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Cantina 13: Rebellion


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*Black and White take several blows. They're pushed back to a wall where they are holding them selves up.


They didn't put up much of a struggle. Black just looks at Soephe with a smile.


Suddenly the lights from the building flicker then shut off, a terminal's monitor flickers as well, then strange cryptic pictures flash on them.*


Black *Standing* "Heheheheh. You're such a fool Sophae, even in death."


*Black and white change into a myst form of energy and a third one ackompanies them, and reforms F. Irvine, holding the data disk, with a wide smile.


He then swings his arm at the 'dead jedi' and they vanish, other then Sophae.*


F. Irvine "They kept you and your pathetic Jedi occupied while I finished my plan. You're trick could have been easily revoked, anytime."

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Cracken: Yes, Starr, a matter we'll have to look into when i see Rwos again.


*Cracken turned* We're done here, *he waved his hand, and Luthen seemed to "wake up". He continued out, Starr following, and the cell doors slam shut*


Time Jump: 2 days


*Cracken sat in the commanders chair on board the Executor. Holovid displays feed him information on ground troops, reservers, fighter squadrons, and his fleet's status. All indicators showed green. Earlier, he gave his son control of a battalion landing planet side, to destroy a garrison withig the capital city itself, stunting resistance after the fighting from gurilla forces. That battalin was highlighted, as was the 128th TIE Defender Squadron. They were tasked with destroying any and all fighter opposition, in conjunction with the dozens of other squadrons.


Overkill came up in the finalization briefing, but alas, Cracken insited with extreme forcefulness it was needed. over 9/10th of the total Imperial Fleet were participating, many just to ensure no ships escape during the fighting. others to supress Reletha's other fleets from interfereing with the main battle, should they arrive.*


Cracken: Initiate hyperspace, destination, Kuat.


Tojo: At once, my Lord.


*Tojo gave the signal, and the entire armada leaped into Hyperspace........


Kuat was a busy place, always was. As one of the single largest shipyards in the galaxy, it had orders coming in fro all over, most of them government orders for military ships. Relentha's rule didn't slow this down.


However, the sight of the massive Imperial Armada certainly gave pause to many a worker, who simply were in awe. The commuication jammer quickly got to work, cutting off Kuat from the rest of the Galaxy. Interdicter Cruisers moved to the skirts of he orbit around the planet, firing up Hyperspace inhibitors.


Nothing was going to leave the system.


All at once, Ion cannon fire spewed forth from the Imperial Armada, striking down shipyards, turrets, communications arrays. Fighters poured from the bellies of all the STar Destroyers, many heading for the surface. Drops ships contating countless battalions raced to the surface, bombers and Interceptors escorting. The Vengence, Executor, and Titan released thier fighters, all pouring forth like a tidal wave of Imperial might.


Cracken smiled, this battle would soon be over, and Kuat would again be apart of the Empire.*

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F. Irvine "From whom? Flax? Bah! I need nothing from him, I have a date with destiny awaits me. Farewell..."


*F. Irvine takes a step and turns and vanishes.


The remaining Drone, grabs his head, and appears to have great pain. Seconds later, his head explodes, and his body falls limp onto the duracrete.*




SSD Lucifer: Havok's friend's quaters


*The little red headed child was taking a nap in his bed. Then suddenly he gets up and flashes of energy around him appear. His eyes turn white as his body dissovles into pure energy and reforms back into a new body...


...F. Irvine's.


Regaurdless of the transformation, he'd kept his same appearence from when he was on Obroa-Saki. He exits the quarters, then pauses just before he leaves the door. He then looks back onto the bed, the child was suddenly there again, sleeping like nothing had happened, he continues his way to the bridge with a smirk on his face.*

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Deac: Is he gone?


Syrnl: Yes...and so are they


*Rishtag gasps*


Rishtag: So...you slaughter us all. We'll be waiting for you....Syrnl...you can't outrun your eternal damnation.


*Syrnl sabers Rishtag in the chest*


Syrnl: But your eternity will be longer than mine.


*Syrnl gasps*


Syrnl: This is it...Deac...


*Deac takes Syrnl's hand*


Deac: Be at peace. I guess maybe you deserve that now...brother.


*Syrnl breathes his last. His body does not fade away as many jedi or sith had done, perhaps because he was not meant to, or perhaps due to the artificial nature of his powers. Deac takes the body and prepares to walk away*


EDIT[ For those re-reading]- To find out Syrnl's Fate: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=133872&page=40&pp=20

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((OOS: Okay, officially, everyone just assume that what's going on at Coruscant is in sync with the most current time frame. XD [Cracken's right now, I believe.]))


Coruscant Underlevels


*Duncan steps around the ledge and disappears.*


Blade: *on comm* Sai, unidentified life signs approaching fast.


Slythe: Guessing they're not here to have a nice chat.


*From several doors on the other side of the cavern, growling furry humanoids with bestial features emerge, carrying huge, metal weapons. Gilian extends her arm-blade*


Gilian: Enough of this. You go ahead, I'll take care of Duncan.


Nereli: No, Gilian, you come with me. Slythe, Lady Akaver, Shane, you come as well. Rwos, Mazk, Raschel, Ida, Orion, deal with these creatures. Capture this Duncan if you can. If you cannot then rejoin us as soon as possible.


*Nereli leaps atop another level of ledges. Slythe, Akaver and Shane follow. After a moment, so does Gilian.


Raschel ignites both yellow blades of her double-ended lightsword. The air warps around her as she mentally casts a spell, and then she runs at full magic-enhanced speed towards the attacking group. Mazk charges after, swinging her now-glowing warhammer into a readied position. Rwos and Ida follow quickly.


Orion leaps to a ledge slightly higher than the level of the others, notches several glowing arrows into her bow, and fires them at the bestial humanoids unfortunate enough to attempt to follow Nereli and the others. They fall roaring into the great abyss off the walkway edge*




Coruscant Space


Holo-Aren: *as Kioet's shields absorb a hail of turbolaser fire* Evade! Attack the ship's vulnerable spots.

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*Greer sent the pictures to be scanned through cameras to find anyone caught with similar faces.*

Greer: All right, I guess that is all. I may be back to ask more questions.

*Greer left the room and called Flax*

Greer: I forgot to mention this, but while on Corusant I managed to get someone to capture my replacement. I'm wondering if we can get them to drop him off here. They also may be able to help with the assasin problem we currently have.

((And yes, I'm doing this for the dilema the assasins will have between betraying Greer or taking the contract for Flax.))

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*Flax picks up hsi comlink.*


Flax: We'll be reverting in about 36 hours to do a course re-alignment and check we haven't lost anyone. You can make the call then.


I'm headed down to the foward rec-room on deck C-12 right now, meet me there and we can talk about this little encounter you had.


Should I call Sellenna and have her meet us there?

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((oh yeah, deac: if you want to do anything with Stormbaltz or malice now, pls do so ^_^


cus i need to get them all up to speed ont he time skip))


Independence: Rec Room


*In the far corner a small crowd were watching a tech and an engineer are playing a game of Sabbac. The the tech sat with his back away from the bar, and was embarassingly losing. The engineer sat there with his cap on, he was looking down at the table, so the brim of his hat obscured his face.*

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((JM: he left.


Deac: Very well then... check PM before you reply tho :)))


SSD Luficer


*F. Irvine enters the bridge, to the surprise to everyone not knowing that F. Irvine came back, they quickly stand at attention.


He casualy sits down in the commander's seat, then he raises his hand telling everyone to 'at ease'.*


F. Irvine "Stormbaltz. there should be at least ten to fifteen habited systems either directly or almost between here and Coruscant. Plot your course."

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SSD Lucifer


Stormbaltz: Coruscant, sir? *He then decides now is not the time to argue* Very well. Any targets in particular along the way?


[Note: Stormbaltz has no idea that Cracken is alive, or the F.Irvine is not the real Irvine]

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I DONT have "Another Guy"...


nor do I care, becuase I dont have time to think up a new character and make up a back ground for him, ask red how much detail that is....


In fact that transport from the assassin guild base went to Nar Shadda, maybe along the way THEY MADE A DETOUR!!))

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