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Star Wars Curriculum


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I'm starting a kid out on some Star Wars books, and I'm trying to figure out which he should go with. I started with the Thrawn Trilogy myself. I thought that was a good jumpoff point, but it also might be nice to go chronilogically from Truce at Bakura and Courtship to Thrawn Trilogy. Could someone help me out with my developing curriculum?

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How old is the kid?


The Young Jedi Knights Series are Young adult books, but unless you've read at least the Thrawn Trilogy, you woudn't Understand it...


I'd just say go in order.... but it'll be a while. Ya gotta read from Bakura to the Thrawn Duology, then the JJK (Junior Jedi Knights, more like a cildrens level book), then YJK, then the New Jedi Order.

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I agree with TK-421, the Jedi Academy Series is a great set of starter books. It has the old characters, luke han, etc... As well as new characters, kyp, winter, the solo twins. And it has one of the best bad guys ever, Exar Kun. So it will have a little something for everyone.

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Hmmm...everyone has missed the obvious. Why not include the original movie novelisations - particularly the original Star Wars book? There are slight differences to the story - the 'deleted' movie scenes feature in the book.


As for the EU novels...I'd go with the Thrawn Trilogy (which sort of sets the scene for the novel revival)...and personally I enjoyed all of the X-Wing series, which give you a real taste of the space and ground combat reminiscent of the movies.



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I must agree about I, Jedi. That's one of the BEST star wars books I've read and one of the only few I've read at least twice. Another recommendation would be the Han Solo trilogy by A.C. Crispin. She did an outstanding job at covering some bases in Han's history as well as creating some new storylines. These stories take place before A New Hope.


The other Han Solo trilogy takes place during Crispin's... I'd recommend these as well.

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I suggest having him read the X-Wing series of novels. There's plenty of space (and to a lesser extent ground) action. It would be a good background before reading I, Jedi as it introduces Corran Horn as a character.


Though it makes some allusions to events in other Star Wars books, (such as Warlord Zsinj who is an antagonist in Courtship of Princess Leia) it's not really important that he needs to know the background info of them. It deals with love, grief, betrayal, triumph and has some plot twists to boot.


Bleh, I'd stay away from the NJO or the Dark Empire books. Something about those books makes them not fit in with Star Wars IMO, NJO especially. I agree with Chase Windu in that I think it detracts from Star Wars. I'd say to at least start him out on the "classic" books (a.k.a. Thrawn trilogy and X-Wing series) before introducing NJO-esque books. (which I'm hoping you won't do)

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

*starts beating face in with a baseball bat.*


*screams at top of lungs*




Don't let me swallow my tongue.

*passes out.*

*wakes him up and holds up 3 fingers* how many fingers am I holding up? (ps. go with young jedi, it's good)
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