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PC Patch Wishlist

Elite Jedi

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Sniper should definetly reload slower. As seen in the gameplay videos it can shoot quite fast and with a little training I can see it become very used class on this type outdoor games.


Generally adding more health points for every unit since it's harder to shoot with X-box or PS2 controllers. In mouse you can wipe out nearly any player with millisecconds. Having more time to react would definetly make the game better. It would promote advancing instead of camping.


Make the vehicles do less damage! So far what I've seen is one dude grabs a tank and then blasts the whole enemy team to hell even if he didn't exactly hit them well. I do agree that vehicles should be powerful, that's why they have the massive health, but vehicles should also be about test of skill. There isn't much skill required in hitting laser cannon on the ground and everyone 15 meters near it die instantly :p .


These are all based on the gameplay videos as I haven't played the game. BUT after reading IGN review and seeing all the gameplay videos posted I believe these are going to be the major balance issues

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I've played the game a bunch, and I have some thoughts:


Blaster sounds: Need to be beefier when fired from a rifle, pistol sounds more powerful?


AI needs a boost, when you say "hop in!" they should do so.


Put health and ammo at the bottom of the screen, its very unnatural where it is now.


When you run out of one type of grenade have it auto switch to the other.


I feel the oppisite about health, I want less health. 2 blaster shots to the chest should ice a sucker to promote team tactics and cooperation. Vehicles should keep current attributes, there's no way an AT-AT should not be able to kill a bunch of punk infantry.


More maps! (Jabba's palace, Inside the Death Star, Corasaunt (sp) ect)


I'm not sure If I noticed one way or the other so far, but I think the faces on the rebels stay the same no matter how many are on each class? Have a bunch, say 12 skins and randomize for players. (sorry if this is included, I mostly play imperial!)


Have an online ranking system for battles fought in (you go up in rank) And maybe a dark/light rating to see what side you play on most!


I notice when you get hit with an explosion and it pans to 3rd person, you roll all around, sometimes you actually survive as opposed to die. Make it more clear when you are NOT dead. Perhaps when you die the screen goes black and white?


Piggy backing on that there seems to be a delay in death messages, make them happen as soon as you bite it.


Crouching dosn't work well like in the Battlefield series. Make it more obvious when you are actually crouched, perhaps a small icon, because half the time I'm killed trying to crouch behind cover.


Nade physics. When a grenade hits the ground I find it rolls to far, when it hits the ground let it stay put, so it goes where you want it to.


Thats all for now!

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I think this game needs:


-4 factions to play as

-6 classes per faction

-cool vehicles like the ATAT and Xwing fighters

-objective based gameplay

-NPC Jedi that roam the battlefield in certain situations

-battlefields right from the movies like Endor, Hoth, or Naboo


I think if it had all that it would be a great game.

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Originally posted by JediCrow

I think this game needs:


-4 factions to play as

-6 classes per faction

-cool vehicles like the ATAT and Xwing fighters

-objective based gameplay

-NPC Jedi that roam the battlefield in certain situations

-battlefields right from the movies like Endor, Hoth, or Naboo


I think if it had all that it would be a great game.


They must have read your post, because those things are actually in-game now! :eek:

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the title says PC Patch. This doesn't mean playstation controller ;)


who knows it might be of any help to them?

Have an online ranking system for battles fought in (you go up in rank) And maybe a dark/light rating to see what side you play on most!

Is already there. Guess it will be launched after official release date (leader boards?)

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First of all, Just because YOU didn't play it yet, dosn't mean those who have can't state what they want in the first patch. It's a PC game, it will be patched. Thats what this thread is about, take your whining someplace else if you have some high-road elitest bullcrap to shove down other people's throats. These aren't complaints they are suggestions for the first patch. Every PC game gets this kind of attention (IE: What can be added/improved). You HAVE played a PC game before, right?


Alegis-Really? I havn't gone online with the game yet, I never saw anything about that so I assumed it was not covered. :)


I'd also love to see a few purley arial battles, dare I say the death star and maybe some sort of Bespin map? Maybe you can choose classes on those types of maps, like for instance the death star, as imperials you can choose to be tie fighters, tie interceptors or stationary gunners! as rebels you can pick X-Wing for the trenchrun objective, Y-wing for destroying turret objectives and A-Wing for anti-fighter objectives, like get those ties off the X-Wings!


It's already crazy to re-write the star wars saga, like yesterday I had the imperials win at Endor (which was awesome!) and the Rebels beat me at Hoth! It was intense! Imagine if you could jump in the seat of a TIE in the Death Star battle and take down the X-Wing just as it is about to destroy the mighty battlestation! The Imperials win the battle of the death star!




That's more of a late patch idea though, first patches usually only address bug issues and minor gameplay tweaks, the big stuff gets added later.


But hey, this IS a WISH-list, right? :)

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Like i said in the beginning, i didnt played it yet, but others could have already, so feel free to share your idea's on the patch


about its crazy to exactly follow the storyline in this type of game, i cant agree with you more, if the action was all scripted and imps would win hoth anyways there wont be anything fun in it :p

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Id like to see:


1 trade federation droid control ship map

2 n1 naboo starfighter (needed for tf map)

3 deathstar 1 and 2 map (flight

4 tie interceptor, tie defender, tie interdictor (realy heavy bomber)

5 a-wing

6 courscant map

7 more classes

8 mercenairy factions example jabbas thughs vas mandalorians

9 old old republic mode with like taris

10 kotor style kashyyyk with npc wookiee's

11 new faction's on naboo (gungans and naboo security)

12 correct coloring for the cis cause the pilot droid should be blue and security red and commander yellow

13 map jabba's palace like in the moviebattles mod for jedi academy

14 driveable at-xt


il think up more l8er

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Originally posted by Dragnarr

Make the vehicles do less damage! So far what I've seen is one dude grabs a tank and then blasts the whole enemy team to hell even if he didn't exactly hit them well. I do agree that vehicles should be powerful, that's why they have the massive health, but vehicles should also be about test of skill. There isn't much skill required in hitting laser cannon on the ground and everyone 15 meters near it die instantly :p .


No the solution is to make the vehicles a bit easier to destroy - they need some weak spots like the tanks have in BF, as it is now they seem like nothing but taxi cabs for potential spawn campers, some vehicles are too strongly armored on all sides. Also give the rocket/mine guy more/stronger rockets and more/better mines. In the limited time that I have used them the mines seem like a real PITA to use (end up blowing myself up over and over instead of the enemy, are these thing anti-personel only?).


Also anyone know if there are any console commands to put idiots spamming the team/game chat on ignore?

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having played the game a bit, i would like to see the following


* Make the maps a bit larger and spread out the control points a little more as they're really close together on some levels as in tatooine which makes for limited dog fights in the air.


* The weapons have no recoil when fired, thus it's a little too accurate when shooting, i would add some recoil to primary weapons, however i think the secondary blaster is fine the way it is.


* Editing tools, a must if they want this game's popularity to go on for a few years until they decide to release another game or an expansion.


* AI needs a bit of work. I would want my allies to go for the control points more as opposed to killing enemies. They are smarter than in battlefield vietnam though and they do actually follow your orders. Maybe an order to go for the nearest control point?


* I agree the crouch needs work. In first person, which is the preferred play style in my case, i can't tell whether i'm crouching or standing. So maybe make it more obvious as when crouched your view doesn't change much if at all.


That's pretty much it.

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