. REALLY GOOD TIMES! This is when you can completely forget about life. I don't know why but I seem to not really experience this as much in an SP game. But, maybe someday. :)


I'm really looking forward to driving vehicles in MP in JA, this i think will add a new deminsion to the things friends can do. Two get in a lambdashuttle, one shoots the **** out of everyone and the other drives :D . Really sweet stuff games are, really sweet.

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I was on the Forest Sanctuary map out on that ledge overlooking the jungle(the platform with no rails). It was just me an one other player screwing around and force pushing, mind trick, set the wall grip to infinite etc., when we found ourselves pushing each other off the ledge. He got me almost every time, and I tried everything(saber down, not using force, walking, STANDING STILL,) Tried force grip to throw him over but he would push me off(I use primarily light powers not good with grip), gave up on that real quick. The only way I could get him was to pull him off the pad into the adjacent room and saber his a** while he was using push or as he morphed through the doors. Any whoo, by the timelimit hit the score was:


me: 2 or 3

opponent: 19 or something


Ofcourse the gut wreanching laughter didn't help either.



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This is not MP but SP. I just started a pure dark force use chara. In the 2nd mission (I think), the one where you just begin your training and fight the probes. On my way to the door, I jumped and landed on Rosh's head, in which he said something like, "Hey watch it". I then jumped on Kyle's head and he said, "Stop that Jaden", scolding me, so just to be evil, I continued to jump on his head for about 5 minutes laughing my arse off the whole time LOL


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I love those moments of "clarity" when it feels like time stops.


You know those moments when you speed around the corner and see a guy standing before you with a detpack in his hand just...looking at you? And you realize that the ledge you're standing on is littered with detpacks. You stop, look at the guy, look at the 6 detpacks in your feet, look at the guy again and go "o.O.." just as you hear the sound of the explosives being detonated.


Bleep-bleep KABOOOOOOMMM! :D

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As I was running along a corridor I came to the end of it which was completely sealed off by tripmine laser beams.


The guy that did that was standing on the other side, using the base JO taunt... with the mines still in his hand... he never saw that saber throw comming. :D

But alas...all was not well for our hero (me)... for some other guy came along also used saber throw...not on me but on the mines... the blast killed me yeah... but he was too close as well... so the moral of the story is..everybody dies :p

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Like that one amidala(that was in kaia's server)?

Take a look at this one:


About 32 people in the game, maybe more, so many people in the game that it was a game of "don't get crushed into another dimension."

Here's a pic of some dimension crushing:



(Add ?'s to the end)

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Damn you Kaia =). What I love most is to push KaiaSowaPit himself off a ledge. I wander around until I see the ass pinching fella pushing ppl off, then I rush and puss him off too, LOL. I think he hates that. Still friends right Kaia?


Yesterday I started to say "did you pinch my ass?" all the time, and everbody went like "who me?", "who are you talking with?", "Yes, I did, sorry", "No, I didn't pinch yours ass, gee". LMAO, for one moment I got everybody's attention with that crap.


Here is another one. I'm a long time Unreal Tournament fan and fragger (not fagget, I know what you're thinking, lol), so I developed deep feeling for UT's taunts. I started playing JA online a month ago and started to use the same taunts, just to see if ppl remembers them: "die bitch!", "medic!", "boom!", "do you like that?" and finally my all time favorite "my house!".


So, at the end of my first won match I was really exited and rushed to write a taunt before the server reloads a map, so I hit "Y" and hurry to write and ENTER!.


Yes!, I've done it... crap, I wrote "MY MOUSE!" not "MY HOUSE!", lol. The funny thing is that ppl found "my mouse!" even more funny and original than "my house!". You could say I pulled an Homer Simpson.


Deep Thought:

- When the judgement day comes, men will be judged as dogs... And dogs will be judged as cats... Where does that leave cats? - Someone I don't like.

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Corto... I played UT too... although some of those taunts are great... the UT2k3 ones rule... really offensive lol.


There's always the "YOU WHORE!" one... can you imagine people spamming lightning or grip or whatever... in other words "whoring" that power... that taunt would be totally in context i believe.

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I was also a big ut/ut2k3 player. My favorite taunts were from custom skins.


The first was a Mr. Burns skin. Imagine that every time i got a kill, and i was VERY good with the sniper rifle mind you ;), that my character would say one of 30 different Mr. Burns quotes.


The second was a robocop skin that I used. Random qoutes. My favorite, "Dead or alive, you are coming with me."




Ok, best game of JK MP, well, there was a "private" duel going on in a FFA server. It was getting boring, since everyone was dueling near on big pit.....


So, I decided to liven things up >=)


I got the rocket launcher, the conc rifle, the repeater, and some thermals, and set to work. A few thermals and a couple blasts of the conc rifle, 9 kills at once. Almost no one died from the blast, but they all died from being pushed into the pit...


I got kicked. LOL


Also, same map, the one with the 4 levels that are all around the one big hole, which I should have mentioned earlier.


I was dueling, and I was pushed into the hole. I jumped off the wall, expecting to be pushed again. However, he had turned his back on me! So I sabered his ass!!


He was the admin....


I got kicked. >=)


Please forgive my spelling. I am a chem major, not an english major. ;)




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I can't stop laughing great thread,"my mouse" :D nice picture Kurgan, lmao. And on the subject of being crushed into another dimension, I take it that was ffa on a ctf map, done that, laughed so hard I couldn't move from the spawn point nor could the other 8 players spawning on each other, had to change g_gametype to make it quit, after everyone had over ten kills before we actually began to even try to frag each other.


Still my fav. has to be sneaking up on people with there saber out standing still and jabbing them or kata them strait out of mind trick, love that every time, especially when there in the middle of a taunt or when there gripping somebody and unarmed.


Good Times



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Ok, here's a classic...


I'm on Kurgan's Meatgrinder today in FFA4 and the crowd somewhat thins down to a few of us, so we start FFA dueling. During a duel with one Jedi Master, we're going at it pretty hard and I definitely have the advantage. Suddenly he jumps way back in the room and pops up his chatbox. I walk in close to see what's going, deciding whether to strike or not if it's a feint, and a few seconds later the message pops up:


"Hold on... my contact just fell out."




Several minutes later (I'm a patient lightsider), he comes back and says "ok" and proceeds to start whirlybirding all over again. The real joke is that he actually won. Kinda felt like I was in a tennis match with Justine Henin-Hardenne...


It was all worth the serious laughter I got out of the whole thing.


Darth Vader: "Prepare to meet your... hold on a minute... my contact fell out... okay... to meet your destiny."

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