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No. :dozey:


Skinkie: One of your kind has gotten loose in the house, and I need you to talk reason to it.


Today I was reading, and happened to glance up just in time to see a little six-inch lizard walk across the floor. 'Oh great,' I said, 'there's a lizard in the house!' The creature stopped, turned and looked up at me with unhastened deliberation. It fixed me with a curious expression that seemed to say:


'I, sir, am not a common, frenetic lizard. I am a skink, which is an altogether more evolved family of reptiles with roots far back in ancient prehistory. Consider me an augury of good fortune.'


As I tried to capture the strange little lizard, which evaded me unhurriedly, it wisely found its way into the Forgotten Room, where the messy things are. No hope of catching the stowaway today, I said, 'Fine! My two kitties will probably find you next time anyway.'


So. :max: The liz--excuse me, skink is pretty much doomed if it continues living in my house. Plenty of bugs come in because of the black light, so it could in theory find food to eat...but if it comes out to hunt, one of my cats will pounce on it with irony.


What should I tell it?

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firstly you need to entice it out with seductive dancing and some easy-listening (e.g something like Moon River, You're the best thing... anything but crowded house's weather with you, he'll think you're taking the piss)

then all you need is a trail of rose petals leading out the front door. give him your bedroom eye's and then slowly make you way towards the door. if he doesn't follow you then let your cats eat him.

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It occurs to me that I could put my blacklight on the ceiling. The bugs would go there, and so would the lizard...but my cats would be unable to resist the earth's pull enough to pounce on him. Also, I could catch him with a bucket.


My only concern is: can a skink crawl on the ceiling? I think geckoes can, but what about skinks...?


Siv: Perhaps, but that approach didn't help me get Madonna out of my house. They're always too smart for that.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

My only concern is: can a skink crawl on the ceiling? I think geckoes can, but what about skinks...?


Sounds like you need to do some research on these fine creatures. Make sure nothing kills it, I'm pretty sure it would anger me.

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Sadly, those are all australian skinks, and my house guest wandered in from the grassy mountain valleys of Oregon. :dozey: Now I'm presented not only with the question, 'Can skinks walk on the ceiling?' but also, 'Can skinks surf across the Pacific ocean?'


My cognac is disappearing, and my stash has been raided. Someone put the nature channel on while I was at work. It seems now that not only is the lizard still alive, but it's corrupted my kitties. This is getting out of control.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Sadly, those are all australian skinks, and my house guest wandered in from the grassy mountain valleys of Oregon. :dozey: Now I'm presented not only with the question, 'Can skinks walk on the ceiling?' but also, 'Can skinks surf across the Pacific ocean?'


Hey I just typed skinks into Yahoo, that's only the begining of the knowledge out there, the rest is up to you.

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This one has a blue tongue...




This one looks evil! What the hell, a voodoo skink?




And this skink is packing. :dozey: Skinks for victory!




Google knows everything. :max: Except for where that damn lizard is hiding in my house. I tried searching under skink, zoom's house and where the hell?, but the great google has more important things to do than figure out my vermin problems for me.


I'm going to try playing Paul Mc Cartney and the Wings and see if that doesn't flush it out. I have no idea why that would work, but I'll try it anyway.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm not so sure about that. Man, and I had a weird dream last night. That skink in Zoom's Forgotten room, managed to create offspring by making lizard lurve to his cats.


Zoom appears now to be in serious trouble, having to fight back hundreds of deadly dangerous skats, who already occupied his computer room and also the klingon slave girl lounge! :eek:

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I'm not so sure about that. Man, and I had a weird dream last night. That skink in Zoom's Forgotten room, managed to create offspring by making lizard lurve to his cats.


Zoom appears now to be in serious trouble, having to fight back hundreds of deadly dangerous skats, who already occupied his computer room and also the klingon slave girl lounge! :eek:




Unfortunately, it's like 2 years late.

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No, no. You seem not to understand. Zoom's living in a part of our dimension where time is not of importance. Santa must've send that skink, a putative innocent and harmless creature, to infiltrate and entamer my little fluffy friend and to capture his home. Why? Because he *is* the easter bunny, given pure wisdom and the omnipotent power of friendship!! He *must* be in real danger and thus is hiding in his secret room behind the fridge, wrapped up in thin foil, otherwise he would, without doubt, have send Wally the space dolphin with a ciphered message to call for help.


This is his last appearance, it's still unclear if there's already some coded message to be found in it:




Wally the space dolphin has been caught completely unprepared for a contingency plan B since he was supposed to deal with plans E and S, and vaguely recalls a nervous looking eskimo man at the conference meeting who was supposed to be the plan B guy. Wally says get off his back--he's just a mid-level manager, and is really the most powerless guy in the whole structure with bosses above and below, not one of whom had the merest flicker of insight that he--a space dolphin--who was thoroughly trained and briefed in preparation for two other plans, would be expected to deliver the goods to an auditorium full of stern shareholders who fully intended to hear from him the details of plan freaking B. So:


Plan B: What do you want from me? I'm a space dolphin!


Plan E: Switch Laura Bush with Jane Fonda in the middle of the night and take pictures of the surprised president's face the next morning.


Plan S: Tweak the laws of fluid dynamics so that water will run uphill.

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