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Holowan Plug-in betav0.3

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Hello fellows,


Apologies in advance if this has been covered or I'm mistaken. The plugin seems to have revived an earlier bug on Yavin the official patch should have corrected (third time you visit, instead of Trandoshans attacking the proprietor I get a black screen and him saying he just won a pazaak match). I installed a few other mods at the same time so it may just be my cluelessness, but I was wondering if anyone else had it. (I have the official patch and haven't seen any conflicting mod files as far as I know).


Not terribly important because of the basement shop but I'm curious why it stopped working nonetheless.

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  Zerathustra said:
I'm not a big fan of Colja's dark side transitions. What files do I need to delete to get rid of them? Thanks.


Just these:















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due to the fact that this was a big mult-mod-in-one install package, i hesitated to download and install it for quite some time. i was the same way with the AIOFPs install. now i always wanted all the quality mods included in these packages, so thats not why i hesitated.


i hesitated because i am a control freak and also i massive mod user. see, the thing is i have so many mods by so many different ppl installed in my game, i usually like take them one at a time to have an easier time making each compatiably with what i have. heck, i usually take these mod packages after install, and break them down into seperate mod folders to use in the control freaks favorite KotOR tool, KMM. i love at any moment being able to add in or take away any mod.


for the control freaks who use massive amounts of mods and are constantly changing what ones they use even mid game like me, it would be drastically easier if one of two things was available with this plug-in:


- list of what files pertain to what mods, as well as what files are used in multiple mods (such as .2da). this is the method AIOFP used.




- a much more customizable custom install option than what is currently available.


personally i prefer the first choice because i can make my way around mod files just fine. now, i know this would probably be a lot more work, with alot more bug testing, so if T7nowhere does release a new version and take the time to do it, we all here would owe him a debt of gratitude.


however if T7 does not have the time or the desire to do so (and very understandably so, don't get me wrong) than perhaps if Darkkender was still interested, everyone who would need to could give him permission to release his own secondary plugin as he suggested in the below quote.


  Darkkender said:
Just a heads up I have it on good authority that the above request is part of T7's plan. If T7 never gets around to it and if I get permission from everybody I may release a secondary Plugin that is compatible with the Holowan Plugin as that is basically what I'm doing for personal use right now. It might just be fun.:D


if neither of you are able to release any update like this, i would not mind, if give permission of course, to release my own secondary plugin with many of the fixes i have made as well as many of the mods that i use in addition to this (of course more permission needed).





on a final note i would just like to recognize T7nowhere for all his hard work on this plug-in in the first place, as well as putting up with all the bug reports and suggestions made after its release. thank you :)

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Heya guys ... got a little problem that has me kinda annoyed and its probably because I am a newb when it comes to using mods. I've done searches on the forum and it doesn't seem that someone else has posted this issue ... but its possible I didn't use the right keywords, if so my apologies in advance. Anyhow on with the story ...


Decided the other day, since SWG was gonna be getting a total redo on its system (and not sure I'm going to like it), I'd take some time off and go play some KOTOR again ... heard about the Plugin and such before so I reinstalled KOTOR (the original, not TSL) updated it all via the updater (think that brings it to v1.03) and then downloaded the Holowan Plugin v0.5 (as well as the quikfix from T7's site) and installed it.


This is what I am running into and/or noticed ...


First there was a file/dir placed outside the KOTOR lips subdir into the main LucasArts dir that looked like it belonged in the lips subdir, so I played the file there. I'm assuming it was a typo in the installer.


I thought these combos of mods were supposed to skip the whole intro deal with the Endar Spire, but that all played normally. No biggie really, just kinda surprised me. Maybe I misread the info in the plugin. Really didn't mind doing it again anyhow.


Got all the way through Taris, on to Dantooine, and met with the Council and after they adjourn to talk in private, you are supposed to zip back to the Hawk. Well it transitions me back to the Ebon Hawk, but I am inside one of the side rooms with no way out and a clickable target on the floor called CutScene (if I am remembering correctly) that when you click it doesn't do anything. Can't do anything else from here.


Curious about this ... I went back to previous save, and instead of talking to the council I turned around and went back into the Hawk alone. Got in fine, saw the downstairs and the trainer droid, the arena module add on and so forth, all of that seemed to work fine ... left the Hawk again, no issues, talked to the Council and then ended up right back in the CutScene room stuck.


I am assuming there is a bad flag or something akin to it set somewhere but I'll be arsed if I am sure just what it might be.



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  SiddNeverr said:

Curious about this ... I went back to previous save, and instead of talking to the council I turned around and went back into the Hawk alone. Got in fine, saw the downstairs and the trainer droid, the arena module add on and so forth, all of that seemed to work fine ... left the Hawk again, no issues, talked to the Council and then ended up right back in the CutScene room stuck.

This occurs when you have scripts checking for your class/sex while you don't t meet any if the "standared" requirements. To fix this issue, just download the kotor 1 fixed cutscenes files for KSE from files from our website: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php#kse


Even if those were specifically made for when you change you class/sex with KSE, they work with other mods making similar changes as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, this must have taken an enormous amount of work (for both the original modders and T7 hehe). I'm really new to this, so I had a question. If it's been covered already my apologies, but I looked and didn't find the answer.


Is there someplace that explains what exactly you are getting with each mod offered in this package? I am currently looking each one up on PCGamemods as well as here, but it's taking a really long time (and some I can't find). There are brief descriptions in the readme I noticed, but I'd really love to see the original mod author's descriptions, screenshots and readme's before choosing which ones I want to install.


If there is something like that available I would love to have a look at it so I can make more informed decisions at the custom install :)

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  • 1 month later...

This is the only mod I have installed. I got to the undercity part where I saved Zalbaar and for some reason everytime I clicked a response it flashed the next part (where there talking to me) and then to the next response. Any idea how to fix this? I don't like missing story points.

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^^^ Thats very strange, none of the mods included in this pack even affect that area.


Does this occure with all the dialogs in that area or just the one with Zaalbar?


Have you tried to replay the part thats bugged without the mod to be certain that its something in the mod thats causing the bugs.

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  • 2 months later...

T7, this is an AWESOME mod, i love this. and with my basic training in kotor tool, i added some other mods without any probs too. there is only one thing, the xp i need to level up from level 14 to 15 has suddenly gone up to 37000 something. is it supposed to be this way??

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  eleazar said:
This mod looks very cool.

Is there any way to get ahold of it in a non-executable format?

As a mac user .exe files don't do me any good.


I agree, its a bit harsh to be left high and dry. I tried running the installer on virtual PC and even on a friend's PC. The installer just crashed every time :( I don't know if its because I didn't have the PC version of Kotor installed or what. It doesn't seem to be a simple self extracting zip archive, which would be just fine on the Mac since Stuffit can unzip those... Maybe a later version will have a manual install option.

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