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Trubs pet cat

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Sucks man, but they are your parents.


If you can, you could get a part-time job to supplant your income, and that might boost their confidence in you.


However, if the bottom line is that you get good grades, having a job would take time away from your studies, so....


Get good grades!

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Originally posted by Butt_Whisper

Why don't you just buy it, not tell your parents, and only play it after you have done your home work. If it does not affect your grades, they will never know.

Gawd I'm glad my oldest is still just 7 and I don't have to worry about them doing things like that yet ... things like I did when I went over my budget for albums (yes, vinyl) and tried to sneak in an album ... I was bagged ...



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a) Sell something on Ebay that you don't need anymore


b) Go to a game retailer that takes trade ins toward the price and turn in any games you no longer play - EBgames does that.


c) Make a deal with your folks... mow the lawn, paint something, help with the dishes, do chores around the house, wash and wax the car, etc. in exhange for an hourly wage. Might sound silly, but it's a good step before getting a real job, and they might appreciate the idea.

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Originally posted by SamFisher

You could see about babysitting. Sometimes I can get 50+ in a sitting ;)





Try hiding your money in a place that they don't know about.

Thanks for tipping me off to things I didn't do as a kid ... my boys will have to be more creative now ;)



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Originally posted by Butt_Whisper

Why don't you just buy it, not tell your parents, and only play it after you have done your home work. If it does not affect your grades, they will never know.


I could do that but my life is even worse than you think......

its better for me if I just get good grades because my sister rides horses ( EWW I HATE HORSES!) so i have to go to her stpuid horseshows all the time, and I NEED something to do there, and I couldnt ilegally play it there...... oh yea and it probably would affect my grades, hehehe

BTW i have tried it with other games and it works ok but having it lagit is way better, oh yea and im 15 y.o. STUPID PARENTS!

but thanks anyway


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POOR KID !! Do they at least let you play the demo ???


Just look at it this way, PARENTS SUCK. I am 28 years old, am professionally employed, and still can't get over some of the COLD s**t my parents worked on me when I was 15....


They have NO IDEA about what it is like to be young nowadays, just like you will have NO IDEA what it is like for your kids.... This is just how life is....the key is :


SURVIVE till you finish high school, after that, THE REAL WORLD commences, and you will soon find that the *real world* is amazing, disgusting and horrifying ALL AT ONCE.


Good grades are part of this I guess, if you plan to go to college. If you dont, then you're wasting your time.......go get a job/learn a trade.....



Get good grades!

Yes pops.


...nah, its just funny because I am imagining your avatar saying this to this kid.........


SpecialForces also said

its better for me if I just get good grades because my sister rides horses


...I hate Horses, I have a feeling you should too.... since when is a freakin horse more fun than JA ! Have you ever seen "The Godfather", that's what I think of horses..... :p


Anyway, SF, if you lived in my street I'd let you borrow my laptop for an hour a day and you could go to town playing JA to your hearts content on a P4 2.4, 512 Ram, GeForce5600 64mb !!!


But as you may have noticed(near my avatar) I am all the way over in Australia ! :(




What I can suggest is, do they have internet/gaming cafe's where you are? You can just pop in for 30 mins a day and play on a well setup gaming PC for just a few bucks. Just tell your parents you were at the library or researching a project or somethin......

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Originally posted by txa1265

Gawd I'm glad my oldest is still just 7 and I don't have to worry about them doing things like that yet ... things like I did when I went over my budget for albums (yes, vinyl) and tried to sneak in an album ... I was bagged ...




Heh. I know what you mean. I was the youngest of five, so the parents knew every trick in the book by the time I came around. Damn siblings.

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What was the old saying ... something about how when you are young you think your parents know everything, then as you become smarter you realize how stupid they really are, then as you become a parent yourself and deal with them in a more adult fashion you become amazed at just how much they have learned since you were a teenager ... ;)



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

POOR KID !! Do they at least let you play the demo ???


Just look at it this way, PARENTS SUCK. I am 28 years old, am professionally employed, and still can't get over some of the COLD s**t my parents worked on me when I was 15....


They have NO IDEA about what it is like to be young nowadays, just like you will have NO IDEA what it is like for your kids.... This is just how life is....the key is :


SURVIVE till you finish high school, after that, THE REAL WORLD commences, and you will soon find that the *real world* is amazing, disgusting and horrifying ALL AT ONCE.


Good grades are part of this I guess, if you plan to go to college. If you dont, then you're wasting your time.......go get a job/learn a trade.....




Yes pops.


...nah, its just funny because I am imagining your avatar saying this to this kid.........


SpecialForces also said



...I hate Horses, I have a feeling you should too.... since when is a freakin horse more fun than JA ! Have you ever seen "The Godfather", that's what I think of horses..... :p


Anyway, SF, if you lived in my street I'd let you borrow my laptop for an hour a day and you could go to town playing JA to your hearts content on a P4 2.4, 512 Ram, GeForce5600 64mb !!!


But as you may have noticed(near my avatar) I am all the way over in Australia ! :(




What I can suggest is, do they have internet/gaming cafe's where you are? You can just pop in for 30 mins a day and play on a well setup gaming PC for just a few bucks. Just tell your parents you were at the library or researching a project or somethin......

thanx man :D :D

Ya I watched the godfather part 1 and 2, and that exactly the way i feel about horses :D

nice comp!:D

my comp is (LOL) 600mhz with a 4 year old intel graphics chip...

I get about 3fps all the time on jk2

:D :D

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First thing you should do is definitely listen to Astrotoy.


I mean, obviously his house is crawling with kids because his advice on managing them is chock full of good ideas on how parents really are.


If everyone raised their kids like Astroboy would like them to, the world would have self-destructed around 49299.33 years ago.


Since you have a computer (albeit not a great one), and your sister rides horses, I can assume that your parents have a bit of money to spread around on such things. They must have done something right along the way to be an average American family.


That said, they probably know a bit what they're talking about on a few things. Since they let you and your sister do some fun stuff, and you haven't complained about being beaten, I'll assume they're decent parents. The concern for your grades seems to support this line of reasoning as well.


Why not try something new and take their advice and see how things work out for you? You never know you may end up as successful, or even moreso, then them!


I can guarantee you'll probably be better off than Astroglide.

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Originally posted by taHoS

First thing you should do is definitely listen to Astrotoy.


I mean, obviously his house is crawling with kids because his advice on managing them is chock full of good ideas on how parents really are.


If everyone raised their kids like Astroboy would like them to, the world would have self-destructed around 49299.33 years ago.


Since you have a computer (albeit not a great one), and your sister rides horses, I can assume that your parents have a bit of money to spread around on such things. They must have done something right along the way to be an average American family.


That said, they probably know a bit what they're talking about on a few things. Since they let you and your sister do some fun stuff, and you haven't complained about being beaten, I'll assume they're decent parents. The concern for your grades seems to support this line of reasoning as well.


Why not try something new and take their advice and see how things work out for you? You never know you may end up as successful, or even moreso, then them!


I can guarantee you'll probably be better off than Astroglide.


Hello taHoS, welcome to the forums. I am quite honoured that you chose your first(or second?) post ever to flame me in your own special way !


Still, the poor kid(special forces), cant even play a freakin computer game, where his sister gets to prance around on a horse. This is how deep seeded familial/sibling grudges are created, all instrumented and maintained by (perhaps) oblivious. parents. This type of stuff can really irk a youngster. You can try to 'rise above' as much as you like, and love conquers all, but why ???? if the parents weren't financial enough to get him a new comp, fair enough, but a horse is alot of maintenace, and a lot of money.....


Listen to the young man, rather than proselytizing....

BUt thats the only game i have and I STILL dont think its fair.....




and if they spend money on that they should get me a new comp!!!


I never had an older sister, but I have a beloved younger sister, and we were far too poor to have a computer or a horse. My aforementioned laptop is the first pc I have ever fully owned, and I am 28....


Life can really suck when you are a teen. Sure it can suck when you are older too, but despite being surrounded by friends, family, peers, teachers etc. it can be very overwhelming. Child psychologists have referred to this as an 'entourage' that precipitates rather than negates feelings of isolation. I know this feeling well. I dont want to get too off topic but has anyone ever seen that movie "Donnie Darko." despite the weird bunny messenger/deus ex machina theme, it is essentially about a teenage boy who just isnt getting it together for no particular reason.


But getting back to the grades again, that was my key to freedom, it got me and my family out of the dive we lived in onto brigther things...




Astroglide, sounds like a cool name for a pair of rollerskates


SpecialForces, keep on hatin that horse, keep on schemin to get a go at JA, but don't forget to hit the books !!!!

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Good grades does not necesarily mean success. There are many successful peeps out there with little more than a high school education. I know some people who barley passed high school and are very successful. Grades are important if you plan on going to secondary school (college, or a tech school), but they are not the only thing; extracarricular activites, socialization, and community participation are also important. Even if you studied you arse off, there is always free time to do fun things (such as gaming). The trick is "time management" and "will power". Get your studies done, then play the video game, or have a set number of hours dedicated to school work and some dedicated to leisure. For me, a life with no fun and all work is a life I would not want to have, no matter how successful or unsuccesful society would label me!!

"C students run the county"....... Harry S. Truman

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