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Reign Of The Sith Mod Is Out

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I am going to set this out on the table right now.


Please do not PM or post to me how much you think the video sucks. As i have already said, the video quality HAD to be lowered to prevent the video of reaching a half a gig. And that will take for 1 10 hours to upload and 2 days to download if you dont have dsl.


Please understand this, and the people who contacted me to tell me to fix it you know who you are, stop because i wont.


Unlease Darth333 knows of a way to make it 1078/740 without it taking up that much space.

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YAY!!!! I FIXED IT, I just had to use Windows Movie Maker to do the editing instead of Comista Stuidio and now it is only 32 megs, it will take a while to upload but now you get quality and speed!!!!!




I think it is time for another woot woot.


BTW: Kampher, im going to need your email addres so i can send you Darth malign's script.:D

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Ok the mod is done, I am now opening a window.

Darth333 I need your help on one of the dialogues i NEED the camera to be viewing the entire crowd for the reply. The camera is looking at my guy when i hit the reply and all you see is him move forward and the sound of lightning when he hurls lightning at the guy.


And Kampher, I have still gotten no reply from you, if i do not get one in the next 2 hours I will release the mod with the voiceovers for your part done by someone else.


This is a two hour window so any info you want me to add to my mod or things you want to say before i upload it say them now, the same goes for your help darth333.


Please hurry.

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Originally posted by Gsccc

This is a two hour window so any info you want me to add to my mod or things you want to say before i upload it say them now, the same goes for your help darth333.


Please hurry.


Gsccc you have to remember that it is like 6:20 or so AM right now where Darth333 is and she is probably getting some needed sleep, you should probably allow for a longer window than 2 hours for these people to be able to get back to you.


Sorry for intruding Gsccc, I just thought it needed to be pointed out.

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Darth Dex: you will notice that your post along with "the picture" have been deleted. You know the rules of this forum, even if you haven't read Prime's sticky you certainly remember "that other" locked thread in another section of this forum. I'll repeat it once again: this is a family forum so I don't want to see any more stuff like that. Consider this as a serious warning



Originally posted by Gsccc

Ok the mod is done, I am now opening a window.

Darth333 I need your help on one of the dialogues i NEED the camera to be viewing the entire crowd for the reply. The camera is looking at my guy when i hit the reply and all you see is him move forward and the sound of lightning when he hurls lightning at the guy.


Is it still too late for an answer? You could strategically place an invisible placeable behind the crowd and set a dialog with that placeable so you can orient the camera towards that placeable. Place the lightning script on the invisible placeable dialog entry.


And again, I am asking you to diminish the amount of double and triple posts gsccc, there is an edit function you can use.

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Originally posted by En liten mus

YOU ARE A GINIUS, I LOVED IT; AWSOME;SPLENDID....there is no words for your greatness......Awsome just great job...


En, im afraid its YOU TWO are Genius'


Remember that it was Gsccc and Yoko, with out either of them this mod would've become another galaxy forge (Thank god for you two :p)


i've DL'ed it and will begin to try it soon :D:D:D



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And i apologise for that yoko but i have not heard that mutch....i have only talked to gscc and he had mentiond it i bleive and i apologise again yoko, it must have sliped my mind.


Thx matt


tho you two could chanche some things like remove all extra dorrs and sutch. i went accidently into the forec firld in the sewers and had to do everything over. then the starboard section i did the same thing...it gets annoying :D:D :D :D

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this mod is freakin' EXCELLENT! im only just inside the Aurora Factory rite now but so far its GREAT! only a few bugs...u mispelled "soldires", the "soldires" outside the correlia building dont talk right, u mispelled "cansel", and the traitor doesnt have voice on the leviathan. other than that the thing is abso-f**king-lutely terrific! Manaan is perfect in terms of difficulty, correlia has a good storyline, sleyheron is very well done. One BIG thing bothered me...i didnt realize that you included ur sabermod...i overwrote all my ubercool custom sabers...thnx...thnx alot...its my fault i suppose but u really should warn ppl about that in the readme...o and Gscc...thnx for the mission "skin"...thnx a hell of alot.

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what? OH ****!!!!! Im sorry none of that stuff was supposed to be there Im fixing this RIGHT NOW!


Im sorry you guys i ruined a good thing, everything that is in that mod is everything that I everdownloaded. I was fast and didnt take the time to think and i really ****ed it up this time. Sorry if I dissapointed you all.

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