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Lucasfilm confirms Star War TV show


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Yesterday TFN was up in Los Angeles for the DVD press day sponsored by Lucasfilm and Fox Home Entertainment. We are pleased to announce that Lucasfilm confirmed officially a Star Wars television show coming in the future. They didn't comment on setting (post-Episode III or post-Episode VI we would guess)or release schedule (we expect Fall 2006). Either way - this is coming for sure!




one rumour suggests it will be about Darth Vader post Ep III


it's unknown if it will be live action, 'old school' animation or CGI

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anything involving the main characters will flop (i just dont believe they could get the proper actors to do it and the fans wouldnte accept anybody else).


so our only hope for a success here is to have a sw based story that doesnt follow anybody we've known too well. a dash rendar story tv series or a boba fett one would kick some serious arse. i think the chiss stuff is a bit too high brow for most of primetime tv but id be happy anyways.

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It Could be an animated cartoon about Han Solo Bfore he met Luke and Obi-wan! the life of a smugler and a wookie! he gets chased by Boba fett and Jabba the Hutt and all Kinds of thugs!


Or it could be about after the battle of endor! Ive always wanted to see what Jaina and jacen solo were like!


How about one episode where the time travel to the prequil movies!


One episode where they land the milinium falcon on earth during 1944! han solo can fight indiana jones! (that IS possible ,for Luca$ owns Jones too!)

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I think it will be CG :D There have always been rumours about SOTE era hapennings. But I would like see a totally new area of the SW universe, even if its not part of the existing EU. Who knows ??? I hope GL will be involved, because, as much as we love/hate him, its not SW without him.....


and sabre, CW was damn cool. Sure the animation seemed a bit weird initially, but you get used to it pretty quickly :D Great characters too :D



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Animated - Eventhough I'm an anime fan I still recognise the fact that a lot of ppl see anything animated as kiddy.


Completely CG - Bleah, overused, really. A complete CG work is hard to do with a TV show, well it CAN be done... but they'll have to cut plenty of corners to get everything done on time.


Live-action - The best way to go for the most obvious reasons :XD:

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Is there anyone here who thinks a TV series is a mistake. I for one of course would like to see the SW story line continued with new material, but having a tv series is one thing i dont really want to see.


Having SW just in movie format is always been one thing that sperated SW from Star Trek. To me i never liked star trek becuase they made a new movie like every year and they had a tv series.


Maybe its just me, but I think theres more respect for the Star Wars series as a whole without throwing it up on tv.

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Is there anyone here who thinks a TV series is a mistake

UH...yeah. I'm scared it's going to turn into another Star Trek: Enterprise and be the downfall of all that is sacred in Star Wars.


Star Trek used to be kind of cool, but now it's so full in contradictions and errors. I would hate to see that happen to Star Wars.

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

Animated - Eventhough I'm an anime fan I still recognise the fact that a lot of ppl see anything animated as kiddy.

True. But I would love to see something that looked as good as the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone COmplex TV series. But I doubt we would get that with an American studio.


Originally posted by Lynk Former

Completely CG - Bleah, overused, really. A complete CG work is hard to do with a TV show, well it CAN be done... but they'll have to cut plenty of corners to get everything done on time.

I'm pretty leary about something like this. Just about every CG TV show that has hit the states sucked ass.


I think live action is the way to go. And actually, I hope it is not about Jedi...


A good idea would be to tell various stories from the universe or portray the events in the EU.
If Lucas is involved, you can be sure that he will ignore the EU outright. Actually, this series may send the current EU in the Infinities timeline...
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True. But I would love to see something that looked as good as the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone COmplex TV series. But I doubt we would get that with an American studio.

Didn't Lucas by into some Singapore animation companies recently? I can't remember if that's true or I just dreamt that up lol.


edit: whoops, sorry about that prime... i was supposed to edit this post but i accidentally editted your post x.x don't worry i reverted your post to how it was.

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Lynk Former, I still haven't gotten any SW contradictions from you.



I hope GL doesn't discredit the EU entirely. Most of the EU I don't give a rats @$$ about (Yushung Vong or whatever the crap their called, Anakin Solo, etc...). However I would hope that he would hold on to characters like Mara Jade....IF he even plans on putting the plot into that timeline.


Honestly I'm scared to death that it's going to be another ST:Enterprise. ST:Enterprise has taken away any final shred of dignity and decency from Star Trek. It's too late for Star Trek now. He's dead Jim!.


I seem to remember GL saying that he never wanted to make a TV show because he didn't want it to turn into another Star Trek. I could have sworn he said it in From Star Wars To Jedi, but I will have to check.


I hope that this project is one that gets canned after the pilot episode. I would just hate to see Star Trek things happening, like a human falling in love with Chewbacca and exploring their feelings together (Makin' Wookie??)


Anyone else feel the way I do?

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I'm sorry but I'm going to need more than one word.


I don't see how Midichlorians compromise the story at all. In the original trilogy the Force was treated as a mystical energy field that exists in all living things. In TPM they basically said the same thing, but then gave a biological reason for it, rather than the artsie fartsie karma crap. Not a contradiction, an improvement.


In ROTJ Kenobi said that when he met Anakin he couldn't believe how powerful the force was in him. In TPM he says how Anakin has a midichlorian count of over 20,000 (whatever that means) which is far higher than any jedi.


All living things have things have midicholorians. In order to have force sensitive potential, you have to have over a certain amount (7000 unoffially).

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Well I'm a bit out of the loop with the SW universe right now since I'm not an avid fan anymore but just like anything else fans do find contradictions in things. In Star Wars there are contradictions, many, most of them are due to the movies fighting against the reality of the EU sources but since the news of the TV show has come up they're obviously not gonna be making a TV series version of the movies now are they. There's already a set lore with EU stuff and a lot of EU stuff is very well accepted which just can't be dismissed since so many ppl see it as "the right timeline"... you get me now? Just cause all the sources of info aren't from TV, movies doesn't mean it's not as bad as Star Trek... which I have no idea if that is contradictory or not cause I don't watch Star Trek XD

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Oh well if you include the EU, then yes there are tons of points of contradiction. Baically the rule with EU is that it can exist unless GL overwrites it. For example, C-3PO was originally created by Cybot Galactica, a company that specializes in Protocol Droids. Of course now we all know that Anakin made him on Tatooine. As well, according to EU lore, the Death Star was devised and designed by Grand Moff Tarkin and Bevel Lemelisk. However now we learn that it was REALLY designed and devised by the seperatists in prequel era.


Lots of stuff like that if you include the EU. I like to think of the EU as secondary canon, whereas whatever GL says is true canon.


As far as I can tell, GL canon does not contradict.

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