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An open letter to Raven Software and Lucasarts

Lord Sokar

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Funny, no one is targetting SP. This is all MP problems. Not a single problem has been addressed in either MP or SP, granted, but MP is hurting a lot worse then SP right now.


Wrong post to reply to, perhaps?


i was tlking about mr. "anonymous" (the 2nd letter)

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

My provider has convinced me to hang on a few more days while they increase the frequency of heartbeats to the masterlist servers as a last ditch effort. I'm going to see what happens.


And has anyone seen Amidala lately?
















And those are just the posts I made today, LOL. No wonder I still haven't played JA single player yet, too busy trolling the forums.


I wish increasing the heartbeat frequency made a difference, but I don't think it will. I've tried sending heartbeats manually every second to see if it would make my servers appear in the ingame browser (I can tell when it is showing because the server quickly fills up and stays full), but that didn't seem to have any effect. I felt like I was a castaway on an island, yelling at a distant ship or high-flying plane, trying to get noticed but remaining invisible.


I am so glad you decided to hang in there a little longer. I have your server in my Favorites 3 folder in the All Seeing Eye, and I've watched the activity there daily. Yes, it is damn depressing when it is empty, but I could always tell when it was showing in the ingame browser because it filled up and stayed full. I felt very happy for you, knowing how frustrated you've been by this sad situation.


There will be a patch (someday) and then your server will be busy all the time, just like it is when it is listed. When that happens, I think you will find that the fun you will have being "the admin" is worth $37 a month. And I know you will be a good admin, because I can tell you care about the quality of the experience that you provide to your players.

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I feel for you Sokar, and everyone else having server listing problems. But Raven is one of the best game developers out there, and they are definitely in touch with what MP gaming is all about - they kinda set the standard that other Q3 based games are measured against. Hang in there... they will release a patch.


The silence thing happened over in the EF2 community as well, which was developed by Ritual this time, not Raven. Paramount put the lid on it, and Ritual couldn't discuss it... took almost three months for them to be able to even discuss the patch, let alone release it. And man the community really laid into Ritual in a mean way... every single post was read by the devs, and it really seemed to hurt that they legally couldn't reply to them at all.


No software dev team wants to see their game not work right. I'm sure that the Raven devs aren't too happy about the server situation either... no servers means nobody playing the game they spent the last couple years of their lives working on.


Btw... Ritual really messed up the EF2 MP game - they even made CTF based on number of frags, not flag captures. It's still a good game in it's own right, but definitely not a sequel to EF in both playability and style. So don't be too quick to wish for another dev for the series, because it could very easily be a whole lot worse. Raven knows what they're doing, and we shouldn't take them for granted.


I'll try to stop by your server sometime. It shows up in both Qtracker and All Seeing Eye, which are actually more like having a bad version of Notepad and Microsoft recommending using Word instead.






Raven, thanks for a great game! ChangKhan rules...


UltimateQuake lives!!!

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me too

unhappy with mp


LA is to restictive and not listening to fans

raven is cool SOF was their own baby and it was fine

But LA is holding a tight leash

that LA president left so fast he must have been forced to play some of his own games and got bummed out



but its sad to have a unique game like this ruined by poor support from LA (not raven)

what game can you play online with force and sabers?

(dont say diakatana lol)



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"No software dev team wants to see their game not work right. I'm sure that the Raven devs aren't too happy about the server situation either... no servers means nobody playing the game they spent the last couple years of their lives working on."-Akshara


A very good point indeed, and they should be proud of there work, I'm very pleased with the game aside from no servers to play on and other reason I won't bring up, after all it's being argued on every topic in this forum and we don't need to bring it up here, lol.


Dev's, the game is beautiful, SP and MP. We all know it's not there fault anyhow. They probrally have to ask LA's permission just to take a leak.



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I did take it as a compliment, Rad, and I am pretty sure it is one. After seeing your edited message I will believe it is a compliment even more ;)


What I want in Jedi Academy is a buddy list. Anyone agree? The ''Find Player'' option is not good, I spoke to a friend in the phone, he said his name exactly, and I typed it in the Search field. ''No players found''


It has never worked for me, and a buddy list would be fun, chatting to people you know, and perhaps a public chatroom of sorts... So far I am too lazy to come up with cons.


EDIT: I'm not saying a buddy list and a public chatroom would solve it all, but it could be fun. I suppose by this way, you'd have to make an account... Sounds fun too ;)

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Originally posted by Master William

What I want in Jedi Academy is a buddy list. Anyone agree? The ''Find Player'' option is not good, I spoke to a friend in the phone, he said his name exactly, and I typed it in the Search field. ''No players found''

Maybe that happened because of the server list bug?
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Okay, I'm going to go way out on a limb here, I'm usually not this scathing, but I'm getting tired of the nitpicking about the game. Bear with me, I just want to get something off my chest...


First, move your optical sensors (otherwise known as "eyes") AWAY from the computer screen.


"WHOA! WHAT'S THAT?!" you ask.


That, my friend, is what people call "Real Life," it's the hottest game out there...


It is the absolute final word in graphics and gameplay immersion. Move your typing instruments (also known as "hands") and reach out and touch/move something. Pretty neat, huh? It's the ultimate in interactive gameplay.


What's even better, it has the best Multiplayer gameplay around. There's ALWAYS something new happening and...well don't take my word for it! See for yourself! Go places! Meet people! Talk to them! Have some fun out there! "Real Life" is a game that EVERYONE can enjoy!


Okay, there's my rant. I apologize in advance if I offended anyone, (this is mainly directed towards the first post) but even George Lucas said once to "get a life."

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

Okay, I'm going to go way out on a limb here, I'm usually not this scathing, but I'm getting tired of the nitpicking about the game. Bear with me, I just want to get something off my chest...


First, move your optical sensors (otherwise known as "eyes") AWAY from the computer screen.


"WHOA! WHAT'S THAT?!" you ask.


That, my friend, is what people call "Real Life," it's the hottest game out there...


It is the absolute final word in graphics and gameplay immersion. Move your typing instruments (also known as "hands") and reach out and touch/move something. Pretty neat, huh? It's the ultimate in interactive gameplay.


What's even better, it has the best Multiplayer gameplay around. There's ALWAYS something new happening and...well don't take my word for it! See for yourself! Go places! Meet people! Talk to them! Have some fun out there! "Real Life" is a game that EVERYONE can enjoy!


Okay, there's my rant. I apologize in advance if I offended anyone, (this is mainly directed towards the first post) but even George Lucas said once to "get a life."



What the H*LL...does this have to do with Sokar's letter about spending "real time and money" on "real servers" for "real people" on "real computers", should have takne your own advice before ya opened your trap. Go post in the threads about lamers and the honor code and quit posting nonsense in an honest person's attempt to deal with problems in the "REAL WORLD".

My reality is far differant from yours I'm sure, so who the h*ll are you to tell me what I can and can't dislike or nitpick about something I spent my "REAL MONEY" on.

Did you even read Master Sokar's letter?








shock1Darth Rosh's {R^S} Server ||shock1

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Never, what does that have to do with the video game and if real life was so important to you - what the heck are you doing reading this thread.


I agree - the game needs some attention and at least something from Raven that says "Hey, we are working on it!"


Oh well, soon enough time will tell.

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

Okay, I'm going to go way out on a limb here, I'm usually not this scathing, but I'm getting tired of the nitpicking about the game. Bear with me, I just want to get something off my chest...


Thank you for contributing this bizzare, out-of-place, nonsensical post.


Had you not enlightened me to the fact that things other than video games exist in this world, I might have never left this computer. Bless you, kind soul.


Have you noticed your post count is higher than most of the people in this thread including mine? Who needs to get out?


Okay, I'm going to go way out on a limb here, I'm usually not this scathing, but I'm wondering if your post was an attempt at humor. If so, you are not a funny person and should be laughed at and not with.

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Well, looks like my earlier post ruffled some feathers. Maybe I can explain what I meant for those who may have misunderstood.


What the post's bottom line is that you can't sweat the small stuff. I have no problem discussing issues in this forum (I've complained before) but it seems to me as if some members are blowing the issue out of proportion. It's only a computer game, after all. There's no such thing as a perfect computer game and there never will be. Gaming companies releasing patches is a privelage, not a right, so don't expect them to. If you don't like the game, no one's stopping you from doing something else. (hence the "Real Life" message in my previous post) Computers are a form to escape reality, not create another one.


Again, I have no problem with discussing game problems as it provides feedback, but isolating a few minor issues and running with it and saying the entire game is bad seems to me to be a bit too nit-picky.


I hope that clears things up. I may have been heavy on the sarcasm, but what I've just written above was the intended message. I did write a disclaimer and apologized in advance, but maybe I didn't elaborate enough. Consequently, I will also apologize now for the upheaval. Evidently, there's been some misunderstandings and hurt feelings here. I will not go back on my word, but I will try to make my intention known without trying to be malicious or cruel.

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

First, move your optical sensors (otherwise known as "eyes") AWAY from the computer screen.


"WHOA! WHAT'S THAT?!" you ask.


That, my friend, is what people call "Real Life," it's the hottest game out there...


It is the absolute final word in graphics and gameplay immersion. Move your typing instruments (also known as "hands") and reach out and touch/move something. Pretty neat, huh? It's the ultimate in interactive gameplay.


What's even better, it has the best Multiplayer gameplay around. There's ALWAYS something new happening and...well don't take my word for it! See for yourself! Go places! Meet people! Talk to them! Have some fun out there! "Real Life" is a game that EVERYONE can enjoy!



Originally posted by STTCT

I agree - the game needs some attention and at least something from Raven that says "Hey, we are working on it!"

They likely haven't said this due to legal reasons...
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This is most likely the sad simple truth.

Raven would like to put out a patch, but they would also like to get paid and not break the law while releasing a patch.

Lucas Arts would like to release a patch... when game sales go down and the game needs some publicity to boost them.

I think everyone remembers the length of time it took from going 1.03 to 1.04... Raven even responded to plenty of e-mails saying they couldn't release another patch. Eventually a new patch was released and the news about it was whored out on every gaming site to give the game more publicity thus helping it's sales.

You've gotta look at it from a business point of view =\

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Ofcourse I wasn't as mad as I may have seemed, but the fact is Lord Sokar probrally put some serious time and thought into this letter. It's an honest complaint, the guy pays a monthly fee to keep a server running so people like you and me can play, and it doesn't show on the Master server list. Thats something that shouldn't have to be patched because it shouldn't have been there in the first place(you would expect a faulty part on a new car to be replaced, would you not?, not a very good comparison I know, but you get the point right?). If you've read my previous posts, I belive the Dev's did a wonderful job and I think the main complaint is with LAE.

Raven, like people have stated time and time again, can't do a thing most likely without LAE's permission first. So they are probrally more frustrated about the nitpicking than you.



I appologize, lets keep this civil, but Master Sokar is dealing with the reality of his problems, and he's not the only one spending money and time on public server's that do show on the in game browser. The reality of someone spending money on a product that is faulty and expecting them to just set it aside and move onto something else without trying to remedy the situation first, is just plain out silly. If we all did that the games would never improve because no one would be playing them and giving feedback on what they think(this goes for all games).


I love the JK series, my all time fav, and I would like to see the series thrive for many more years. But. There are companies like Square/Enix creaping there way online and a whole slew of new games around the corner, it would be a shame to see this game thrown in the closet to collect dust.







P.S. The reason I took such offense to your post was the fact that in my situation I can't afford to just throw my money about,

buying new things when I'm not sastisfied with what I have.(being a student and having a family, you know reality)


shock1Darth Rosh's {R^S} Server ||shock1

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Personally, i could be totally wrong and i imagine that some people will say i am, but i doubt Lucasarts are that bothered.


JK3 could haved sucked ass, but people would still buy it in the buckets, i know i would have. However, when everyone gets sick of all the problems they give up and then go onto the next thing, Knights of the Old republic.


Once they get their money, thats it. Patches are a courtesy.


Many games do change radically with updates. Was i CS v1.5 that slowed the game down to a snails pace (good point tho, JK3 would be better if it was slower rather than random mouse clicking).


Games will always have bugs and unfinished bits to fit shipping dates/holidays etc, look at the recent Indiana Jones Game. That was released early, but buggy, to beat Tomb raider (which was also rushed thus many humourous bugs).


There's nothing you can do which will stop this, unless everyone stopped playing JK3 online, which i doubt very much will happen.


:jawa:evanpiel: <---what the hell is this?

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I would like to see proof that it is in fact Lucasarts that is somehow delaying the release of the patch. Just because the president resigns doesn't mean company decisions cannot be made by the vice-president. There's more here than meets the eye....


To me this game just doesn't seem complete, like it was in fact rushed to the stores. A lot of bugs in SP, MP is pretty much DOA and just the fact that it feels unpolished. Add to that there's no first person lightsaber and the game is a hack n' slash fest.


I would like to see what another company can do with this series. Maybe someone like monolith or valve who won't put the game out until it is absolutely ready for release. I gotta say i really enjoyed tron 2.0 and it's a hell of a lot more graphic intensive than JA. i also get a SMOOTH 60+ frames a second. Plus monolith has put out a patch that pretty much fixes the bugs that are in the game.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

I would like to see proof that it is in fact Lucasarts that is somehow delaying the release of the patch. Just because the president resigns doesn't mean company decisions cannot be made by the vice-president. There's more here than meets the eye....


I don't know much about the other stuff from your post...but I can comment on this part :D. First off, unless there is a disgruntled LA employee, I doubt you'll get concrete evidence that it's Lucas Arts who are holding up a patch (and keep in mind that doesn't have to be a malicious thing, I don't envision LA execs scheming at ways to screw us poor little gamers...)


Secondly, as other people have said, the proof (albeit circumstantial) seems to lay in the fact that other Raven games are quality and generally well supported. I personally feel it was a well made game, I really enjoyed it (ran out of time now that midterms are upon me) and am sad to hear about these kinds of bugs :(. Sadly, Lucas Arts games seem to be declining... time to get out Tie Fighter and Sam & Max!! :D

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