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Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)

Fred Tetra

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KotOR Tool has helped me greatly in the past edit many .utc files. i usually edit this files in GFF Editor, but the Inventories, Feats, and Force Powers i usually use KotOR Tool to edit.


however, lately i am having trouble. whenever i open one of the .utc files i am currently working on in KotOR Tool and try to save it, the .utc file becomes ruined. when i go to save it, i get this error message:



"An unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will be shut down immediately.


Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32."



whether i click Continue or Quit, either way the file is ruined. what i mean by ruined is after opening the file again in GFF Editor, after either experience in KotOR Tool, all the nodes and subtrees are replaced with [CResRef] (tag).


why is this always happening now? what is it that i am now doing wrong?

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  Simbacca said:
KotOR Tool has helped me greatly in the past edit many .utc files. i usually edit this files in GFF Editor, but the Inventories, Feats, and Force Powers i usually use KotOR Tool to edit.


however, lately i am having trouble. whenever i open one of the .utc files i am currently working on in KotOR Tool and try to save it, the .utc file becomes ruined. when i go to save it, i get this error message:



"An unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will be shut down immediately.


Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32."



whether i click Continue or Quit, either way the file is ruined. what i mean by ruined is after opening the file again in GFF Editor, after either experience in KotOR Tool, all the nodes and subtrees are replaced with [CResRef] (tag).


why is this always happening now? what is it that i am now doing wrong?



Without knowing the exact file you're using and the values you're trying to set, I cannot say exactly what is causing the problem. I suspect that there's a value that you're setting to a negative number, which the particular field in the .utc can't hold since it is defined as an unsigned (positve only) integer of 32 bits.


If you're willing to make your changes to the file one at a time, saving after each one until it fails, you can help identify the cause of the problem and I might be able to make some changes to prevent it in future versions of Kotor Tool.

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  Fred Tetra said:
Without knowing the exact file you're using and the values you're trying to set, I cannot say exactly what is causing the problem. I suspect that there's a value that you're setting to a negative number, which the particular field in the .utc can't hold since it is defined as an unsigned (positve only) integer of 32 bits.


If you're willing to make your changes to the file one at a time, saving after each one until it fails, you can help identify the cause of the problem and I might be able to make some changes to prevent it in future versions of Kotor Tool.


well i may have solved the problem but it does bring up another question.


i test KotOR Tool save with new extracted and then altered .utc files from the game and it worked fine. the .utc file i am working also now worked once i changed the apperance_type field. for this mod, i had two add a couple line to apperance.2da so the apperance_type field on this particular .utc file was set to 510. perhaps since the original KotOR apperance.2da only has 508 lines, maybe KotOR Tool does not like my new character .utc to have an apperance from line 510?


is this correct?

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  Simbacca said:
well i may have solved the problem but it does bring up another question.


i test KotOR Tool save with new extracted and then altered .utc files from the game and it worked fine. the .utc file i am working also now worked once i changed the apperance_type field. for this mod, i had two add a couple line to apperance.2da so the apperance_type field on this particular .utc file was set to 510. perhaps since the original KotOR apperance.2da only has 508 lines, maybe KotOR Tool does not like my new character .utc to have an apperance from line 510?


is this correct?


If you open a file like this, which has a value out of the range of possible indices in a 2da file, you'd get a warning that this had happened and the particular combobox affected would have a red color to it.


Since you have a new 2da to support the value, you only need to put it in the override folder and check the Use Game's Override folder for 2DA files checkbox in Kotor Tool's options (Tools | Options | Other tab) so that this file is used instead of the one in the game.


I think something else was causing the error, from the description you gave.

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After the release of 3ds max 8 I was able to get the trial and I have made a max file eith all the parts of the area 262TEL(Atris place) in place except 3 of them(they're in there just not in place).

Heres a link and I was wondering if this could be made into a map file for the Module Editor.

Also is it ok if I left out the peices that were just for deceration, like some walls that arent used you just see them.




Edit: Wait i fixed it and all parts are were they should. Link above is new version.

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  brwarner said:
After the release of 3ds max 8 I was able to get the trial and I have made a max file eith all the parts of the area 262TEL(Atris place) in place except 3 of them(they're in there just not in place).

Heres a link and I was wondering if this could be made into a map file for the Module Editor.

Also is it ok if I left out the peices that were just for deceration, like some walls that arent used you just see them.




Edit: Wait i fixed it and all parts are were they should. Link above is new version.


Unfortunately, your link doesn't work :(


Once you get the link fixed and if everything is lined up with great care, I can render it and calibrate it for use in the Module editor.

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I don't understand, It works for me. Im hosting it on geocites but Ill see if I can host it somewhere else. I cant seem to get on any other hosting site besides yahoo. Ive checked my internet security and Norton. If anyone knows why it may not work please tell me.Anyway untill then I shall make more maps because I only have max for 29 more days,


Here I got tripod working, goto http://brwarner0.tripod.com/ and click the link at the bottom. I know the site looks weird but i just got it.

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  brwarner said:
I don't understand, It works for me. Im hosting it on geocites but Ill see if I can host it somewhere else. I cant seem to get on any other hosting site besides yahoo. Ive checked my internet security and Norton. If anyone knows why it may not work please tell me.Anyway untill then I shall make more maps because I only have max for 29 more days,


Here I got tripod working, goto http://brwarner0.tripod.com/ and click the link at the bottom. I know the site looks weird but i just got it.


I was able to download your Max file and I'll take a look at it tonight. :)

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A new version of Kotor Tool will be posted today.


If you're manually downloading, check that the version number is the one below.


v1.0.2129.27079 (2005-10-30 20:17)




  • Door fields are now editiable in Module Editor
  • Fixed bug in Creature editor that prevented Min1HP field from being read
  • Fixed bug in Creature editor that prevented Interruptable field from being read and set consistently
  • Added code to Creature editor to support IsPC field
  • Fixed bug in module editor that cause Kotor Tool to crash when Properties menu was chosen for a trigger from palette
  • Module Editor no longer gives an error when closed before a module project was opened
  • Module Editor can now show item Tags as well as ResRefs in the palette and on the map surface
  • Trigger editor (UTT) now lets you set the faction via a drop-down menu instead of having to type a number in
  • Trigger editor now has a drop-down menu for Type (Generic/Transition/Trap)
  • Door editor (UTD) now lets you set the faction via a drop-down menu instead of having to type a number in
  • Sun and Fog range controls in Module Properties editor now more compatible with KotOR I
  • 2DA Editor no longer crashes when "Show Strings for Refs" is done on column that contains -1's
  • Added Waypoint (UTW) Editor
  • Added Waypoint editing support to Module Editor
  • Added item position tweaking to Module Editor
  • Encounters can now be repositioned and reshaped in the Module Editor
  • Encounter properties can now be accessed by right-click on one of its nodes
  • Encounter Spawn Points can now be repositioned using the mouse
  • Encounter Spawn Points can now be added and deleted from the map surface
  • Encounter Spawn Points can now have facing (orientation) set
  • Module Entry point can now be repositioned using the mouse
  • Added Quick menu to Text Editor to make finding sections of .GIT GFF files easier
  • Fixed a text padding issue with the GFF file non-RTF text dump
  • Added Sound (UTS) editor
  • Added Sound editing support to Module editor
  • Added Merchant editing support to Module editor
  • Added ability to have "global templates" for the Module Editor. These are files available to all projects
  • Items of a given type are now unhidden when a new item of that type is dragged onto the map surface
  • Added new View menu item, Show Module Entry Point, which zooms the map to the Module Entry Point
  • Updated handling of editing of non-editable reference items to allow user to choose source to create an editable instance from
  • Text editor can now compile scripts
  • UT* Editors can now invoke editing of scripts
  • Scripts for a module are now displayed in the Module editor and can be edited with a double-click
  • Module editor now shows map name, game version, and module output path in window caption
  • Dialogs for a module are now displayed in the Module editor and can be edited with a double-click
  • Added "Extract for Module Editing" button to main window
  • Module extraction now checks to see if a map is supported before starting
  • Module Editor can now produce text dumps of the GIT/ARE/IFO files for a module, and changes to files due to editing are now shown
  • Traps can now be placed on map surface and show their 'sensing' radius

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A new version of Kotor Tool will be posted today.


If you're manually downloading, check that the version number is the one below.


v1.0.2129.27079 (2005-11-01 12:00)


Just a minor update to the installer program to warn those users who put files in the Kotor Tool program directory that the entire directory's contents will be deleted during an Uninstall. (shame on them [ and they know who they are! :D ] - don't they know you're supposed to keep your apps and data separate?)

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Who Us??? :D...lol


Bad Modders :D


I"m loving all of the new features of the KT Fred.


Also if you haven't please check your PM's and let me know. Whatever you want to do in that line we'll give it a go.


I noticed in the previous update since I've used/downloaded the latest version some kewl addon features and the like. :D Sweet :D



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  SpaceAlex said:
Great work. I'm loving the sound editor, even though KT crashes if i use it for too long.


Still, it's very useful and i can live with this little bug. :)


It is still a bit unstable. Considering the 'magic' needed to get it to work, I'm still pretty happy with the way it turned out.

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Here's a new map I'm working on for use with the module editor.


http://kotortool.home.comcast.net/151har_lg.jpg (6144 x 4608 px)


This model consists of 17(!) parts and would have normally taken a few hours (at the least) to get the first-pass assembly done. I usually have to go back and realign parts when module items like doors won't line up.


This model was assembled using a new technique that allows me to get the initial assembly done in less than 25 minutes.


Once I get some new assembly instructions put together, it should be much easier for people to contribute maps.

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