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You can use Boba's Flamethrower !!


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Congratulations Tesla ! You've found something *actually cool* thats resulted from the patch in SP..... I'm still keeping mine rolled back though. I'll just have to go through the console rigmarole of getting fett his flamer. Still, I have much to do at the moment, Max Payne 2, KOTOR around the corner(im in australia, we dont get it for a cpl of weeks yet)...



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Originally posted by Tesla

I was messing around on the Kor1 level and changed myself into Boba, pressed F7 thinking it was going to be lightning, but i was shocked and amazed to find out it was his flamethrower ! :D


Try it out. I'll post some pics later. :D


Oh, yeah, I forgot, I fixed that for the patch... :)

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Fett this, Fett that.... I wish he'd stayed dead in the fricken saarlac in ROTJ.....


NJO novel spoiler


unfortunately, fett even reappers in 'The Unifying Force', the NJO novel, him and Han have 'old farts' reunion, like an episode of 'Intergalactic Golden Girls' *good grief*



flamethrower ! humbug ! I played that bounty hunter game on PS2, it sucked in many ways..... flamethrower or not



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