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Did Boba Fett ever die??????


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Right... but that's besides the point. The point was that he views it as true starwars, and if he decides to make a movie out of it, you Anti-EU guys would also accept it, while it's still the same thing and that would be lame. Clear now?

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

Right... but that's besides the point. The point was that he views it as true starwars, and if he decides to make a movie out of it, you Anti-EU guys would also accept it, while it's still the same thing and that would be lame. Clear now?


And if wishes were dollars we'd all be rich, and that would be lame. :dozey:

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Originally posted by ET Warrior



:dozey: CoupeS wins.



And what I am saying, Darth Talliusc, is that I think the EU is just fine and dandy, but in a question on whether, in the movie Star Wars, Boba Fett lives or dies, the answer is that he dies. Now, if the question is in Star Wars lore, then he can be said to live. [/b]


sigh. you keep forgetting to factor time into your responses. ive said SEVERAL times that im not debating that Georges current story ends at ep6. all i was saying was that at one point in time (ill say that again because its not getting through it seems) AT ONE POINT IN TIME George planned to do a 9part story. whether or not the second deathstar was in that story isnt the point, the point is that george had plans for more then just two trilogies. not lengthening two trilogies into three, but plans for 3 SEPERATE trilogies.


Yes Georges current movie vision ends with palpatine and the second death star. but this wasnt always the case. please try to pay attention to what the arguement is. i NEVER said that in georges current version of the movies ep7-9 were a reality.


this whole thing started with somebody (forget who, too lazy to check) said that george never intended to do ep7-9. thats what im debating because its true that he DID PLAN ON DOING ANOTHER TRILOGY AT ONE POINT IN TIME.


*sigh, i hope fervently that what ive said will be read AND understood for once rather then just the former.*


edit: ET check the link i put up earlier. it clearly states that boba fett SEEMED to perish in the pit under the MOVIES tab of the info. if he had died it would have said so. under tarkins tab it doesnt say he SEEMED to die above yavin. it just says he died. same for dack ralter from ep5. same for palpatine in ep6. nowhere does it say anybody except boba SEEMED to perish. his is the only death left in question. everybody who actually died in the movies is credited as being dead. but not boba... interesting no?


another edit: and .:CoupeS:. i think you just completely misunderstood what i said earlier. im pretty sure that we both accept (and always have) that at one point in time GL did plan more story, but then he refined it down to the ending with second death star/palps explosion. which he wanted to show us in 6 parts. ive never debated that if you would kindly go back and read the posts ive made.


and no ET, in the starwars LORE sense he lives, in the movies sense his fate is unknown. you cant tell us that bobas dead because its open to question in the official sources (starwars.com's databank). so let this thread die, boba cannot be proven dead or alive in the movie sense, and hes proven alive in the EU/lore sense.


i just keep editing: (gotta be 9th time by now). and ET if GL accepts all this EU stuff and lets them use his name, and lets them use his creation, and lets them use his characters, and lets them further his original story then how the hell can you claim that its not his? he created the starwars universe and he authorized all of its expansions. so the EU is very much GL's creation as well, he may not be directing the action as much as he did in the earlier days but its no less his creation or his doing.


if GL wrote even one book in the EU (like a small story just past the yuuzhan vong crisis) then every single one of you EU haters would be forced to accept it. because its GL's story just like the movies. and if the man could write worth a damn (for novels i mean) he probably would. and yes ive read some of GL's novels and they sucked. i just couldnt enjoy them.

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The way I see it is thet every EU story are all part of alternate stories. Frankly, this is the only way the EU can still keep som credibility because it is contradicted by the movies and even other EU stories. On the other hand, George Lucas, and only him can decide what's part of the real Star Wars story, a.k.a. 'the movies' a.k.a. 'canon'.


Every author's vision of the star wars universe is different, every author has his own view on things, but only one person has the power to say what is fact and what isn't. This person is, of course George Lucas, and he can only do so by putting it in one of his movies, as it is the only valid source of information because he created it. If gL ever wrote a book about star wars, hten it would also become canon as it would also be his creation, his story.


Of course, GL sometimes borrowed from EU, and as I've heared, he will do it again for episode III. But this dosen't mean everthing that was said in the story the EU character was taken from is valid info. Only what is in the movies can be considered canon. Let me refresh your memory again ...


What is canon ?


from the link I provided

When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves - and only the films. Even novelizations are interpretations of the film, and while they are largely true to George Lucas' vision (he works quite closely with the novel authors), the method in which they are written does allow for some minor differences. The novelizations are written concurrently with the film's production, so variations in detail do creep in from time to time. Nonetheless, they should be regarded as very accurate depictions of the fictional Star Wars movies.


After reading this, how can you still argue that books, written by somone different than GL, is canon ? I understand the story might be very entertaining and beleivable, but it would only be true if they were confirmed by GL, in one of his movies. Let me also point out that the expression: ''the real story of Star Wars" is used to describe the story told in the movies.


Now, where it all started... Did Boba Fett die in the sarlacc pit ? As far as the real story goes, yes, he died. And I don't care whatever you say GL said about it, if it's not in the movies, it can't be considered valid info. Until I see it in a star wars movie written by GL, I will not consider it to be part of the real story, and that's the bottom line.


edit: @ Darth Talliusc


I've never heared about your version of the 9 episodes, it is highly possible he had ideas for more that just the six chapters we know of. However, if this is true, I beleive he rapidly cut the other ideas as his story developped. I still wouldn't be surprised to hear that in fact these other ideas were part of the original story GL decided to tell in 6... In fact, I'm pretty sure this is what happenned.

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And here we are again, why won't people just accept that there are two different starwars universes and that it is only a matter of belief if boba died or not. I agree with all of you, thoguh i forgot what you all said, but it all comes down to this.

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we see the EU very differently my friend. i see a bunch of stories that try to exist cohesively (and for the most part work out well) and side with that story until it gets contradicted in either another book or the movie. when these contradictions come up i invariably side with the movies. like obi-wan not hermitting on tattooine for 80 years despite one books story.


until and unless something gets contradicted IT IS THE TRUTH. innocent until proven guilty kinda thing. if something happens in ep3 that makes certain EU stories impossible then i will discount them. but until that time they remain "starwars fact"


and stop saying boba fett died. the camera didnt show him die. it showed him fall in a pit. that says nothing about him being dead. ive posted the link but i guess i have to do it again http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/bobafett/


here one more time because nobody seems to read it http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/bobafett/


ok there. look at the last line under the official sources MOVIE TAB. it says he seemed to die. that doesnt mean hes dead! if that source said boba was dead then i wouldnt be able to argue. but as it stands the OFFICIAL INFORMATION SOURCE SAYS HES NOT NECESSARILY DEAD.


never once in the entire movie did ANYBODY say that boba fett died. it may have been implied, but it was also implied that lukes father died in the clone wars up until that was revealed. you cant argue that the man is dead if the official source leaves the question open. at best you can say that he "probably should have died but may have blown his way out".


you're acting as if GL stopped ROTJ midway through and said "bobas dead". he didnt, boba fetts fate is left open and nobody can say otherwise.


edit: even more important than the fact that the starwars official site avoids saying that he died is the WHY they wouldnt say it. they purposely said he "seemed" to perish just to leave the possibility open. if its good enough for the official source it should be good enough for you.

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no. try reading my post. then reading it again and again until you actually understand it k?


im saying that when the official source for information says he SEEMED to die. it means just that, that he SEEMED to die. everybody else is cut and dried. han solo: alive, tarkin: dead, dack:dead, leia:alive boba: seemed to fall in the pit and probably die....


im saying that the official information source left it unsolved for a REASON. why else put that in there? if he really did die then why not SAY HE DIED? ooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh wait! thats right! its so blindingly obvious! THE REASON THEY DIDNT SAY HES DEAD IS BECAUSE HES NOT DEAD!


its as simple as that. if he was dead they'd say so. they wouldnt say he "seemed to die". we didnt see palpatine die either, just him fall down a similar pit. but theres no question about palpatines death on the starwars website. its just fact. palpatine:dead. but not boba.


the fact is that in the EU they made up a story about his continued survival. lucasarts/film/whatever liked the idea and incorporated it into the rest of GL's big story because it fit.


if its good enough for the starwars.com databanks official movie info, it should be good enough for any forum debating it. now let this topic die.

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

And I say EU is not official until it has been validated by GL in one of his movies.


Exactly, I'm not saying Yuuzhan Vong are fake Star Wars, I'm saying they aren't Star Wars canon, part of the movies.



And as for Boba Fett, it has to be assumed that he died. I mean, why would Jabba the Hutt use it as a method of execution if it was believed to be escapable? I mean, how often can you be EATEN BY SOMETHING and survive it?



Edit -

Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

but unlike the resident bitter prick (no offense ET)

None taken...but.....prick? That's a little harsh :p


(This is from that locked NEIN thread, but I wanted to respond ;))

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Wow, a lot happened while i was gone... i see why that arkle-seizure guy got banned.... there is also some logic to the NEIn thread being closed... But why did Bunnyhips get banned aswell? I mean, i'm not his best friend or something, but i didn't see him do anything wrong.


Alright, back on topic:

And as for Boba Fett, it has to be assumed that he died. I mean, why would Jabba the Hutt use it as a method of execution if it was believed to be escapable? I mean, how often can you be EATEN BY SOMETHING and survive it?


That is because he strips them of their weapons and armor wefore tossing 'em in. Only Fett fell in by accident, with all his weapons and armor, allowing him to withstand the devouring process and ultimatly blast his way out. If Jabba had him tossed in, he wouldn't have armor and weapons, so then he couldn't blast his way out, and he would soon be driven insane by the pain of the devouring process.

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haha not intended to be harsh ET. you just strike me as quite bitter about certain things.


it appears doomgiver already answered your question, and i agree with him. theres no way that jabba would (if luke wore these things) let luke keep his jetpack/explosives/guns while getting ready to drop him in a pit. and i think we all know how good the fett armor is.


ive read numerous things (though you may discredit them all as they could be seen as EU) about fetts armor. including some of its capabilities like its own air supply, private comlink to his ship etc.


remember jabba line (through c-3po of course) "you will be slowly digested over a thousand years"? doesnt sound too corrosive down there does it? im bettin that a good suit of armor and you could last a fair while down there. you'd probably die of lack of air (but if you believe the tech books then thats not too much of a problem) or lack of food/water (take you days to die of that).


but since none of us have been in a sarlaac i guess we wont know how long you could survive down there.


so heres my question to you ET: if boba really did die in the pit of carkoon. then why hasnt the official source said so? why do they avoid the issue by saying "it seemed as if Fett's career as the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter was brought to an end"?

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but since none of us have been in a sarlaac i guess we wont know how long you could survive down there.


Well, i do. Partially. Inside the Sarlacc's stomach, countless parasites live, that attach themselves to the victim, and keep them alive during thousand years with some kind of toxin that drives you insane. Ofcourse, the pain also does that. The parasites are ofcourse immune to the digestive juices of the Sarlacc. I believe that wasn't far from the truth, as far as it can be called truth, since it is actually fiction. But it's also in the databank, so why don't you look it up and prove me wrong:D


Well, anyway, this entire discussion is actually pointless. We might as well discuss the truth of the bible, since it's one party's opinion on a work of fiction (or not) against another. exactly the same. And you can keep on argueing about that, too.

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Whatever, debating stuff is fun...


So anyway, there's no truth about this mkay? It's a matter of belief, just like the bible. We've got an interesting thread running about that in the tauntaun (well partially anyway) so drop by if you really want deep discussions that lead nowhere :D

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Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

so heres my question to you ET: if boba really did die in the pit of carkoon. then why hasnt the official source said so? why do they avoid the issue by saying "it seemed as if Fett's career as the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter was brought to an end"?


Well Boba Fetts deaths was a lot more ambiguous than most of the other characters that died. Boba Fett was eaten by an animal that would digest him slowly, so we didn't really see him die. Those other characters that you mentioned in the databank we saw DIE, or get blown into tiny atoms. ;)

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did we see them get blown into tiny atoms? i recall Dack raltar not answering luke and his speeder gettin stepped on but we never saw him die.


we have no proof tarkin was on the death star when it died but its a given.


we saw the emperor fall down a pit and alot of light come up. then enough time passed for luke to DRAG vader to a shuttle and leave before the death star went kablooie.


their deaths are just as ambiguous as boba fetts fall into the sarlaac. but his is the only one left in doubt in the official sources.


edit: just in case somebody wants to be a smartass im NOT implying that any of those other characters are still alive. as the official source (and the EU agree) that they are dead.

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We saw him slumped in his seat, at the VERY least unconcious, and then several tons of metal crushed him and the speeder bike. We didn't see his body die but we certainly saw him go through something completely impossible to survive.


Tarkin was on the Death star because he himself said that he refused to escape on a shuttle, and then he 'sploded with it.


Palpatine was thrown into a reactor core, a place where his body would have been destroyed, we see the results of his death in an explosion in the core that carries upwards...


NONE of those deaths were ambiguous at all.


Boba Fett's however, was ambiguous, as he was swallowed whole.

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*sigh* we've reached another point where we have no hope of agreeing this century.


ill give you dack. ill make that concession, theres no way within reason that he survived. simply because that much weight even if it didnt hit him would seal him in that speeder and he'd freeze to death IF he wasnt already dead.


but as we didnt see tarkin scream or anything else its certainly possible that somebody took him off the death star against his will. (blasters do have stun settings). i believe hes dead. but by not showing us a body or giving us any hope of seeing a body it cant be said with any real proof.


and a sith as powerful as palpatine who obviously have the power of telekensis could more then likely direct their fall and even slow it enough to hit something like a walkway. afterall we didnt see him explode. just saw alot of wind/energy that we assume was the last vestige of palpatines life ending.


now JANGO's death wasnt ambiguous. that was clearcut, the only way around him dying would be a clone in that armor, but as we saw the scars on jangos face before he put his helmet on we know that it wasnt a clone (unless he made a clone and marked him in the exact same way just for such a purpose... which would be effing rediculous).


think forward to ep3. the general consensus of why anakins gonna need his armor (i dont like bothering with spoiler tags so i wont say anything crucial but you know what im talking about ET). from certain peoples points of view anakins little incident wouldnt look very questionable (otherwise something more would be done to him obviously). id like to point out how similar this supposed event (wont know for sure until we see ep3 really. but it seems obvious enough) is to the ep6 boba incident. both seemingly inescapable pits... you can figure out the rest.


that last paragraph may have no place in this discussion if we (the general spoiler friendly public) have been misled.



but lets be completely honest here. the people at starwars.com know the truth about it all. they dont have to wonder about these things. and they WOULD know the truth about bobas fate. that said i dont think your explanation of why they used the phrase "it seemed as if Fett's career as the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter was brought to an end" works.


they (the workers at starwars.com) have no reason to settle for less then the truth. the reason they used the word "seemed" is because thats all that happened, he seemed to be done, but appearances are often deceiving.


*wish somebody legitimate from the upper echelons of lucasfilm would see this thread and set us straight for sure one way or the other... and then kick certain forumers in the nuts :p

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Originally posted by Darth Talliusc

*wish somebody legitimate from the upper echelons of lucasfilm would see this thread and set us straight for sure one way or the other... and then kick certain forumers in the nuts :p


Wouldn't you feel stupid if they came in and said...he's dead you morons.


And then kicked you in the nuts :p;)

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But we all love Boba Fett, so why does everyone want him dead?


Look, the sarlaac takes a 1000 years to digest, which basically means that there are some slow moving digestives and what not. Boba Fett is a crafty guy, and I'm sure he has contingencies. IF GL says he's dead, well, I don't believe it because GL says Jar-Jar exsisted. All thats important is that GL is a ****ing looney bin.



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Originally posted by Kain

But we all love Boba Fett, so why does everyone want him dead?


Agreed, Boba Fett is a damn cool character in the EU. I like the stories about him.


I ALSO enjoy a good argument, which is what I get everytime I argue against his existance, me being a canon-purist sort of fellow ;)

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