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Cantina 12: The Republic Strikes Back


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*Caruso took out the comm and called Greer*

Caruso: Greer, the noise we heard just before you left was Tarila Vilnov crawling in the vents. Her borther's nearby, keep on the lookout.

Greer: Damn. Try to find out who she's working for, it's probably the goverment, but we need to know. We're going to get some weapons. Don't get killed. *he switched off the comlink and turned to Dasken* The Vilnovs are onto us. They've caputred Tarila, but Nom must be nearby.


*Caruso stood over Tarila, he looked at her wounds briefly then began speaking. Behind him the others were taking precautions ot armor the room for an attack.*

Caruso: You're going to survive this. Now, the only condition is, we need some information. You can tell us and we'll try to treat your wounds. Maybe you wouldn't mind dying, but I'm sure your brother would.

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Tarila was silent for a moment. "What do you need to know?"


Suddenly, a small comlink on Tarila's belt crackled to life.


"You've had enough time, sis," Nom's voice whispered. "What's taking so long?"


Tarila looked at Caruso, as if asking permission to speak to her brother.

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[Ok guys, I won't be able to post for a few days, so....]


*Deac runs in, and Elella gets up and runs in after him. The door seals shut behind them*




*Lokpihet stands in a small elevator and moves upward, a massive computer core behind him. He exits the elevator and enters a man-sized alcove in the computer core. Several wires attach themselves to his new cybernetic implants*


Lokpihet: That's it Elella...distract him. Distract him whilst I become the god in the machine...

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"I've been caught," Tarila told Nom. A guttural noise came from the comlink.


"Don't you dare," Tarila said. "All they want is information." Here, she switched into what sounded like a mix between Basic and Huttese. Nom answered in the same language.


"Gentlemen," Tarila said. "My brother and I are in this for the money. If you can buy us over, we're all yours, information and services."

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((Ahh, I have a life, it keeps dragging me away from the important things!))


Dasken: We have a hundred thousand credits straight off, I can get more if we need it.




*Hal looks at Ivrine.*


Hal: You! You killed my mother!


*Activates both sabres.*

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"Double that and we'll not bother Greer again," Tarila said coolly. "Bring it up to 300,000 credits and we'll not harm the other two we've been asked to capture. Also, for a little more, we'll do whatever you want us to do."


Sometimes she amused herself at how easy it was to talk about large sums of money. She waited for an answer.

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[Well, I'm back...]


*Deac looks around the room. A massive computer core stands before him, with gantries and work stations all around. A man sized alcove is at the very top of the structure. In it stands...*


Deac: Lokpihet.


Lokpihet: Welcome, Starkiller. I see you have your hands back. No matter, as I'm about to become a virtual god. This *he gestures at the core behind him* is the central uplink node for all the comm traffic in the outer rim, and it's linked to all the other central nodes. Every one of the emperor's whims, and so much more went through here.

True power is the control over information, Deac. Now witness my true rebirth!


*Lokpihet enters the chamber. Energy flashes all around him and his eyes close. Deac and Elella watch in horror. The machine goes silent and Lokpihet steps out. His eyes open, and flash in a blinding light*


Deimos: Uplink complete. Deimos program online.

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*O'Conell looked through the suitcases they had carried there. Finally he found the 100,000 credits. He piled them up, counted them and showed them to Tarila, leaving them on the table next to her hand.*

O'Conell: You got 100,000 there. Now tell us who the others are.

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Deac: So, what? You're something even more stupid now?


Lokpihet: No...I


Deimos: WE are the new beginning of a new being. And we will destroy all that stands before us. That means YOU


*Deimos leaps down and opens the shoulder guns whilst activating two lightsabers*

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Tarila glanced down, wincing as she did so. Then she looked back at O'Conell.


"Our other targets are Deac Starkiller and Taklin Flax," she said. "Oh, by the way, Nom is coming to get me now. We've made our promises not to harm you, so you don't have to worry. He is just going to pick me up and take me to our ship. We'll contact you later."


On cue, there was a nock at the door. Nom entered and picked up his sister. With a low growl in the direction of Caruso and O'Conell, he carried her out of the room.


"We'll be back when I'm feeling better," Tarila said as Nom carried her out.


"It won't be long," Nom said, a snarl of anger in his voice. The door closed behind them and Nom carried her to the shuttle.


"Nom," Tarila said softly. "You're going to have to learn to be nicer to them. After all, we're working for them now."


"Right," he answered. "But they're the ones who did this to you. Don't expect me to forget that."


"Don't you dare do a thing to them," she growled. He grinned, realizing that his sister knew him all too well. He piloted the shuttle back to their ship in orbit of Coruscant.

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*An Imperial diplomatic convoy exits hyperspace. The convoy seems rather typical, aside one difference, the pair of ISD's and a Imperial-2 SD.


Showing that whom ever was being transported to Coruscant, was extremely important, but not the emperoir himself.*


Comms "Republic, and Republican Separatist fleets. This is a diplomatic convoy sent by the Emperoir. Opening fire will not only break the treaty between the Empire and the Republic, but an act of war. Awaiting acknowledgement."

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