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Holowan Laboratories - News @ RPGDot


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*chuckles* Ahh ChAiNz - your "nomme de guerre" would reflect what, in my old parlance, would be called a "S/switch" - meaning at times (and your moods) you are dominate, and at other timess, submissive/passive in nature:-) *chuckles again*


And I've bookmarked this thread so's I don't miss it for my next report - in which I shall be certain to give some little welcome to Darth Omeggacron:-)

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I did another Holowan Laboratories report today - the following Modders/mods/mod upgrades/modsites/WIP's (whew - did I forget anything??) were featured:


(1) T7Nowhere for his lightsabers/modsite - plus "quotes".


(2) Mono_Giganto (2 mods)


(3) Svosh's WIP


(4) ChAiNz (a small, inside joke - plus his Mod & WIP).


(5) Cameron (mod upgrade)


(6) Darth Omegacron (mods/modsite).

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Originally posted by CDRSeadog

(4) ChAiNz (a small, inside joke - plus his Mod & WIP).


:lol: yup, I am confused, but apparently I'm not alone ;)


The WIP link you posted is for a different 'Chains' hehehe..... or is it? maybe it's a conspiracy to confuse everyone? :dev11: muwahahaha!


ummm..nope no conspiracy ..haha? funny?....hello?


Thanks for the 'gifted' comment! :D


I'd blush but I'm at work and everyone would call me a sissy boy, push me around and take my lunch credits... Oh wait!...editors don't get breaks...silly me :rolleyes:


Thanks for the mention CDRSeadog! I'm grateful!

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I almost forgot to mention I did a small Holowan Report today - the following modders/mods were mentioned:-)


(1) TK-102 (for his utility upgrades)


(2) Prime (for his remarkable website, Warped Productions)


(3) Mono-Giganto (Mod)


(4) Deathdisco (mod upgrade)


(5) Sepithro (new weapon modpack)

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Just thought I'd let everyone know that - rather than do a Holowan Laboratories report today - I'm saving my report for tomorrow morning - Christmas Day - which is (traditionally) a very slow day for any kind of gaming/mod reporting:-)


Additionally - though it's not much - you may want to check out the Holiday Wishes I plan to post tomorrow - one for RPGDot, and one for AdventureDot.


BTW - please feel free to e-mail me should any of you have other mods/mod news, etc that is either really hard to pinpoint here at the Holowan and/or isn't a part of the downloads at PCGameMods...

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Merry Christmas to all!!!


Another Holowan report concluded this AM - the following modders (and their respective mods, of course) made this Christmas edition...


(1) The Team of Svosh & T7Nowhere for their Cheesy XMas Pack"


(2) The Team of Xavier2/Bneezy/[sTGN] Locutus/Mono_Giganto (with help from tk-102 & the lady Darth333).


(3) tk-102


(4) Mono_Giganto


(5) Darkender was given credit for being kind enough to post Seprithroh's "New Weapons Pack"


(6) Chains


(7) DigitalMetal


(8) Deathdisco


(9) Sirus


I did note that the KotOR "Mod of the Week" seems to have (perhaps) changed to the "Mod of the Month"???


May all the best of the holiday's blessings be with you and yours on this holy day:-)

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Originally posted by CDRSeadog

Merry Christmas to all!!!


Another Holowan report concluded this AM - the following modders (and their respective mods, of course) made this Christmas edition...


(6) ChAiNz



ACK!! :eek:wrong ChAiNz Chains CDR!!


There's another modder here at Holowan whose username is "Chains" (with an 's' not a 'Z') and it was his Gus Kenobi Saber Mod...


I've since changed my username last week to "ChAiNz.2da" in hopes we (Chains and myself) don't get ourselves confused ;) heheh


Just thought I'd let you know that it's Chains that gets the credit for his hardwork (and good mod BTW)....


(I've been lying low on modding for awhile...just playin' around with .2da 'support' till TSL is released for PC)

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Originally posted by CDRSeadog

Oh Good Heavens - I should have caught that - well - let me seee if I can at least correct the newspost:-)


hehe... no worries...it happens to the best of us ;)


What's scary is, I actually went to RPGDot to check and see what I had released. It wasn't until I saw the name of the mod when I realized..."Hey wait a minute, I didn't create anything this week...did I?" ... :lol::nut:


Thanks for keeping me on my toes ;)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

hehe... no worries...it happens to the best of us ;)


What's scary is, I actually went to RPGDot to check and see what I had released. It wasn't until I saw the name of the mod when I realized..."Hey wait a minute, I didn't create anything this week...did I?" ... :lol::nut:


Thanks for keeping me on my toes ;)


Actually you did ChAiNz.2da . You provided a merged .2da file for Xavier2's addition to the MECK project Here on page 2 :D


Being as your A unofficial Member of MECK you do that work and aren't getting the credit or giving it to yourself.:cool:

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Being as your A unofficial Member of MECK you do that work and aren't getting the credit or giving it to yourself.:cool:


Well yeah, but I like to think of it as Community Support rather than being part of the actual mod(s), but in [MECK]'s defense, Prime gave me 'glowing' reviews (credits) in his comments at pcgamemods and on his own website....that and Xavier2 has expressed his thanks many times over.


It's the least I could do for Holowan, now that I know enough to give back some of the massive support I received (and still do) when I first started modding :D I'm just glad I could help.


wow... that was over 2-1/2 months ago. Time flies when you're going senile :spin:

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Belated thanks for the mention a short while back, and again thanks for today’s mention. T7 and I had fun making the mods, we just wanted to add to the holiday spirit and give some people a laugh or two ;)

I wish you A very happy holiday as well CDRSeadog :noel:



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You are always welcomed, Svosh - as you know by now it is always my pleasure...and I hope that your Christmas celebrations were the best as well for yourself, and yours:-)


*chuckles@ChAiNz* Well, I still managed to get the correct "Chains" in my report after all - thanks to you for your astute observation.


Incidentally - I rather suspect KotOR mods here at the Holowan are on a small decline for awhile - at least (I suspect) until the release of the PC version of KotOR 2 (something I've pre-ordered myself)...nevertheless, I shall continue to check in from time to time to see if enough accumulative mods/mod tools/mod upgrades and/or mod news warrant a "Holowan Report"!!


Till next reporting - take care all!! And if I do not see (or mention in a report) any of you beforehand - I wish you all a Happy (and safe) New Year.

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Originally posted by CDRSeadog

I did note that the KotOR "Mod of the Week" seems to have (perhaps) changed to the "Mod of the Month"???

Hehe :D The mod of the week page should be updated retroactively sometime this week. I've been quite busy on the TSL forums, watching for spoiler tags (and playing TSL ;) ) and t7 also has been busy.


In the meantime, you can enjoy our new seasonal screenshot: http://www.starwarsknights.com/view.php?screen=screenshots/Xmas_wishes.jpg :D


Thanks again for all what you do for modders :)

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NP, lady Darth333 - I had read somewhere else that you were quite busy with TSL - even though I just recently invested in an Xbox (and a whole bunch of games as well), and am investing in a PS2 after the New Year (and a whole bunch of games as well - after I buy my CIC a new car, that is:-)...


I'm awaiting the PC version of TSL - both for the better playing pleasure, and for the modding.


BTW - reason I mentioned the Xbox & PS2 was simply my way of saying I'm expanding my game reporting horizons by trying to develope some skill in systems whose RPG games we report on anyway.


Ummm - and I did like the screenie:-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK - another edition of my Holowan Laboratories report is out today, and the following mods (with their respective mod creators, of course) were featured:


(1) tk-102


(2) Xavier2 and team/Darkender


(3) Aolas (w/Svosh & ChAiNz)


(4) Sith_Master2000


(5) Shaggoth


(6) djk1


(7) TemporaryTomato


(8) T7nowhere (Thanks to Darkender for pointing this out - I was able to edit my report to include this:-)


If I've missed anything/anyone - do be kind enough to let me know:-)

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