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I rule at life! Sort of


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I finally got enough courage to ask someone out I like today. I haven't yet recieved an answer from her, (Mostly cause I did that whole letter thing) but it just shows I can do it in some way shape or form.


I ALSO got 500 out of 500 on a reasearch paper in History, the only person like ever to do that with this teacher, I rock!


Top that! :p

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Originally posted by Clefo

I finally got enough courage to ask someone out I like today. I haven't yet recieved an answer from her, (Mostly cause I did that whole letter thing) but it just shows I can do it in some way shape or form.


heh...good job. I asked my first gf out with a letter too. ^^ sometimes words on a paper are better than if you were to speak. Hope it works out for you.

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Congrats bro! Good grades and good girls. Sounds like your the man of the hour. Here have a cold one. :cheers:


I know I am hitting the bar this weekend. Its been one tough week here for both my fiance (school) and me (work).




Oh yeah, my boss took me to lunch today for doing some good work this week despite it being so damn busy. Kudos to me. Whoo hoo!

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I'm getting brought on by my work (everyone starts out as a "contractor" and then is eventually brought on if they do good enough work/stick around long enough). So, had to go get a drug test done today, plus I have a sinus thingy right now that is causing me to have a sore throat and headache. Yippeee...


though, the being brought on part isn't all that bad, pay increase, benefits, don't have to worry about the contractor managers anymore (they are very annoying)...

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Welcome to the nice world of asian non-brainiacs born in a brainiac family...


Actually, I can. It's only I don't want to. 'Cause my parents would lock me up in my room without my comp and my internet connection.

Unless, she's vietnamese, buddhist and is crazily good in school, ultra polite, crazy about her grades, doesn't know nothing about how to make babies and sucking up to my parents really hard...


Now that's a cool girl...

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Welcome to the nice world of asian non-brainiacs born in a brainiac family...


Actually, I can. It's only I don't want to. 'Cause my parents would lock me up in my room without my comp and my internet connection.

Unless, she's vietnamese, buddhist and is crazily good in school, ultra polite, crazy about her grades, doesn't know nothing about how to make babies and sucking up to my parents really hard...


Now that's a cool girl...



Thats also a hard girl to find.


If your parents are going to flip out that much over girls, I wouldn't even bother telling them about asking out girls. Only if they asked, then I'd tell them.

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It's not as hard as it seems. Besides, I never tell them these sort of things. I know it's bad to lie, especially to your parents, but I've told them what they wanted to hear(I've told them I'm not interested in anyone which is not true).


I'm ok for now until the day I have a girl friend...or I finally ask someone out...I always have to mess something up...

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

It's not as hard as it seems. Besides, I never tell them these sort of things. I know it's bad to lie, especially to your parents, but I've told them what they wanted to hear(I've told them I'm not interested in anyone which is not true).


I'm ok for now until the day I have a girl friend...or I finally ask someone out...I always have to mess something up...


hm....my parents care if I date...they don't want me to....but they can't do anything about it.




I never tell them what they want to hear. I tell them the opposite.

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