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I have no idea why but I am now banned from JK3Files.com


I don't have an account there, it was an IP ban. I'm banned on all of my comps. This may be related to Mario or Stick Man models I recently submitted that they never put on. I have no e-mails about it, I don't know if it was a miss-ban or what.


When I type http://www.jk3files.com or http://www.jk2files.com it forwards me to A site that says:

Look if you start being a nice person I will remove this ban, but everything you get past it I will just enforce my next level ban, and trust me I can ban when I get pissed!

- Phenix Joint Head Admin of JJ Entertainment Networks


Sorry if you're not Wai, but the miss use of one person means you cant use this site. Sorry.


Don't ask me what that means, but right now it just means I can't use the site right now... or maybe ever :(




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dont you love punks with power? im betting this guy lives in his parents basement and is about 45 and has never been with a girl.....that sounds right......and how can you be nice if you cant even get back on to the site to ask or reason with the guy?!?! i mean that one gets a WTF from me....:confused:

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Originally posted by jebbers

dont you love punks with power? im betting this guy lives in his parents basement and is about 45 and has never been with a girl.....that sounds right......and how can you be nice if you cant even get back on to the site to ask or reason with the guy?!?! i mean that one gets a WTF from me....:confused:


I highly doubt that jebbers. I doubt an admin at such an important network of websites has banned Ig outright just for the hell of it.


It's either he has a virus, or that it was a mis-ban that will clear up in days ahead.


Shame for judging others, shame.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

I highly doubt that jebbers. I doubt an admin at such an important network of websites has banned Ig outright just for the hell of it.


It's either he has a virus, or that it was a mis-ban that will clear up in days ahead.


Shame for judging others, shame.


I doubt it was the virus, it only travels through .EXE files, even if it was attached, why ban me? I didn't send it delibratly :(




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Originally posted by Egg Destroyer

...You....You're the one that made the stick men?! GO YOU. What an awesome idea. I love stick men. Hopefully you get unbanned!:)



Great thanks for your appriciation :)


I made a thread about it in the showcase forum here




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if it was an ip ban...couldn't he have banned someone deserving it and then when his ip changed you just had the misfortune of getting it and reliving the ban??


*does math in head* umm.. let's see, carry the two, add four, multiply by nine....



still really really really f cked up odds!


srry dude, hope it all clears up soon :-)

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Originally posted by Tyrion

Well, if they did a broad IP ban, all the common ip's in the area would be banned.


Thats a bit stupid on behalf of the admin. Why would they ban several people just because of one?


Sorry if you're not Wai, but the miss use of one person means you cant use this site. Sorry.


Are you 'Wai'?

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Originally posted by ExcelsioN

Thats a bit stupid on behalf of the admin. Why would they ban several people just because of one?




Are you 'Wai'?


No.. no I am not Wai, I have never heard of anyone named Wai.




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Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest

IG's Mario and Stick Man wasnt a stolen work or anything, so he cant be banned because of it. By the looks of the message i think the guy mistaken you from that "Wai" guy.

Good work, Sherlock ;)


Seems you're a really lucky guy IG :-\

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I don't know who this "Wai" guy is, but this is definitely some form of miscommunication. You don't deserve to be listed as "banned" on that site. You're one of the good guys. Heck, you made an awesome Mario model, and I'll give you applause for that. It's probably the best one out there! ;)

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Originally posted by ExcelsioN

Thats a bit stupid on behalf of the admin. Why would they ban several people just because of one?


It's not stupid, infact a few admins here had to resort to this. Basically, some jackasses with dial-up use a new ip everytime they get banned, meaning that the only real way to ban them is to ban the range of ip's it'll always get.(I can't explain it too well)

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First of all, there's two types of internet connections: static (IP does not change, usually seen on broadband connections), and dynamic (IP changes upon connection, usually associated with dial up users).


However, there are those of us who know how to use our routers to reassign IP addresses (and you wonder how I evade so many Jedi Knight server bans ;) ).


There could also be the chance that the IP this Wai was assigned could have been a mask for his true IP, and your number was pulled out of the hat.

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Well, they must have cleared something up because i'm not banned anymore, YAY! ^_^



But, they still haven't put Mario Bros. Or Stick Man on the site, even after a weekly update. I guess i'll just have to wait and see what happens.


It's probably the best one out there!

This is the only Mario i've ever seen other than mine, which is a JO reskin of Morgan Katarn.







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