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Team Corellia


Who is your favourite Team Corellia member so far?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite Team Corellia member so far?

    • Jaden Car'Let (Jedi)
    • Lt. Castle (CorSec)
    • Cpl. Anders (New Republic Army)
    • Pvt. Alan Dalta (New Republic Army)
    • Pvt. Luke Harris (New Republic Army)
    • Agent Black (New Republic Intelligence)
    • Makso (Mercenary)

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Originally posted by Casperhead

I got a better idea how about you keep out of my thread and I will keep out of you and you pathetic higharchy's threads okay Because I'd rather be castrated before having anything to do with map review scum as your self.


Firstly, you aren't keeping out of this thread. Secondly, I haven't posted on yours. And third, directing all your anger at the Map-Review staff is pointless, because we aren't the cause of any of your problems. I meant what I said, get some help. Threatening people, as you have done nummerous times, and I mean threatening in the fullest sense (and thats just on these open forums everyone can see, let along the notorious AIM conversations people have posted with you) shows that you are unstable.

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Originally posted by Casperhead

Heh> I would have nothing against map review if You bastards would have listen to me in the first place I asked you idiots nicly to take my maps of your site did you listen NO!! So you caused this Doush Bag


Ah, so this is what its all about - you picked a fight with me over this? We don't have your maps on our site, we have reviews of your maps on our site. The difference is we don't have anything that you own on our site, we have an opinion on something you created. Now in the UK, and the United States, where me and you come from, there is this thing called Free Speach. It's part of our unalienable rights I believe, in our resident nations. So therefore, as long as what we say isn't actually a lie, a flasehood, then we can say whatever we want. Our reviews told no lies, they had opinions of your maps, opinions that weren't favurable, I remember, you added Wedge, our reviewer on MSN and had a Caps lock all the way attack at him. Threatened him and the site I believe. Really, you DO need help, can't you see that? You think this is rational, what you are doing?

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Free speech Casper. If you want to take this to court or something, go ahead. I'm surprised you haven't already threatened to do that, I'm sure you have some friends who are High Court Judges, Lawyers and such. Or maybe threatening people who don't do what you want is more your style. Does it work with little kids? Or old ladies?


Originally posted by Casperhead

You know what I got an Idea I will get your thread closed this pathetic thing deserves to be closed anyway You map review idiots got my last thread cloase I might as well have my freinds come in here and get this one closed




You don't scare anyone Casper, you're a little kid threatening people. None of the Admins are your friends, I don't believe anyone who sees this can think much of you at the moment. I did my best to stop you turning this thread into a flame war, but you managed it anyway. You're upset at our reviews of your maps so you do this? Here's what you said to Wedge on AIM, very "nice":


LC Tusken: Hello Are you there?

*** Auto-response sent to LC Tusken: I'm probably not here.




LC Tusken: TAKE CORUSCANT STREETS 2 OFF JK2 REVEIW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You haven't changed have you? Don't you have something better to do than attack Map-Review and it's staff? If you can't see you're just digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole, then you're more delusional than I thought. Seriously, what the hell are you trying to do?

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Kengo- Ignore him. If you incite him, he'll only get worse. My advice is to simply not address any more comments to him, and just click that nifty little "report to moderator" button.


He's already caused one of your showcases to be closed, get the mods to jump on him early so they don't have to shut this one down, too.

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Isnt it time just let things go? Casper just wants to make things right. Wedge, Kengo and who everelse just leave it at what it is. He is right you all do tend to go overboard on your reviews and see too much negitive things. So try to make a New Years resilution, try to become better people in what you do among the community.



OK... to try to get the thread back on track, I have not yet watch this and I shall download it right now. Ive heard alot about it and people are trying to get me to do what you do. But thats not my thing. I would rather film with great players of JO/JA. And now for a plug for The Jedi's Demise. You can find the trailer HERE . I should be releasing some of the movie in a few weeks. Also after the download is done I will watch it and tell you what I think.

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AH well certainly a nice job. Liked the Mission Impossible thing, it was cool. I was hoping to see alittle action in this, but it still was ok. Scripting would definatly be for me, if it looked alittle better. I think I would get better camra views and it would be alittle more life like. But anyway keep up the nice work, I would most certainly like to see more from you guys.

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Casper, WHY???


You can stop this now... This is going nowhere... Spamming does WHAT to them? Well, I don't think they're pretty hurt from 50 messages telling them to shut up or something like that... And on the other hand, while they only have to delete a few messages, you get banned from a lot of JA sites and possibly kicked off any MOD teams you're working on (and losing credibility with everyone, basically being thrown out of the community)... It's not worth it man, it's definatly not worth it...:(

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Wow, Casper sure showed the "higharchy" and the evil elitist boys over at map-review a thing or two!




"Isnt it time just let things go? Casper just wants to make things right. Wedge, Kengo and who everelse just leave it at what it is. He is right you all do tend to go overboard on your reviews and see too much negitive things."


Whatever. Casper is the one with the chip on his shoulder, flaming damn near everyone on even these boards who make any sort of comment or suggestion he doesn't like.


For what reason? Who cares? Roll up a blunt, smoke it, and chill the **** out. Jesus.



Anyway... looking at the non-drama posts in this thread, it seems that all the reviews are from those in the map-review community... so maybe a bit biased? :p So I'll post my thoughts about the little project.


The Good:


I really respect the work in this project... to script a bunch of cameras and actors, and coordinate them all takes alot of planning and work... and the maps themselves aren't too shabby, either.


There are some cute things, like the Mission Impossible theme part... and the story itself seems entertaining and sound, and a bit tongue-in-cheek.


The setting for the scene with Carlet arriving at the CorSec building was nicely done... architecturally, atleast.



The Bad:


Anders' dialogue really got to me. Not the voice, which was one of the clearer voices - and I guess this Anders character is "special" - but after the first few times he spoke, I got sick of the slow way he spoke... it got frustrating having to listen to a three-word phrase take a minute to be spoken.


Also, the Chief's voice sounded far away and faint. Pretty much the only bad voice - I remember "playing" Occupation 1, and I couldn't even complete it because I couldn't stand the horrible quality of the voices - but in Team Corellia, the voices were much much better.


Some of the scenes seem to drag on - not as bad as say, the 2nd & 3rd Matrix movies - but for being a 5 minutes or so movie, there really shouldn't be any points where the viewer will stop and think "ok, blah blah, wrap it up please..."


Of course, speeding up Anders' dialogue could help the problem as well, but it wasn't just the Bridge Street scene that dragged on.


I felt the scene with Carlet walking to the CorSec office to be awfully inane - and (YAY!) we got a great view of the sidewalk! The conversation with the secretary (haha wedge#### is a secretary :p ) also seemed sort of pointless. Perhaps if there was a little more emotion, or quicker comebacks, it would have been better.



Anyway, I realize there aren't easy ways to "fix" these things - I have played with scripting, and took me awhile just to get a single camera to move and pan to where I wanted it! But I would hope, that perhaps in future episodes, there will be a bit more optimizing of the flow of the cutscenes.



Blah blah blah... anyway, I have to go get drunk now. :)

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

it seems that all the reviews are from those in the map-review community...


Hey, at least I'm not in the staff (though I do strive to become the Official Forum Maniac or at least Official Forum Regular:D)!:p


But yeah, this thread took a nasty sideturn along the road... Let's just ignore ANYONE who starts flaming again and hope they go away! Yeah, you hear me, you're all a bunch of ****************************************** **** **************** ****** *********!!!:p Okay, like I said, ignore stuff like that!:D




So... Any small spoilers about what Part II might involve?:D

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

I felt the scene with Carlet walking to the CorSec office to be awfully inane - and (YAY!) we got a great view of the sidewalk!

Um... You know what, you are absolutely right. I guess I knew that all along, but after I had spent hours and still many hours more mapping the setting, I just didn't have the heart to cut it out. Believe it or not, but I shortened it quite a bit! But I just couldn't cut the whole scene with Car'Let walking into the building out. Kengo would have done that, if he had been a real movie director, and not such a fine fellow as he is. I guess he took pity on me, and didn't say anything, but let it be there (although, just as you said, it is useless and doesn't bring into the movie anything but a glance at some architecture).


Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

Anyway, I realize there aren't easy ways to "fix" these things - I have played with scripting, and took me awhile just to get a single camera to move and pan to where I wanted it! But I would hope, that perhaps in future episodes, there will be a bit more optimizing of the flow of the cutscenes.

Well, as it is quite likely that I'm not mapping or scripting for the next episodes, you just might get what you wished for!

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I'm with you Tito, the threats are empty, so pay them no heed.


Zappa, I'd like to hear what you think. As for your earlier comment, all I will say is that clearly a load of posts have been deleted from this thread, you can see quite a lot of them in the various quotes.


IDLG - Appreciate the review :) I think you've picked up on the main points to address or look at for Part 2. Leslie Judge did really good with the voice of Anders, but I think in making him leave all those pauses I was overemphasising the fact that Anders is supposed to be a little strange and not completely at home with the language. It is too slow, and thats down to what I asked LJ to try to do (he did what I asked spot on!) - so we'll look at speeding his speech up in part 2.


The chief's voice was a little crackly, so I will talk to the voice actor to try to address that.


It is a little slow in places. I personally liked the slow walk of Car'Lets which although not vital to the story - made this middle section of the story more central and balanced out better with the long bridge street part. I also liked the idea of an atmospheric, long scene with some SW music and a look at the city streets to really promote that SW feeling. Also, Lasse's architecture had far more showoff-ability than mine, it deserved a long viewing time I thought :) As the first part, all of us were a little new to it and pacing is a hard thing to master, we will continue to work on that!


I also had some rather over-long conversations at Bridge Street where a character talks for a long time with no jokes. I will keep the final product in mind more clearly when editing the script for part 2.


GothiX, appreciate your review too. This cool feedback is a big help :)

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Originally posted by Zappa_0

AH well certainly a nice job. Liked the Mission Impossible thing, it was cool. I was hoping to see alittle action in this, but it still was ok. Scripting would definatly be for me, if it looked alittle better. I think I would get better camra views and it would be alittle more life like. But anyway keep up the nice work, I would most certainly like to see more from you guys.



Kengo it looks like you over looked my responce!:D

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Oh yes, so I did Zappa.


The MI bit was one of my favourite parts too, Niall came up with that bit!


There is definately more action in this than anything I scripted before, and Lassev did his usual superb job with the scripting. Hopefully as we learn more we can have more action like you say - that is I think the hardest thing to script, but perhaps the most rewarding too. I was pretty pleased with ther Camera work but again, hopefully we'll improve with practice :)

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Real action, like fighting, might prove out to be quite interesting a challenge. I have never scripted such. Hmm. I think Kengo has, if memory serves. Of course it would be quite easy with with the saber fighting, although the unpredictability might prove out to be a problem considering the placement and usage of cameras (follow command with camera groups sure would help).


However, as Team Corellia (until now I have called this Corellian Incident, and for some bizarre reason Kengo never corrected me :p ) does not contain but one saber user, I think the problem of creating more activity and a higher pace of action will be a bit more difficult. However, it might still work by letting in some randomness by avoiding an exclusive use of behavior_state("cinematic"). Some waypoints and point_of_combats, and there should be some nice action and exchange of bullets.


Kengo sure knows how to use dynamic camera movements, so he can easily increase the tempo just by using surprising angles and aggressive movements. Then throw in some script controlled explosions and smoke, and I think even idontlikegeorge would be forced to agree that the west front is not anymore so quiet...

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Can't you just make a few NPCs with appropriate team settings and health values, and then let them go at each other with a few defined waypoints, and then cut camera angles as the battle progresses? I think something similar was done for the Luke/Desann matchup on the Cairn dock.

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