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WTF of the Week

Boba Rhett

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Britney Spears Married in Vegas


That's right.

According to our sources, pop singing superstar Britney Spears was married to childhood friend Jason Allen Alexander Saturday in Las Vegas. An affidavit of Application for Marriage License filed Jan. 3 showed that Spears, 22, of Kentwood, La., and Alexander, 22, also of Kentwood were granted a marriage license. It is the first marriage for each.




I can only assume what a loss this must be to adolescent boys and those awaiting her inevitable yet now delayed pr0n carreer.



Good news for this Jason Alexander fellow though, I guess. You go George.





So who wants to start a little betting pool on how long this lil' union o' love is gonna last?

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Just when I thought she had pull off all the stupidest stunts, especially thinking she could actually ACT, she goes and pulls a stunt like this. According to a source close to her, it is supposedly just a joke, although they had to file for a marriage license. And last time I checked, doing stuff like that, like getting that kind of marriage isnt a laughing matter.

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Originally posted by IG-64

*sigh* Well, I supposed you'd get sales if you put your logo on some anime chicks jiggling boobs




And it looks like it worked :roleyess:


hmm… I belive its a fake, because I've seen that girl bounce around onnewgrounds.com WITHOUT the logo. would have been cool if it was actually an comercial.

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You'll have to excuse me for a sec, I only skimmed over the full story - but it says that they met (or were at least together) at a fancy (or "wanky" as I call them) bar.

Then Spears demanded a Limo to whisk them off to some chapel to wed.

My wager is they were both pissed as a fart and decided in a drunken stupor to get married there and then. Possible.


But they round up with things like "yeah - it was a joke" etc. And it seems they mean to wed for real soon. Meh.

This guy is hardly a famous celebrity so if they do get married I would hardly expect a huge media interest.


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