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PA Situation! All Memembers Must Read!

Jan Gaarni

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Alright, I have some bad news :( , but also some good news. :)

I'll begin with the bad ones.


As some of you know, Kwok has left Starsider.

Now, he hasn't quite the game completelly, just moved to one of the European servers. He felt that not many people were on while he was, and seeing most of his european friends has gone over to the other galaxies he wanted to join them.


As his friends left one by one (Checkmate was actually one of them for those who remember him), he inherited quite alot of stuff.

And here's the good news. :)


As he will be starting to play on another server, he decided to donate everything (or near to everything) that he has, including quite alot of money might I add. :)

I'll come back to the sum of that later.


Here's a list of all the things he left the PA:


Furniture and accessories:

Data Terminals: 3

Droid Detection Device: 1

Freestanding Lamp: 1

Torches: 10

Vid Screens: 3


Couch: 1

Large Couch: 1

Large Futon: 1

Loveseat: 1

Red Long Bench: 1

Sigd Couch: 1

Small Comfy Couch: 1

Steel Couch: 1


Metal Chairs: 3

Reclining Chairs: 6

70’s Style Chairs: 4


Desks: 2

Dining Table: 1

End Table: 1

Large Glass Table, Round: 1

Small Glass Table, Round: 1


Bookcase, Stylish: 1

Armoire: 3

Bookcase, Standard: 1

Cabinet: 1

Chest: 1

Toolchest: 1


Large Potted Plant, Style 1: 1

Plants: 2

Potted Trees, Style 1: 6

Small Potted Plants: 5


General Crafting Station: 1

Food Crafting Station: 1

Structure and Furniture Crafting Station: 1




Avian Bones: 588 (Note: of different kinds)

Rori Avian Bones: 81

Yavinian Avian Bones: 156

Nubian Animal Bones: 273

Rori Animal Bones: 144


Odagi Nubian Bristley Hide: 637

Nubian Leathery Hide: 228


Avian Meat: 21

Nubian Avian Meat: 149

Carnivore Meat: 680

Insect Meat: 860

Reptilian Meat: 167

Nubian Domesticated Wheat: 694

Nubian Wild Wheat: 7

Vegetable Tubers: 464


Alantium Carbonate Ore: 1203

Codoan Copper: 922

Diatium Copper: 477

Doonium Iron: 2440

Quadranium Steel: 1423 (Note: of 2 different qualities. 1 of 501 and the other of 936)


Nubian Fiberplast: 200

Olane Lubricating Oil: 36

Ivedutris Polymer: 6


Laboi Crystalline Gemstones: 2497

Sormhil Fire Gem Crystalline Gemstones: 480


Talusian Water: 44



Animals and Critters:

Brackaset: 1

Dewback: 1

Falumpaset: 1



Medical Supplies:

Action Wound Medpack – A’s: 300

Constitution Wound Medpack – A’s: 116

Stamina Wound Medpack – A’s: 109

Strenght Wound Medpack – A’s: 109

Quickness Wound Medpack – A’s: 9


Small Stimpack A’s: 70

154x20 Stimpacks: 20 (Do you remember what kind, Vega?)

Stimpacks 334x26: 50 (Do you remember what kind, Vega?)

Stimpack B’s: 2 crates á 50

Quickness Medpack – A’s: 13



Weapons and Powerups:

Crates of Powerups: 2 á 10

Tuned Muzzeles of Braking (powerup): 9


Curved Sword: 1

Precisision Laser Knifes: 50

Sword: 1

Two-Handed Axe: 1


CDEF Pistol: 1

D18: 4

DL44: 2

FWG5: 1

Scout Blaster: 1


DLT20 Rifle: 1

DLT20a Rifle: 1

Jawa Ion Rifle: 1


FlameThrower: 1


Projectile Feeders: 4

Blaster Rifle Barrels: 2

Weapon Scopes: 20



Other Assorted Things:

Arakyd Probe Droid: 1

C-3PO Chassis: 1

Dead Eye Decoder: 1

Droid Batteries: 59

Flora Survey Tool: 1

Flow Analysers: 75

Liquid Suspension: 1

Personal Extractor Deeds: 2 (Do you remember what kind, Vega?)

Personal Mineral Extractor: 1

Pet Stims: 9

Nuetronium Pixie Sticks: 3

Tea: 24

Seeker Droids: 2

Set of Composite armor minus boots: 1

Synthetic Cloth: 1

R2 Unit Chassis: 1


Thanks goes to Vega for helping me sort thru all this.


Ok, there’s the complete list of items Kwok has left us. Now, what do you think we should do with it all?


Some of these things we can sell (money will go in the PA treasury, but alot of it I was thinking we could maybe use.

There is quite alot of medical supplies here as you can see, a good thing to have for the cities Medical facility when that time comes for instance? :)

Most of the weapons arn’t worth a dime on the market though. Only a handfew are worth trying to sell. The Flamthrower is actually usable I think. :)


As for the powerups, if noone objects, I was thinking of selling those and put the money in the PA treasury.



NOTICE: Thanks to Kwok this PA has now passed the 1,000,000 Cr mark. :thumbsup::bounce1::clap2::bday2:


Sure will miss you, Kwok. I'll try and stop by once in awhile, ok?

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there are two things i was wondering if i could get my hands on Jan, that Scout Blaster, cause illneed one soon(this is unless you can make one better) and the 3P0 chasis. Also, could you tell me if that dewback is a Lesser Dewback or a regular on



Good Luck Kwok, hope you have a nice time with all your friends on the European Servers

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Originally posted by MasterJo

there are two things i was wondering if i could get my hands on Jan, that Scout Blaster, cause illneed one soon(this is unless you can make one better) and the 3P0 chasis. Also, could you tell me if that dewback is a Lesser Dewback or a regular on



Good Luck Kwok, hope you have a nice time with all your friends on the European Servers

The Scout Blaster isn't even worth hitting people with. :D

The C-3PO chassis we were wondering if we weren't just gonna put it in the PA Hall or City Hall, not sure yet.


As for the Dewback I can't say at the moment, you'll have to ask Vega, he did the invoice in that house. :)

But I'm sure we can come to an arrangement if you can use it. ;)


I was hoping to get the Doonium Iron, if it's any good.

It shouldn't be too long till I can start making FWG5's and that iron will help me some to get into production of them. ;)

And maybe other weapons aswell, we'll see.

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bogey, please, ill ask nicely for you to shut up. Froobie..as far as im concerned..this PA has done nothign for me..i have givin alot of money..as i add up well over 60k worth..i tried to become usefull. that proved bad..hell i cant even be helpful in DS. dont worry..nobody will have to treat me like im in the PA, cause i wont treat you like i know you from now on..i never asked to be treated special cause im EX-guild member. im glad i left when i did, cause i think -A- is gonna crumble after to much longer..be wary of what you guys do..and maybe you should track down Corzip as well..


Jan, i dont want any of the stuff..dont wanna seem like a lingerer..please..never talk to me again..ill understand.

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I need lots of organics, meat, and creature food, so Im interested in:


Avian Bones: 588 (Note: of different kinds)

Rori Avian Bones: 81

Yavinian Avian Bones: 156

Nubian Animal Bones: 273

Rori Animal Bones: 144


Odagi Nubian Bristley Hide: 637

Nubian Leathery Hide: 228


Avian Meat: 21

Nubian Avian Meat: 149

Carnivore Meat: 680

Insect Meat: 860

Reptilian Meat: 167

Nubian Domesticated Wheat: 694

Nubian Wild Wheat: 7

Vegetable Tubers: 464



For my house I could also use a desk, and both bookcases. Id also be interested in any plants.


Now I know that is like 1/3 of what he left us, and that it would not be right for me to get it all, unless nobody else wants it. But I'm just saying those are the things I can uaw.

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please, we can all drop it now..name calling and ****throwing included..i acted a bit irrational above..but what froobuk said made me mad. i already know that since i left the guild i wouldnt get specials cause i used to be a member. im not taking back waht i said about the guild entirely..i did leave for the reason i felt very insecure about the status of the guild. i have, for you guys, tried to convince deft to look at this place but he stated to me today that they have alot of city offers on the table, most of which are from all imperial guilds. so i find it unlikely we will would move in with you all. i dont really care for those who dont want to talk to me now..that is their decision..but i will say this, i still consider 99% of you all my friends..(that 1% i feel has made it clear who they are)



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I just want to let you know that I'm not avoiding you, you really do pick the worse times to talk to me =P. Maybe we should plan some hunting ahead of time.


As far as the items go, I need furniture, but I don't want to fight over it. If somebody wants the same thing as me, they can have it. I'd have to see the items ingame though before I can decide if I want them.

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i still lack a mount if any of those are usable by a non-CH, and I could really use composite arms (aside from gloves), and legs (minus boots).


Also are the projectile feeders anything to do with Heavy Weapons? If they are powerups i would love them.




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I think that the Dewback is the only thing that can be mounted out of those 3 animals.


The Projectile Feeders are mechanisms that load another bullet (yes, bullet, as in a normal gun, known as a slugthrower in Star Wars :) ) into the chamber of a gun.


They serve more or less the same purpose as the Power Handlers on a blaster weapon, in that it makes the gun able to fire. :p

Technologically wise they are like apples and steaks ... not similar at all. :D


They are fitted on Stryker Pistols, and Tusken Rifles. That are the 2 weapons I am sure of that are slugthrowers. Haven't really investigated what other weapons in Star Wars Galaxies that are of the slugthrower type. :)

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People are trying to drop this, but I really think it needs to be discussed. Please don't be offended, look at what I say with an open mind and understand it.


Jo, you say you left because you found yourself to be no help to the guild, and you say you won't be any help to DS either so why leave us? Because you think the guild is crumbling? I have to say, I strongly believe it isn't... And if it was, it would be crumbling due to people like you who leave us when we're in bad times. -A- may not be doing much together as we used to, and things may be going down a bit, but we're more united than ever. This city has brought a lot of us together. The building of the cantina especially. I would really like for you to come back Jo, but I don't think that'd be possible, since you're set of being in DS. Just remember, you're always welcome in my home, and The Torton's Shell... :)

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No, I just know my Star Wars. ;)


Also, it appears that the FWG5 is also some kind of slugthrower variant, but uses some of the blaster technology. I seem to recall the Devs had removed the powerhandler requirement to it not long ago because it made it more powerfull than they wanted since the Projectile Feeder mechanisme serves, as I said before, more or less the same purpose. :)


Tried to make one today and I was surprised to learn that it's design was awefully close to the striker pistol design.

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