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Darth Groovy

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Boy this program is a steaming pile of poo! I was trying to play Call Of Duty today with [echo] clan and it took us forever to get it to work, and then when it did, we only had partial coms, and really bad reverb. Anybody else use this program? If so does it work for you? If it works, then what are we doing wrong?


Also, is there a "better" program for voicechat/gaming out there better than "teamsuck"?


In case you wondering what the Hell Groovy is ranting about, check it out HERE.

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Teamspeak kicks ass, I've got absolutely no probs using it, in fact I was about to psot a thread on how more clans should use it.

Of course i don't host it or have anything to do with the server (so i don't know what you're doing wrong), but it's definately great with really good sound quality and no added lag when playing ja with my clan.

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

couple things groovy, headset w/ mic solves a few probs, plus, who was hosting the TS server, needs lots of bandwidth i think...

I just looked this up and you need quite a lot of bandwidth, also, you can totally customize your codec settings, i've found trhat some make the sounds slightly muffled (cs caveman style) and some sound very good. Do a bit of experimenting.

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The amount of users, a TeamSpeak server can handle, mostly depends on the server's internet connection, as the cpu-usage is very low.


The voice quality and hereby the bandwidth usage is configurable and can be low for modem users or as good as normal phone calls for better connections. Still the client's maximum bandwidth won't exceed 25.9 KBit/s (=3.3 KB/s) upstream.


Configure Configure Configure!


IMO it is much better than my experience with Roger Wilco back in CS. I think you lot need to play on decent servers and press the settings button ;)

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Originally posted by IG-64

Call of Duty... Another game I can't play yet... Poodu



Poodu huh? So was that post :rolleyes:



From what I'm hearing, Teamspeak has worked for most. I've talked about it a lot on #PCGamer on MIrc and heard nothing but good things.;)

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

couple things groovy, headset w/ mic solves a few probs, plus, who was hosting the TS server, needs lots of bandwidth i think...


Well I am using this one: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm?page=products/details&CRID=103&CONTENTID=6774&countryid=19&languageid=1


My teamates say they can hear me fine, but we did run into another problem with this horrible buzzing feedback type sound, not sure what it was, or wear it was coming from.:confused:

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