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Darth Malak

ksk h2o

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Originally posted by GothiX

(Quoted so Casper wouldn't go deleting posts again.)


You were flaming him. As well, if you're close friends with Zappa, I see, but it should still be his call.


However, your spamming at Force-Temple was definitely there, as Inferno said he was "fed up with you spamming the boards". So yeah, goodnight.


Oh, before you start to say stuff about people who are arrogant, you'd need to know what arrogant is, first.




n : overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors [syn: haughtiness, lordliness]


SO, people like Eldritch and me, who teach others (beginners, actually) how to map, we're arrogant? because we treat them like we'd treat a friend? Oh, yeah. I see.


Now, for your point 4, we're going to see some irony. Because you managed not to be able to count to 5 properly. Real mature. As for stating things about "Tellatubbys", I can only assume you mean the kidshow "Teletubbies", which is, indeed, mentioned as my favorite TV-show on my Digital Core profile. I suppose you're unable to comprehend humor then, eh?


I don't need to delete my post. If i showed the admins the chatlog where you tried to send me that virus. You will be banned on site In fact I will. but lets get to the point.


1. You don't treat people as a freind you and eldritch both. Look at the way you treat zappa. Thats not very nice.


n : overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors [syn: haughtiness, lordliness][/i] <---- That best Describes you.


And besides look above and in the "how to improve pcgm for examples of eldricth's Little file tyrantsy. So being a black metal goth as your self Im happy to say my only food group is not anti depressants.

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Originally posted by Casper

1. You don't treat people as a freind you and eldritch both. Look at the way you treat zappa. Thats not very nice.

Zappa acts much the same way you do, and we don't treat him any better than we do you, though he at least has sincerely tried to be nice... and when he does, I treat him nicely.

And besides look above and in the "how to improve pcgm for examples of eldricth's Little file tyrantsy. So being a black metal goth as your self Im happy to say my only food group is not anti depressants.

What file "tyrantsy"? I'm not doing anything other than what is morally right. You're a complete loon and jackass.

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Originally posted by Eldritch

Zappa acts much the same way you do, and we don't treat him any better than we do you, though he at least has sincerely tried to be nice... and when he does, I treat him nicely.


What file "tyrantsy"? I'm not doing anything other than what is morally right. You're a complete loon and jackass.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! now I'm going to flame you! and Mods I'm sorry but it has come to this I'am not mad Im laughing my head off right now!!!!1:p :p :p :p Oh boy this is funny!


The example of tyrantsy comes where you deleted that matrix train station, Moved BTR beware of the rancor to the clan maps section. And it wasent even a clan map. Deleted Joesolos PFB And neither where stolen. <---- those are only a few of the things you've done.


Second. Do you even know what a jackass is. A Jackass goes

(Reeeehaaaaauuuu!!!!) And a loon is some one like you. Someone who is incompident, Hell I bet you don't even know what that word is. Second definition of a loon is some one with a bad temperment. Yeah Yeah I know folks I have one. BUT yours Eldritch. Is worse than my your like a baby. When you don't get your way you throw a tantrum.


Third. Zappa is smarter than you. And hey hes a nice guy but when people bite him he knows good ways of getting back. So I think you should lose the arrogance. and get real.

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Ok lets get on topic here! Wile we are talking about pcgm... Ive gotta agree that some things that the admins do are a bit of a Jump to the gun type thing. But it doesnt matter now, seeing how you cant even log into the site.


Ok! Back on topic!


OMG! Dude ksk, this is going to be one of the best types of carectors ive seen for JKA!

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Eldritch, I dont act like Casper. IF I do act out its for a good damned reason. You say you treat me with the same respect you give Casper? Pal, ive been around here aslong as you have maybe longer. I try very hard to give you equal respect, but its kinda hard to do with someone so stuborn as you. I dont really know how I got into the conversation anyway. Yes I am friends with Casper. He helps me with mapping stuff for my movies and I apprieate everything he is doing. Eldritch and GothiX, you all keep saying you want Casper to stop, why dont you all stop continueing this flamewar. You all are the ones that are egging him on. GothiX, you said why dont you two grow up. Why not use your own advice. You come in here and say "Ive came to back you up Eldritch". From my point of view your all are trying to team up and fight with Casper. And one last thing Eldritch does this look like "Flame Wars With People You Dont Like" Thread? I think not, if you would look closely towards the top of the page you can see this is "Darth Malak" Thread. So I suggest you stopping this flaming now before the admins comes in here and close's this thread. Then if that happens I guess you would have another person who would not like you and that would be ksk h20. He came here simply to show off his work but then people come in with a chip on their should and start attacking people. Oh and I think you all should appoligize to ksk for you actions aswell. And im sorry ksk for what I had to say in this post.

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Eldritch, stop instigating this flame fest. The off-topic discussion that happened in this thread spawned this.


And the rest of you, stop the flame war.


Take it outside, I came here to hear about the Darth Malak model, not pathetic and mindless bitching.

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

Heh, I was going to question the sanity of posting such petty squabbles over the internet as well. Looks like you were one step ahead of me, Jed. ;)


Anyway, on-topic...


Malak looks great. KOTOR won't work on my computer, so this'll be the next best thing for me!:D



Well you missed out bigtime!!!

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hehe... threads end up going off topic... not a big issue.


Samurai armor it is then.


I'll gladly take up the offer on the skinning Insane Sith.


I still have to get these five meshes in game before I start on the samurai addition.


I think I might have a sound problem though.


I'm not sure but I think ALL of the meshes in a custom model type need to have a single sound source, meaning you can't assign different sounds to different skins or combinations (this wouls mean I'd have to choose between malak/grayfox/other characters like spiderman, sounds).


Unless I split the puppy up (which is more work) and kind of takes away a bigh chunk of the versatility, bing able to mix up heads/torsos/legs.


As for naked malak... you're telling me you don't want naked malak in diapers? gosh... I'm shocked!

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KSK, you have a habit for making models of damn cool characters people really want to see models of :) It's interesting how one great model can be used for a completely different character with some modifications and good skinning.


I think the naked Malak idea is, however, a mistake...call it a hunch :)


I am sorry about the flame war that broke out here, I just want you to know that Casper has been banned 5 times previously, and I think Eldritch had just about as much provocation as he could take from him, on threads all over these forums. Let us hope peace returns!

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"I am sorry about the flame war that broke out here, I just want you to know that Casper has been banned 5 times previously, and I think Eldritch had just about as much provocation as he could take from him, on threads all over these forums. Let us hope peace returns!"


Are we going to start this again? :D


Oh yeah




This is a special report from Channal Dumb News!!!!! This just in today! Casper has been banned from Lucusforums 5 times in a row one month ago. 1 mounth ago Casper worked his diffrences out with the admins, and will remain a member of the forums. That was a live update from Channal Dumb News.

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I WAS kidding with naked malak. =P


Other skins/models that will be in the grayfox 2 pack:

- Classic Ninja mesh/skin

- Armored Torso/Legs

- The 'naked' torso and leg mesh I will be using with one of the heads for spiderman (the red and blue classic and the black and white one I like).

- By joining the ninja pants and naked torso: Shaolin Monk Skin

- I am thinking about including a skin for the naked torso/legs/head mesh that would be basically a human with it's skin ripped off (think of anatomy class and that manequin that showed all the musles).

- There are a few different head meshes that I haven't figured out how to skin yet. They can be a kendo helmet wearing human for the samurai/armor body or a human wearing a glass see through helmet for one of the existing bodies.


I do need screenshots of 'DUO' which was the guy wearing the black samurai armor in the animatrix. I want to base the mesh on this dude rather than a classic samurai since as far as I can remember, his armor was damn cool.


Any skinners out there that are interested by the project, please contact me via PM or post in the thread. I am not a very good skinner, and any help on this project would be very welcome.

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Kengo what dont you just stay out of it, thats the best thing to do. And I dont see GothiX and Eldritch appoligize for their actions and Casper did. So Kengo just stop before you add to this and get this thread closed!



*Back on Topic*



ksk you was worring me there for a second. From the previous screenshots it looks like this model is gonna match the game pretty well.

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