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LOL 4:15am


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and there's a lot of activity at this hour :D methinks i might have to stay up this late more often to catch some of the craziness more often. so like right now i'm sitting on being up for 22 hours straight and i'll be up all day tomorrow. sooooooooooo i'm just wondering what's the longest you've ever stayed awake (AND conscience) before?

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Did a 72 hour lan party once, no sleep whatsoever. Good times :D



Although im usually known for my sleeping. Managed to sleep 18 hours one day and about 13 the next. 31 hours out of 48 was a pretty good effort :)



Sleep is for the weak, my friend. It's a poor substitute for caffeine.

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I was up for almost 50 hours once with no sleep at all i reckons its worse when you have like 20 hours then four hours of sleep everyday for a week drinking every night cause the hangover makes you even more tired

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i used to sleep 12 hours a day, get up at 1 or 2pm. then i got a 9 to 5 job and it went down to 8. it was torture for awhile, but now I’m stuck in a cycle. even on my days off I get up quite early. which in a way is good cause I get to see more of the day. but in another its bad cause it gets to like 10pm and i'm exhausted... i feel so old.

the longest i've stay up is about 48 hours, that was when i was coming home from holiday in the dominican republic. got a plane in the morning which didn't land until the following morning. then my car broke down and had to wait all day for a tow-truck. i didn't get home until late that evening.

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I used to have to use Nyquil almost every night to get to sleep. I never went to the doctor about my disorder.....oh well.....


Anyway, I came to my senses and realized that if I took Nyquil as much as I did, it would create some serious health problems, so I stopped.


I couldn't get to sleep. I prayed about it.


Been sleeping fine ever since, praise the lord.


(only on occasion can I not get to sleep, and that's only because either something's on my mind or something like that)

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Originally posted by --ZeeMan--

what's the longest you've ever stayed awake (AND conscience) before?


168 hours


7 days. 7 long boring days. woulda been longer but my parents took me to the hospital. where they gave me a shot that did nothing but piss me off. ended up getting the gas.. and it.. sucked...

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