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yes, but how many movies do you see where noone knows they're being made, and noone knows its not fact?

Originally posted by Kurgan

It's like those who claim the moon landings were fake. It would see more expensive and difficult to FAKE the landings than to do them for real. And if it was impossible, why even bother? Our enemies would be quick to point out our lies.

-from the senate chambers discussion on flight 77

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I actually saw a program on the moon landing and they disproved all of the "legitimate fakes"


For instance, the whole thing with brightness and no stars is because the photos that were taken were exposed a little bit so you could actually see what was in the pictures. Thats why the stars are gone.

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Let me just bring up another point here. Everybody knows that the sun emmits radiation from the fast-moving electrons in it's light. And it should also be known that there is no known metal on earth, natural or artificial, that can stand against that radiation without vaporizing. If there was, then the theories of fusion and matter-anti-matter would be easily accomplishable as there would be metal stong enough to contain the cataclysmic explosions that the reactions vent out. So here's my question...... How could anybody build a ship that can resist the suns UV radiation when there is nothing strong enough to resist it on Earth anyway? Hell, both China's and Russia's space program has openly said that they would never send anybody into space for as long as the Apollo crew was with the technology they possessed.

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Originally posted by DarthDurp

Everybody knows that the sun emmits radiation from the fast-moving electrons in it's light. And it should also be known that there is no known metal on earth, natural or artificial, that can stand against that radiation without vaporizing.


I think you should pay more attention in science classes. Or actually read something.


While the danger of cosmic radiation is real, there is no danger of "vaporization" of our spacecraft or astronauts. The more time spent in space, the increased likelihood of shortening their lives or developing cancers in the future.

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