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The Official RotS Spoiler Pictures Thread


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I'm so dissapointed. Eveything is still done in CGI. I mean, wookies are understandable, but clone troopers ? Why the hell don't they just make some armour and suit real people up?

A problem with height perhaps? Is it really that hard to alter height in CGI?

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Originally posted by witchfinder

I'm so dissapointed. Eveything is still done in CGI. I mean, wookies are understandable, but clone troopers ? Why the hell don't they just make some armour and suit real people up?

A problem with height perhaps? Is it really that hard to alter height in CGI?

Ever hear of a budget? :dozey:


Think before you speak.


Swanky pic Zappa. :)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Pfft. Budget has never been a a valid ride off for anything Lucas has done is these last few years. Besides, it costs plenty to make cgi troops too.

True but to manufacture that much armor and fitting, plus doing the resizing. It all adds up to a lot more money that is needed to be spent. The CGI troopers look perfectly fine. Considering all the effects and battle bits too, it's easier to just stick with CGI, instead of switching back and forth. Every job done digitally costs money, and quite a bit at that. The time and money spent trying to match up frames could be better spent on more important things.
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Armor? Fitting? Resizing?



They're vacuum formed outfits that are all the same size, with black spandex jumpsuits underneith them. Pretty inexpensive as far as props go. Look at the work that went into all the suits in the lotr trilogy for example. Those all had to be individually designed and hand made and most of them were far from being the same. We're not talking about hand forged steel plate chainmail here. They're carbon copy molds with some dirt on them and maybe a squad color marking.



Matching up frames is quite standard compared to the other obstacles these guys tackle on a regular basis and I really doubt it would be taking more time/money than them hand crafting and rendering soldiers.


Even if it did cost more, which it doesn't, it sure as heck would look better. Right now the cgi ones are only really passable in the expansive shots. Anyone remember the trooper walking in the sand to get Padme at the end of AotC? Yeah.


Originally posted by Nokill

if thay use real ppl now

you shoud not get mad if you have to wait anothere year until it gets on the screen :o


Because... it takes longer to render real people on film than it does fake ones? :confused: What? :confused:

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