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2 years with YOU people?

ET Warrior

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Originally posted by Druid Bremen

Wow, you have to announce that? :p


Well....no. I don't have to. I chose to. You know, because I was bored, and I think everyone here is very interested in this sort of thing, as it pertains to me. And I'm a very important person.

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someone getting a stripper! :D


and I know you said a hot white girl when I asked your pick. but even though I didn't get a cookie, I got you an asian, a black girl, and a white girl.


And a male stripper for the assorted women and gay/bi men. :) (everyone should get to party after all ;) )




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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Well, it's official, I've been a part of LucasForums for two years now. Whew. Lots of new faces have come, and many old faces have left over the years, but still I remain. Well. Here's to another year with you crazy lot.




The cool people came in May.



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shesh, 2 years here....... what a loser !


*checks date Astro was registered*


arrrrggggghhhh !




On behalf of the peoples of the swamp, we would like to present his majesty with a gift






sorry.....just had to use it one more time.............

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