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Hardisk died?


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Last night, I was starting my computer when it got to a black screen that said simply "Missing NTSDC" or something like that. It didn't have a .exe of anything, just 5 random letters like "NTSDC". It said to press any key to retart, but when I did, it just said the same message. So, I got out my boot disk and tried using it, a lot of things happened but in the end it just shut down and didn't get back up. We tried hitting the power switch, hitting the ON button, but it just didn't turn on. So my parents decided the hard disk was dead, because my hard disk is older than Compaq said it would last. But this morning, I hit the ON key and waddya know, it boots up fine.


What the heck is going on? My comp is going insane! :eek:


btw, when my hard disk does die, my parents are going to buy me a new comp...:D

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

btw, when my hard disk does die, my parents are going to buy me a new comp...:D


Oh, so that's your route, eh?


Here's what you do.


  • Get a USB Flash drive.
  • Move all wanted files to it.
  • Secure files on different computer.
  • Repeat aboves steps until complete.
  • Pull out hard drives.
  • Give them a nice "roughing up"
  • Enjoy your new computer.



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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

It said to press any key to retart

did u type that on purpose? :D

I suggest you do what Jed said, or if you don't have a usb drive, just bring your entire hard drive to a friend with a cd-burner. Then do the last 3 steps from Jed's method :D

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Originally posted by Jed

Oh, so that's your route, eh?


Here's what you do.


  • Get a USB Flash drive.
  • Move all wanted files to it.
  • Secure files on different computer.
  • Repeat aboves steps until complete.
  • Pull out hard drives.
  • Give them a nice "roughing up"
  • Enjoy your new computer.




Make sure you get a 256MB one. LOL:D

But, don't be mean to your parents. Just tell them to let you make your own computer, like I am. For starters, get a ATI Radeon 9800XT, motherboard, etc. HOMEMADE PC's rule!

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Sam Fisher: Yeah, I was going to say my computer was possessed, but I realized iceman had already said that :p


Jed: My comp isn't upgradeable. Getting a USB drive would be useless; I can't even add new memeory for crying out loud. :rolleyes:


Pie: What can I do, give my friend the hardrive and have him copy it onto a disk?? Waddya mean, "Bring your hardisk to him"??


Mennonite: I'm not being mean, I just don't have a job. By having my parents buying a new comp, i mean buying the parts. they've already told me they're willing to spend the money once the computer is dead.


And no, I didn't try to write retard. :p

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

Jed: My comp isn't upgradeable. Getting a USB drive would be useless; I can't even add new memeory for crying out loud. :rolleyes:


Er, the USB drive would be an external hardrive that connects to your computer via USB...you do have a USB port, right?

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I assume you have either NT, 2K or XP as an operating system??


The message you would've received would being "Missing NTLDR"

IE Missing NT Loader, which is how it starts to load any of the above NT based operating systems.


Usually caused by the adding of external drives, and it no longer finds the correct directories where it expects them. This is more expected where NTFS is the file system, since it doesn't refer to them as C,D,E, it refers to them more like scsi, ie disk(0)\partition(0). So, a USB flash drive might become disk 0 and upset NT from finding the correct partition it it looking for.


Don't edit BOOT.INI, but find this file, and you will see the way it refers to the disks.

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Originally posted by Kain

My IE isn't working right either. Its a wierd 'make your computer retarted in the most aggravating way' thingy.


Try using Spybot Search and Destroy and Adaware. I found (for adware) 274 data mining programs on my computer.

as for spyware, 124.


I noticed that after all these have been removed, IE was a bit faster and pages loaded more quickly.

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