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Favourite Game Quotes


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Duke Nukem- Yippy Ki Yay Mother****er


Zerowing- Somebody set us up the bomb


Daiblo2 Xpac; Assassin after you kill Andariel- Death becomes you


Diablo2 Xpac;Druid after entering Claw Viper Temple- Snakes why did it have to be snakes :p


Arthas- Frostmourne Hungers

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Hehe, I don't remember exactly what he says, but I remember laughing my ass off. Hard to secretly play a game that makes you laugh so feckin hard :D Also when you are fighting the alien, what the announcer guy says is really funneh, I died on that level at least twice because of it.


"Grab the alien and throw him out the fricken door!"



Anything from that game is hilarious.

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No One Lives Forever

  • Fatty fatty faaaaaaaatty...fatty faaaaaa faaaatty fattyyyyy
  • Curse you! May all your sons marry camels!
  • ARE YOU INSULTING MY MONKEY? (this conversation is HILARIOUS)
  • °'Let your men wait outside, we don't want to waste our stairs, do we?' -Yes sir! I mean..no sir! I mean..yes to first part and no to the second part, SIR!' °'Idiot'
  • (NOLF 2)You must always poisen your man before he leaves. Tell him he gets the antidote when he comes back
  • and much more...good times good times

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Jak and Daxter:


anything Daxter says when you are dead, like:


-when you are down there, could you rub my feet?

-ill say something really teary in the funeral, like HOW AM I GONNA BE CHANGED BACK NOW?


other places in the game:

Samos: you boys must get going.

Daxter: who are you calling boy? (flashing muscels) im a full grown.. er... something...


Daxter: perhaps I should stay here and defend Keira? I think you are ready to go on your own now.

Keira: (ironic) very heroic...

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I dont know how many of you are cruel and twisted like me, but I like to torment the marines, and they often say funny things like..


"Hey, do I owe you money or somethin?"

"Clean your visor man, I'm on your side"


and sometimes if you kill one of them and there's a sargeant around he says

"Stop killing my men!"



Good times.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior



I dont know how many of you are cruel and twisted like me, but I like to torment the marines, and they often say funny things like..


"Hey, do I owe you money or somethin?"

"Clean your visor man, I'm on your side"


and sometimes if you kill one of them and there's a sargeant around he says

"Stop killing my men!"



Good times.



heh....once I heard this dude say, "he's gone insane, take him down men!"


ironicly the dude who said that had a plasma grenade attached to him already...:D


it was an accident, but it was still funny.


one of the best game quotes from halo is:

when you chase the grunts, they run and say the best things, like in a high voice: "WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!!!! AHHHHH!!"


its funny, cause first off, how the hell do they speak english? ^^

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Originally posted by TK-421

its funny, cause first off, how the hell do they speak english? ^^


They don't speak English, Master Chief has a translator. ;) It is funny though the first time you hear them speaking English, you're like WTF?! hehe

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Originally posted by leXX

They don't speak English, Master Chief has a translator. ;) It is funny though the first time you hear them speaking English, your'e like WTF?! hehe



oh.....hmmm...well......it still cracks me up.....^^



I wonder why I didnt think of that before?

a translator......

*hits head*

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