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Ideas for Kotor 2

Guest 380FAF

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i think it would've been cool after you were on the dark side as reven you can come back with bastilla and rule manaan and tatooine etc and fix any body who was rude or picked you off...and with the light side it would ve been different

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Well, I'd like to be able to get all feats. I'm one of those perfectionist gamers who wants to get everything. I can see why your character wouldn't be able to have all the force powers or master all the different combat skills, but there should at least be some way you can do that via cheating ;) If I can get 99 for all my stats why can't I have all the feats too?


The other thing that would make this game even better than the original would be to have more endings, more points during the game where you have to make a choice. If I'm dark from the beginning it should be a completely different game than if I go through it lightside until the very end. The choices you make should have some real affect on the storyline, rather than having 3 conversation options which all lead the same way.


That's my 2 credits, at least.

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I want to kill Carth Onasi.

Since the sequel is named Sith Lord do we finally get to become a real sith lord or is this game filled with a bounch of posers like Malak and our beloved Revan. The actual Sith master better be among the same eilk as a Palpatine. 150% Sith Lord born and Raised.

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Well first of all I have plenty of ideas for KOTOR 2 Sith Lords, after playing the original KOTOR and after all I think KOTOR was the most brilliant game I have played on xbox so far, but eventually somthing else might come along better then KOTOR 1 and hopefully KOTOR 2 might over take KOTORS leading role. Any way here are some of my ideas for KOTOR 2


1. I think it be cool if you can come back as a dark sith lord and kick some butt to the people who picked on you in say a drinking caffatina, but back then you were a helpless non-jedi but un-known to you, you are very strong in the force and by the end of the game you remember those who picked on you and you go back to that planet where theses thugs picked on you and you use your force powers for revenge to "force choke them" to get your revenge etc


2. It be cool how to get to start out as a non force use then to a padawan to jedi to jedi knight to jedi master etc vice versa with the dark side and you allies turn against you or with you etc


3. The sith are interested in YOU alone and only YOU so naturally they do every thing to try and get YOU alone and not anyone else etc


4. you actually get more of a depth in a relationship with one of your characters for example that new ladie white haired Jedi (who looks like Bastilla) falls in love with you and you get to do more then kissing part (I mean not to go to far because it might become a MA+ audience lol) you get what I mean


4. You are forced to watch one of you companions die by one of th sith lords trying to make you angry and turn to the dark side etc and make you stay with them and rule the galaxy etc you know what I mean dont you?


5. make the planets more detailed and make the people who are standing around actually do more then just standing around.


6. Get to betray your own party again !!!


oh god i can go forever! any way theses are some of the ideas

hope you like my ideas

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You have to persue the romance options when you talk to him. Then on the unknown planet when you go evil he'll run off, and at the very end, after you beat Malak, he shows up and you have four dialog options that all lead to either you or Bastila killing him.

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Hey guys, there is so much talk about KotOR 2 but I hope everyone realizes that there will not really be any KotOR2. What am I talking about? Well everyone knows by now that KotOR2: Sith Lords is supposed to be released early 2005, right? That is true but if you read the magazine and web articles that have come out to date, the developers at Obsidian are really not planning on making too many changes to the original formula.


I say that this is good. It's better if they try not to get too complicated and just stick with what works in the original game. Sure, we would all love to see them make the game as incredible as possible BUT to make to many changes to the original game programming take TIME!! LOTS OF TIME!!! I for one am not patient enough to wait 2 or 3 years or more just for them to come out with the next KOTOR game.


Take for example Halo and Halo2. The sequel I'm sure will be incredible but &^%&^%$%^$ how long is it going to take them to release it? I've run out of patience and I don't want to wait so long for KOTOR2: Sith Lords.


I've read a hundred different posts about how gamers would like to see the game improved and most of it I agree with BUT I just hope that Obsidian will just KEEP IT SIMPLE and don't mess up the stuff the made KOTOR good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great idea kookaburra.


What I would allso like to see is two-handed saber, like the Guardian of Light.


And for you to actually be able to attack/insult/kill/use force power on anyone you want....


you: Waiter, check please!

waiter: that would be 100 credits sir!

you: What!?

Choke the guy using the force OR wave your hand and say "I don't really need to pay anything" OR "you will attack me now so I can kill you in selfdefence!"

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And for you to actually be able to attack/insult/kill/use force power on anyone you want....


you: Waiter, check please!

waiter: that would be 100 credits sir!

you: What!?

Choke the guy using the force OR wave your hand and say "I don't really need to pay anything" OR "you will attack me now so I can kill you in selfdefence!"


Ah Morrowind :D The old taunting-them-to-attack-you-so-you-can-kill-them-and-get-away-with-it routine. :D


And I NEVER EVER paid for stuff in KOTOR unless I had too. :D IE. HK, you can haggle down to half the price, but CANNOT get him for free.



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Originally posted by Sarendipity

Well, I'd like to be able to get all feats. I'm one of those perfectionist gamers who wants to get everything. I can see why your character wouldn't be able to have all the force powers or master all the different combat skills, but there should at least be some way you can do that via cheating ;) If I can get 99 for all my stats why can't I have all the feats too?

But this would destroy the whole point of a roll playing game.
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All these ideas sound great. I have only 1 idea to add and that is a HOLSTER WEAPON button. I know that we could simply disarm the characters by going to the inventory screen and removing the weapon from the weapon slot. But it is tedious. I recall in the game when tracking the invisible Mandalorians in the Lower Shadowlands on the planet Kashyyyk, my party was required to walk unarmed to make the Mandalorians appear and attack. The whole exercise of disarming my party from the inventory screen interrupted the fluidity of the gameplay and was absolutely annoying. Another advantage of having a HOLSTER WEAPON button is rather obvious. It seems unrealistic for your party to stroll through a crowded street with weapons in hand without drawing unwanted attention both from planetary authorities and the common citizenry. I mean, if I was walking along and sees a group of people bristling with weapons I'd haul ass out of there. With this function, the characters will still be armed but be civil about it by holstering their weapons and can still enter combat instantly.

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I think it would be interesting if they told you who your jedi master was. It bothered me that in KotOR that they never told you whom you were apprenticed to, as if you had learned to be a Jedi all by yourself. Or if you were Revan's apprentice. Heck, even if you can either be or get an apprentice. It just didn't seem as if there were many master/apprentice relationships in the game, and that was what the Star Wars movies were based on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think for KotOR2 it would be cool if the sabers were a little harder to create. Like in the training area...when you make your saber, you don't have all the parts right there with you...like the masters give you your crystal, but you must go out and find the components needed (and obviously we wouldn't want to make too many components due to complications). But then you would have a wider selection for a hilt, and when you make it, it would be hard. You would put the components together, and maybe your first or second try wouldn't work. Then you would try again. It seems like it would be logical, not all Jedi are perfect and can create a lightsaber in 8 seconds...only some are :-D. And I don't really know what type of components there would be, but the hilt, the buttons, prolly some wires or something, you know, just a little more of a challenge into the game. *shrug*

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The three thing's i want out of KOTOR 2 is:


1. I have seen from screen shots that you have proper robes and a cloak, i hope the cloak is an extra which can be removed.


2. I would like the ability to gain things like force immunity or force jump as any class. but i would like to have to choose it during feat level up. eg scout gets implants for free where as other classes have to purchase them.


3. I would like proper racing i.e. Pod racing rather than swoop racing.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Sadly, like in the case of KotOR 1, I fear that can't happen. JA wasn't so great story wise. For the sake of the story(although it would be cool to play as an alien) let's keep it to human pcs only.



Ever played Baldurs Gate 2? It had a great story and you were not limited to one charachter....

It's all in the execution (and not focusing the story just on the player char...I have beeing the centre of the universe...been there too many times...boring...)

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