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Vote for a simultaneous KOTOR 2 release!

Elite Jedi

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Afterall, there is plenty to do in the meantime - swbattlefront just got out -. You can also get away from your computer and go play outdoors - you will be in better health than those xboxers :p .


We cannot change anything to this. The only solution would be to buy Microsoft, redo the contract to release the xbox version in February and deal with plenty of angry xbox users :D

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What would be the point of rushing the game any Futher, or is the intent to make Xbox fans wait longer. At any rate I would not not want the PC release date rushed to acompany the xbox release.


But it would be fun to see LA push the release date of the xbox version back to Febuary ;) Besides it's only 5 months. :rolleyes:

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I think I'll spend my two months wait trying to hack into the X-box version I will buy and convert it to PC:evil3:


After all, why not? All the X-box is is a hulking PC on its side with Controlers and a big X on it:p



I resent the X-box;)


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