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Cantina 13: Rebellion


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[bD: Yeah, let's say Deac and Kal made it in time]


Fleet, En Route To Coruscant


*Deac sits in his assigned quarters, thinking about his brother. An aide chimes at the door*


Deac: Yes?


Aide: Sir, your prescence is requested on the landing deck.


Landing Deck


*Deac arrives and is met by Drill Sergeant Gavor Dol'kosh, a bothan(


Gavor: Sir. I have your new orders *Hands Deac a sheet of paper*


Deac: I'm to command a company?


Gavor: Yes sir. Krayt Company, 87th Regiment. This company.

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*The Imperial Fleet appears over Coruscant, and began empting it's load of firepower down upon the defenses of the capital world. Fighters poured out of the mass of ships, and began fighting off the swarm of fighters that meet them.


The Vengence however, remained at full speed, headed directly for Coruscant. It made contact with the outer shields, and the engines continued to fire. Explosions ripped through the front decks, as the shield tried to repulse the massive ship. Soon enough, the outer shields overloaded, and failed. The Vengence suddenly accelerated, slamming into the Inner shield. It appeared to repluse the Super Star Destroyer, but the engines fired once again, blowing out power regulators along the ships engine lines, leaving an unrestricted amount of power to the engines.


The inner shield failed, and the populace watched in horror of the massive ship headed to the surface. Suddenly, the Vengence detonated, remotly controled by Admiral Korchev aboard the Executor. Debri flung itself out into orbit, and toward the planet, creating a bed of devastation around the blast zone.


Right behind the explosion, a shuttle and it's TIE Vulture and Defender escort. The shuttle touched down, about 4 blocks from the Imperial Palace. Cracken ran out, followed by Starr, Alysara, and Irvine. Cracken motioned forward, and began to make his way to the Imperial Palace...*

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Shadow Base, Tatooine


*A droid alerts Aren to an urgent message being sent her*


Message: This is Shadow base AA-23, location Ceradonia. We have been attacked. The Sleeper has arrived and gone. Base has been demolished along with most of the city.


*Aren curses*


Aren: We didn't get Cracken to him in time. I'll have to execute one of my scryers. *She calls in another Shadow* Do we have the status of the third Sleeper?


Shadow: Yes, Ms. Aren. We have confirmed he is en route to Coruscant, and should arrive within a few minutes. The second Sleeper is already there.


Aren: Good. See to it that there are no more surprises.

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Flax: We need someone to go the the Temple. If we don't deal with Reletha's Jedi they'll do carnage with our assault troops. I don't know how many of them are actually dark siders so if you can talk any round its worth a try.


Their leader is apparently my brother in law, Jammes Windrider. He's very strong in the Force and he uses a sabre staff. I'll join you as soon as the fighter combat dies down, if you can, try to leave Jammes to me, I always used to beat him in practice.


((I was thinking black with red piping for the "bad" Jedi.))


I'm sorry about your brother, Deac. The no alchohol edict doesn't come into force for another eight hours, you know. We should have a drink.

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((Deac: Well? Reletha? What is she doing? :D You're leaving Cracken and I stuck, and me with Scar's characters ;)


BD: Leave him there for the time being. Say he has an injury that's keeping him comatose or whatever even though Flax now knows he's not Tarsisian.


Will post once Deac does :D))

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Imperial Palace


Aide: My lady, Lord Cracken himself has landed?


*Reletha is visibly shocked*


Reletha: They're gone. The cult has vanished, and half the population of the planet is in uprising now that the invasion has begun. I'm ruined. It's over.

I'll deal with him.


*Reletha activates her double ended lightsaber and heads for the entrance*

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Coruscant Space


*Admiral Tojo surveyed the battlefield in space, his eyes looking over the holovid projections of fleet strength and losses. His second in command approaches*


Sir, should we order the Fade to de-cloack and begin engaging?


Tojo: No, keep them in reserve. The Clone's fleet would be cought much unaware of such a surprise, and Reletha's fleet should they arrive. Also, alert me as soon as the Rebels jump in. Send orders down through that the Rebels are not to be shot at at all.


Aye sir.


*The commander walked off, and barked the order to the communications officer, who speard the word like wildfire through the fleet. A Golan Defense platform exploded off of the port bow, rattleing the mighty war ship slightly.*


Coruscant Surface[/i]


*Cracken, Alysara, Irvine and Starr encountered little resistence making thier way to the Imperial Palace. Selveral people waved to the 4 "Liberators", even began to help clear the path for them. Convenient.


Soon, the Palace was before them. Cracken lenched his fists.


It is time to end this Reletha, you will not survive this day.....

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*At the edge of the system the Alliance Fleet drops out of hyperspace and deploys its fighters. Then the Fleet makes a micro jump and re-enters realspace of Coruscant.*


Ackbar: The battle has been joined!


We are under attack by Imperial Star Destroyers! Begin evasaive manuvers, launch the X-Wings fighters.


*All reserve squadrons are deployed as the Fleet cresent moon formation splits in half. Half attack the Golon Defence platforms and the shield which was now beggining to gcome back on line while the other half formed a screen against what remained remained of the seperatist fleet.*




*As Cracken approaches the Palace four men and two women come into view, all of them wear a black varient of the Jedi robes and black cloaks. As they move nearer they cast off their cloaks. Five of them activate lightsabres, the sixth withdraws a sabre staff and activates it.*


Jammes: You will go no further, Sith Lord.

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The Skies Above Coruscant


*A Bulk Transport hovers over a tall building close to the palace*


Pilot: Sorry commander...this is as close as I can get!


Deac: Don't worry about it. Get yourself back in the air.


*He calls back to the company*



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*The twenty Jedi with Deac and first onto the ground, forming a protective ring around the other soldiers as they decend.*


*Overhead Blue leader breaks the sound barrier and banks to lose the trio of Intercepters on his tail. The X-Wing decends into the lower levels then somehow manages to loop back around without being noticed and a torpedo soon deals with the TIE Flight.*


Flax: I've still got it! *Activates comm.* Alright Blue Group, we have bombers coming in from the west, three flight stay here, everyone else, follow my lead.


*Eight X-Wings peal off and head west toward the bombers.*

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Coruscant Skies


*Makon Jil pilots his X-Wing toward an oncoming group of TIE Fighters*


Makon: 5,6 Form with me. The rest of you break off and try to outflank them.


*Several light fighters appear in formation*


Makon: Here comes the resistance!




Coruscant, Former NRI Building


*Deac and the Marines bust into the main concourse, and the battle begins*


Stormtrooper: JEDI! Fall back!

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Entrance to the Imperial Palace


Cracken: Honestly, no manners in young people these days....


*Cracken focused, bringing his new sleeper powers to bear, and raises his hand. A blast of white energy left his hands, slamming into his foes. He ignighted his Lightfoil, and this party did the same, in case they actually lived.*


Coruscant Space: SSD Executor


Sensor's officer: Sir, the Rebel fleet has arrived!


Tojo: very well, transmit them our IFF codes at once, and ask in kind. Have the bombers reached the shield generators for the planetary shield?


No sir, they are closing, ETA is 10 minutes.


Tojo: The shield will be up in less, Tell them to move faster!

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*A flight of K-Wing bombers tear through the atmosphere, causing targeted devestation with cluster munitions, heading for the primary shield relay they drop heavy proton bombs, destroying the connectors without damaging the generators themselves.*




Palace entrance


*Three of the Jedi are dead, two are down and out of the battle, the sixth rises, unharmed.*












Jammes: Young? We are of an age, Lord Palpatine.




NRI Headquarters


Marine: SIR! Dark Troopers!


*Four Dark Troopers berst into the hallway, assault cannons thumping.*

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Palace Entrance


*Cracken looked at the young Jedi with amusement. He nodded, and motioned his party to continue forward.


Then he dissapeared. White whisps formed and dissapaited where he once was.



And a small 'Bamph' noise came from behind the Jedi, as Cracken appeared midair, and swung his leg out to kick the Jedi in the gut, sending him flying into a wall.*


Cracken: Run! Find Reletha!


*Alysara nodded, and she darted in the building, enchanced by the Force.*


Dark Side of Coruscant

*A squadron of TIE Vultures crossed the terminator line, with Seperatist fighters in close pursuit. They dodged and weaved through the compicated city scape, Laser fire streaked across the city blocks, scorching skyscrapers and resturants alike as the Seperatists tried to shoot down the TIE Vultures.


Suddenly, they saw thier target. The inner shield generator. Thier communicators buzzed.*


((OOS: Assuming Coruscants shield system has redunencies.....))


Fleet Command: Destroy the relays to the inner shield Generator. do not harm the generator itself.


Sigma One: Roger command. You heard him boys, light up the relays.


*They selected the three targetting relays around the generator. suddenly, the AA batteries opened up on the approaching force, wiping out 3 TIE Vultures.*


Sigma One: Full front on shields, evasive, hit those relays and let's get the hell outta here!


*The TIE's climbed, and then dived, releaseing bombs on thier targets. direct hits, each relay was destroyed in turn.


2 more TIE's went down because of heavy AA fire, as the TIE's raced back to the terminator line, dodging AA and fighter fire the entire way.....*

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((Deac: Could you do me a favor and PM me what Scar told you he had planned for Stormbaltz, Malice, etc? I have a rough idea but I want to make sure of it :D))


Coruscant, Palace Entrance


*Starr and Irvine ignite their sabers. Starr runs after Alysara, past Jammes and Cracken into the palace. Irvine hesitates, staring at his father*




Coruscant Space, Lucifer


*F. Irvine stands in front of the main viewport of the ship's bridge, staring in the direction of the planet's surface, watching the distant explosions.


His eyes begin flickering. Yellow, then black*


F. Irvine: Enough of this. Get me a shuttle.




Coruscant Underlevels


*Five Blades, a vampire, a gargoyle, an elf, and a humanoid with fire for hair following a dark elf, run across what might have once been the top of a factory structure, several millennia ago. Finally they reach a wall*


Blade: *on Nereli's communicator* Forty-five degrees southeast, seventeen feet down.


*Nereli runs his fingers along the wall, then the floor*


Shane: I suppose they can't just plot us a teleporter-path through?


Blade: *on comm* Sorry. We're not equipped to do that in enough time to---


Shane: We know. Thank you for informing us again.


Nereli: Slythe?


*The elf with the wild hair grins*


Slythe: Yes?


Nereli: We need a path. Create one.

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SSD Lucifer, Bridge


*As F.Irvine's shuttle departs, Stormbaltz recieves a message*


Comm: Sir! We're recieving a message from SSD Executor. They tell us that Irvine Cracken has been on the past surface for some time now.


Stormbaltz: Impossible!


Comm: Sir! We had an imposter! Lord Cracken is in charge of the Empire now!


Stormbaltz: So...the fool was a traitor after all. *He smiles*. Transmit our IFF Codes to the Executor and begin targeting Rebel ships.


Comm: Sir! The rebels are on our side!


Stormbaltz: I see a lot's happened while we've been asleep. Tell the Executor to give us some targeting information then.



Imperial Palace, Throne Room


*Reletha stands, watching the city burn with her lightsaber activated*




NRI Headquarters


Deac: Take cover!


*Deac thinks back to when he used to fight these things back on Tatooine. He then throws his lightsaber at a light fixture, causing sparks to rain down on the darktrooper.*


Deac: Fire now!


*He pops up and fires while the sparks confuse the Darktrooper's thermal imaging*

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*The Independance II recieves the request for IFF codes.*


Tech: Admiral, we've recieved a request for our IFF codes from the loyalist Imperials.


Admiral Thran: Transmit the codes.




*Blue Squadron continue to destroy seperatist fighters. Flax pulls a barral role to evade another blast of laser fire, just before blue two politely vapes the offending TIE.*


Blue Two: You're clear, One.


Flax: Thanks, Two. I owe you a cold one.


Control: Blue Squad, your sector is clean, return to base for reload and re-assignment.


Flax: Copy that. Blue Two, you have the command, I have something to take care of.


Two: Affirmative, good luck, Blue Leader.


*Eleven X-Wings peel off while one heads towards the palace.*




*Jammes does not hit the wall hard, he lands crouched and stands.*


Jammes: They said you were powerful but I've had far worse from my brother in law, didn't he kill you once?



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Palace Entrance


Cracken: Yes... yes he did.... i see, the features, the walk, that cocky tone....


*Cracken stood defiant against the Jedi.*


And you must know now there has been a great change in myself, young one. Let me past, and I will end this bloody war once and for all. *Cracken narrowed his eyes* You cannot win this fight.


Coruscant Space


Comm Officer: Recieved Rebel IFF codes. Retransmitting to the rest of the fleet.... Sir, we're getting a message from the Lucifer.... They want to re-join the Empire!


*Tojo mussed*


Tojo: I cannot grant that request, that would be up to the Emperor, and he is not here. Tell them to power down thier shields, and surrendur, we shall deal with them after the battle.

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