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To Website Support Staff:

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I noticed over the weekend that several 'bugs' were being worked out. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still noticing a bug. The 3 locked threads about a half a page down I've already seen, and nothing new has happened to them but they come up as something new i should look at.

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I noticed that too. yesterday I kept getting the "cant post twice in 30secs" error message, every time I tried to post :( It seems fixed now. Also, I noticed that some of the 'last post by' names were incorrect, as when I went into different threads to look at a persons post, it wasnt there :(


I think one possible explanation may be that in building his barn, Rhett may have built it over an old cemetery and now LF is haunted by these angry spectres :p



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Originally posted by TiE 23

The internet if melting down!!! :eek:




[Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch]....aarg...I'm meeelting!.....I'm meeelting...aaarg....gurgle......[/Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch]


things seem to be gradually arighting themselves... It seems the internet breaks down too, just like my car *kicks car* :p



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I usually enjoy using the lucasarts forum but I have a complaint about one of the monkey Island moderators called Joshi.


Monkeys Island Forum

Post subject; Redo M1 and M2?


No freaking 'Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood' was published, jackass!


He offended me with his mild but abusive language.

I hope you can deal with Joshi strictly because he is constantly picking on people for their grammer and being aggressive towards them and sucessfully upsets them. I do not want other people to get upset by him aswell.


I thought the Monkey Island Forum is for fans to have fun and talk politely about Monkeys Island games well im not laugthing. I am going to leave this website because of him and inform my freinds to do so aswell.

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Re: My Apology


Okay, I'll admit, I've been a bit abrasive towards you of late and I have told Thrik and am now telling you, that it won't happen again. To anyone.


I am not apologising because I want you to stay and am apologising so you don't tell your friends not to come here. I'm apologising because I was wrong and should not have acted in that way. It was wrong of me to call you a jackass or use abusive language in such a way as to offend you and again, I apoliogise. I hope we can put this behind us and if you choose to stay here under my promise that I will not try to abuse you in this way again, then I hope we an get along.



Neil Joshi


Apology accepted Joshi however if you bad word me or any of my friends on here again I will leave this website and inform my friends to do so as well. At the end of the day this place has always been second best because our favourite place is the Scumm Bar.


Kind regards

Largo LaGrande:largo:

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Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

Actually RayJones your wrong I am extremely polite so get off my case.

look man, the thing is, if you don't like it here, then leave. We don't really care, it just means one less person bitching about trivial things (bitching is another term for complaining, so don't spout flame on that)
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actually i "know" joshi for quite some time, i observed and stalked him, and i tell you he is a nice one. sure, i cant say if he's a psychic killer in real life, but the internet joshi is ok. having followed the "story" you talk about i can say you took things wrong, maybe because joshi undoubtedly was laxing around, but definitly without intention to do harm, because joshi doesnt works that way.

concerning the jackass-affair, i'll state "only" this: i wonder how even a patient man like joshi needed this long to end up like this. maybe i would not have said such thing, but i smoke 20 bl*nts a day and joshi doesnt. no i dont really do, but the point is you have any right to be here, but you are a very special person and i am glad i managed not getting involved in this and some other threads, because if i then i would have to smoke 20 a day because y'know.. you got joshi to say jackass. it would have been a big honor to me.

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look man, the thing is, if you don't like it here, then leave. We don't really care, it just means one less person bitching about trivial things (bitching is another term for complaining, so don't spout flame on that)

InsaneSith you are the only person doing the bitching here all I have done is post a complaint to the to Website Support Staff because one of their Moderators was very abusive to me. Thirk sorted it out and like he said " Nothing like this should happen again". It has now been delt with end of story.


RayJones with out being rude I could not care less about your views on Joshi you like him you observed and stalked him good for you.


This is not the first time Joshi has upset people its happend on many occasions not just to myself but to a lot of others some off who are my friends. The complaint I posted was my first offical complaint on this forum. Me and my freinds put up with his constant anoying and toataly irrellavent grammer bantter that I surppose is acceptable. I will not accept being called abusive names bye him or anyone because the way I see it we are here to have fun and talk about Monkeys Island ect being horrible to people is not fun.


RayJones the answer to your question maybe the patient man Joshi has been on the computer for too long and has forgotten good manners. In that case he should get out more because the people in the outside world are the same people who use this forum. The only diffrence is, Talking that way to people on a computer you get away with it but talking that way to people in person you wouldnt. My suggestion turn of the computer and go to sleep.


Look guys Thirk sorted the problem out and I am happy with that End of story.



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