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Is XWA Due for some new colors?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Is XWA Due for some new colors?

    • A little repainting couldn't hurt.
    • No, whats old is new again.
    • I could care less.

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Sure,.. why not?


After all,.. I'm usually the first person to volunteer someone else to do more unpaid work. :D


I'd still like to see the Falcon back up in the banner.

I like the colors here now though,.. I wouldn't like to see that part of the scheme changed too much.

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Well I happen to like the look of XWA. The only thing I don't like are the default buttons and the generic looking REPLY and NEW THREAD buttons. The banner I love ^^ Keep it, the colours are good too and believe me this colour scheme doesn't bother me like Aresen's old colours did. If Ike will let me and if you want I could make you guys a better set of buttons but I like how things are looking now... and yes I do agree that the side banners should be gone and the forum centered, I want that kinda jazz to be done to Aresen. I'd also like to see a banner ad setup that's like the one in SWG. The small banner at the top with the tiny box banner next to it, then at the bottom the large banner with the large box ad underneath. If Aresen and XWA were setup like this it would make life a lot easier for anyone using 800x600 and make the page look a lot better for anyone with a higher resolution.



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Originally posted by Lynk Former


The only thing I don't like are the default buttons and the generic looking REPLY and NEW THREAD buttons.


If Ike will let me and if you want I could make you guys a better set of buttons


listen to this guy. he is the man of buttons. he knows all the buttons .. he can do all the buttons.


ikhnaton .. pleeeeaaaassseeeee .... !!

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it was the banner that was on the website.



i'm all for a redesign. Lynk you wanna take it? same routine as before, aight?



tell you what i have in mind:


i'd like to experiment with a lighter color scheme, kind of like a GB type thing with the light background. Having both XWA and RS on a dark blue color scheme ain't going to work. i think, however, that we should stick with blues and greys for the most part since this is a space sim game and those colors seem to go well, but be creative.


the current banner is awesome, IMO, except for the font. I'm big on fonts, so make it way cool, possibly inobtrusive, maybe transparent (if you remember the original banner, the font was transparent, but we could go for more of a curved effect). Keep the banner big with lots of big images. if you want the Falcon, go ahead. maybe include the death star? a correlian cruiser? maybe make the cruiser a large part of the background and have the falcon with some x-wings and a-wings and whatnot. i like the idea of a cap ship with the fighters around it, similar to the current banner.


you don't need to go nuts with the smaller icons like you did with RSN; we can use the default LFN icons so we don't run into the problem of having to upload all the icons to the xwa site. the reply/new thread buttons don't have to be the same size as the default ones; just look at the current ones.


again, try to make the menu links part of the banner background. try to avoid cutting off images into the ad space under the banner. i have my hosts file set up not to load ads so the XWA forums have always seemed incomplete to me... that's just me...



Lynk, XWA is my baby, much more than RS (although i love them both. xwa is like a birth child whereas rsn was adopted), so I'm raising the bar as far as kickassness goes. if you want to get some outside help, feel free. This should be the best design in XWA history.

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